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Messages - Eternally_Faithful

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Alun bows his head respectfully thanking the librarians for their time, and turn heading out

Alun and Silas can be seen entering the Library, seeming curious but approach one of the librarians as he speaks in a hushed tone asking where he might find any information on local Druid circles outside of Butterflies local group, and how to contact them. (( Aka The Keepers of the Circle)).

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Journal of Alun and Silas Blackwater
« on: August 10, 2018, 11:50:15 am »
Phase two has been decided, though it will cost much in the way of gold. I am sure the Keep will approve the long term goal, a new Temple in Hadrian. In the eastern farms that the farmers and the children can retreat to if the undead or other things keep attacking. The house cost is fifteen thousand, though we intend to raise closer to fifty thousand to handle the house modifications to convert the first floor of the house to a full on temple to Selune, the second floor will be more for myself and my brother, a place to meditate and rest after missions. Then a dug out basement to act as a shelter in regards to a larger scale attack. The basement will have cots and blankets, a large stew pot, supplies and other necessities.

We will ask the keep to send a Cleric to be there more full time when me and my brother are out working for the better of the people, this will enable the people to seek medical help and comfort at any time without having to make a long trek in town and avoid perhaps some of the hustle and bustle if they are not comfortable in town. We are also going to do a bit of landscaping, rip down that old fence and plant trees, flowers and some other beautiful arrangements to make the site more welcoming.

With this, I think it will bring a great comfort to the people to know Selune is there and cares for their well being as well as perhaps raise the reputation of the Swords a bit as well. With these things in mind, our plan to go forward seems promising and I look forward to the work to put us there.

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Journal of Alun and Silas Blackwater
« on: August 08, 2018, 09:10:21 pm »
the page is stained with tears, as though the writer was weeping when writing this

Selune, how can people be so cruel as to murder innocent children, me and my brother had gone to the Shelf to try and offer services there and found a scared parent seeking aid, on entering we held hope against the odds that the children were safe, yet, as we walked through, we kept stumbling upon their poor forms, brother saw to their final rights as I wept over the four we found, promising your wrath upon them for what they had done. When we entered the final area we saw two more children dead, and one body so damaged we couldn't tell if it was an adult or a child. We brought your wrath upon him, sending him to your judgement for these poor children who didn't deserve this. I pray you bring these children and their families comfort, for I will spend a long time grieving for their losses, as will my brother I am sure.

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Journal of Alun and Silas Blackwater
« on: August 08, 2018, 12:29:27 pm »
We have arrived in a place called Hadrian, this land seems very strange in its customs, ideals and laws, but me and my brother work to cope. Upon arrival we were quickly met by a Knight Errant of the Swords named Raul which enabled us to join very swiftly as per Selunes direct orders. I wasn't even fully initiated as a Squire when I found the first flaw, there was no code in place for the Knights. As I listened I found more and more that a code was urgently needed, emotional response and lack of coded structure had lead to the death of two of the others very recently, a "Snacks" and a "Rodregen".

During the first Knights meeting, I proposed my own code me and my brother already lived by, why we have or live by this code, I don't really know. Yet we both know it by heart and must live by it. Raul quickly and strongly approved of it, but as I believed, it needed to go to Dame Lucil. Upon meeting her she didn't seem so pleased that I didn't know whom she was, but then, I am not a Hound Archon and had never been introduced to her before this.

I think she wasn't sure what to make of twin Respondents standing before her or why we were there, I quickly explained such and brought up the code, she hesitated at first but with a bit of nudging she approved it and installed it officially among the Knights. So I can officially say step one is complete, as we continued speaking though, the topic came back to our fallen brothers. The Swords do /NOT/ seem pleased with their actions, and her anger and words suggest that they may have been stripped of their rank and prestige. Not entirely unheard of if their behavior was unfitting of a Knight.

The leader of the Swords outside the Dames seems to be Raul, this must be encouraged and pushed at the moment as a Knights Errant is rather limited in position and authority. Raul is acting the position of Knight because there is no one else. He does a very good job, though I think he struggles a bit to work through the code. He is still learning though, that every action and reaction of the Knights must be reflected through the code. If its not part of the code, and doesn't meet the standards, we must avoid it and consider different actions. I think he will struggle the most with upholding Virtue. Though it is my opinion that every Knight will struggle with one section of the Code, it is our duty to help them learn and grow with it.

So far people seem tight lipped about the behaviors of the Swords in general, making gathering information about crimes or sins they may have committed against Selunes ideals very difficult to try and fix. So for now while trying to gather information about them, we work as much to help the people of Hadrian and protect them. Fighting the darker evils and trying to bring as much peace, tolerance and acceptance to the land as we can while trying to also settle in ourselves for however long we will be here.

Journals & Backgrounds / Journal of Alun and Silas Blackwater
« on: August 08, 2018, 03:33:15 am »
Names: Alun and Silas Blackwater
Race: Aasimar (Respondent)
Age: No one knows, not even them.
Eye Color: Pure silver, no pupils.
Hair color: Jet black, feathers growing through it
Wing color: White

Secret Background:

Neither brother knows when they were born, where they come from, or anything regarding their past missions, are they from the distant past? Or a future far beyond comprehension? They do not know. Only Selune knows and she is not telling. Unlike their Aasimar kin, they are known as sleepers, direct respondents of her will, woken only to serve, then return back to their slumber, their minds wiped of any and all information of that mission to keep them impartial, then woken when needed again. How long they have been alive, what their purpose is, what the future holds for these brothers, only Selune herself will ever truly know.

Known Background:

They appeared on a boat to Hadrian with a Hound Archon standing before them, their confusion briefly evident but strongly focused the moment they knew they had duties.

<Archon> Selune weeps for recent actions, you are to go to Hadrian, join the Swords there, and find out what is going on, and fix it. Those are your orders to complete, now go.

They looked to one another confused, moving to ask a question for clarification from the Archon, but he was already gone. Leaving the twins as confused as ever, and only to trust in Selunes will and guidance, as they stepped off the boat, and to the new world, they had much to learn quickly, and not much time to do it in.

//Approved by DM Blackheart

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Character Introduction: Trent M. Lormain
« on: August 05, 2018, 09:00:01 am »
This will be my last entry, even as I write, I am cold, I can feel the strength draining from me even as I don the armor. I won't be able to wear it long, its weight alone causes me to bleed more. Though I will need it just long enough to get to the safety of the Abbey, one last time.

Snacks, Rhod, Rassali, they have murdered my father. This time though, he didn't come back, and nothing we did worked. He was beyond saving and out of our reach. I spent hours on the bed with him, begging, pleading, desperate for any proof they were wrong, listening for his heart to once again start, but in the end, it was for nothing. I made the final letters I needed to, one to the Dame Lucil, one to Dame Pariah, one to the Moonglow family and this final entry.

I also ensured that Masqualyn inherited my home. The Sullivan has promised me so long as Mas follows the laws, he will be protected as a citizen and incharge of my old house. I hope he enjoys it. I have him all my Shadow Iron gear.

the writing on this part of the page becomes shaky as if struggling to stay focused, blood smearing on the page.

I must get to the Abbey before my strength finally fully fades, I want to be close to Selune, to feel safe again even if only for a brief time, but I know I am running out of time. Do I hate the Swords for what they have done to me?...At one time, that would have been a very simple yes, yet now, I must say no. Snacks and Rhod seemed very angry individuals, suffering their own issues that made them blind to the pain they were causing. I pray Selune will grant them mercy.

It seems I am docking at the old wharf, and with my strength failing, I don't have time to write as much as I would wish. So whomever finds this journal, please, remember that mercy and kindness, goes further then shunning someone, an open door can lead to amazing things. Finally...to Keelie...I am very sorry that Rhod is gone. I wish I could be there to hold and comfort you as this news reaches you, but sadly I cannot. Please be at peace, and know I still love you. Even now.

Signed one last time: Trent Dusdrassius...formerly Trent Michale Lormain.

The book is left on the ship for someone to find, though Trents body is not available to anyone without DM Blackhearts prior approval.

// Took me a long time to find a song that suits the closure of Trents and Pheroth in the way it did, but I think this song really touches home for the two of them - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq-4vIIJO30

"If you character is sitting with 10k+ gold in your pocket Im gonna be asking why havent you spent it? My quetion will be in the form of a creature that will urge you to srtongly consider downing as many potions as you can to survive."

This line here...would be why people are upset.

You outright state that you will punish players into forcing them to use up every last coin and making them use every possible potion.

Realistically it's not that bad considering I can make more than that in about an hour.
This IMO is the most pertinent statement in this whole thread.

perhaps everyone should consider WHY spawns on events are so dangerous..

I for one will continue to set the npcs strength by how powerful the character is they are up against.  If you character is sitting with 10k+ gold in your pocket
Im gonna be asking why havent you spent it? My quetion will be in the form of a creature that will urge you to srtongly consider downing as many potions as you can to survive.

On the other hand, If you are running around with 500 in gold and a few healing kits.. then obviously the spawns are gonna be so much softer.

With all due respect Goblin, that is the stupidest crap I have ever heard. What if a player is saving up for a House in Hadrian? At 50k - 75k, it should not be your baseline to see how quickly you can bankrupt the player, thats generally considered a DM being an ass and I have long seen people literally start to avoid a DM's events because the DM pulled that crap. I'm sorry, I do not accept you punishing me for keeping a savings of gold. Resurrections cost us 6k, potions a shot for what I stock can cost me 3-6k a shot, sometimes a lot more. If thats how your gonna run your events, to punish me for keeping the gold to be able to keep myself supplied, I am sorry, I won't accept your events because quite frankly, you sound like your more concerned about the gold value of the server, then the players and that is not how a server works. I pray you reconsider this stance. Cause until you do, I definitely won't take part in any further of your events. I refuse outright to be a victim of DM bullying for having more then 500 gold.

Trent - Healing depending on prep - 3-6k (this to include cure serious (at least 40 of them), lesser restoration, those healing bags to cure poison, or potions of antidote.

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Character Introduction: Trent M. Lormain
« on: July 26, 2018, 06:10:36 am »
So a few things to update,

First off, Nica did exactly what I feared, blackmailing me into serving her or else she will rat me out to the Enclaves, she also forbade me to tell dad, though she didn't forbid me from telling the Swords, Snacks, Keelie and Rhod and Raul already know, and waiting on Pariah to report in to her. I will not be someones dog on a leash, I already escaped that and I am not as weak as I was before my escape.

Funny enough, I may have found a solution to my Demon issue, his name is Masqualyn, he is what is known as a Dark Elf. Very exotic looking and a priest of Vhaeraun, he has run some tests already to see how the demon responds to things and thinks he may have a way to actually be able to remove him.

I offered him a key to my home, its the least I can do and we outsiders from the general people need to stick together. He seems very friendly if a bit lonely as he met me on the boat, I have never seen one of his kind before though he seems very interesting. Hes promised to tell me more of his culture at some point, like this trance thing..cause elves don't sleep, they can apparently have a form of nightmare, but are always well rested. Also in their culture wearing less is a sign of power cause your showing you don't need armor and wards to protect yourself. I admit I am very curious.

For now he has gone wandering the night, content to have a safe home to come back to out of the sunlight that hurts his eyes, wonder if its a sun allergy. I know what it feels like to desire a safe home to come home too, I hope he feels safe and secure here. Its the least I can offer after all.

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Character Introduction: Trent M. Lormain
« on: July 25, 2018, 01:35:42 pm »
I hate keeping things from my father, but this letter from Nica demands I see her alone, I already know if I tell him he will instantly forbid such, but if I don't then she might rat me out to the Enclaves. Damned if I do, and damned if I don't. I will see her, see what she wants, then tell dad about it. It will keep the peace even if he's not truly happy about it. I know he would forbid me to see her without him. Try to protect me. I wonder what she wants this time? I have already caught her in two lies, what more does she want from me other then to cause more pain?

Dad at least seems to have slept well. He seems far more relaxed then before. I wonder if the talk we had last night helped any, opening that door may have released some pressure that had been sitting for a long time. I really hope what I am doing helps in the long run, though I know hes gonna fight it in the beginning, just like I did. Its painful to confront those memories and emotions, to feel the fear and pain once more. Its easy to hide in the darkness and pretend it doesn't exist.

The problem is in hiding in the darkness, we lose sight of whats good and whats real. Our actions become based solely on survival at all costs. Not minding who suffers or gets hurt in the long run. Keelie and Arthur and Dad stepped up to help me when everyone else had given up. They refused to let me be lost in the darkness forever. Had they left me to it, I likely would be gone now. Forever lost to a greater darkness.

I have seen the darkness first hand, how easy it becomes to justify vicious acts of cruelty with a wave of the hand. Murder was easy until it came to facing the consequences of it which I still need to answer for. Hurting others and lashing out was easier then accepting I could be wrong, it was easier to project the pain onto others, then admit I was lost and needed help. Its been a long struggle and fight to move past the pain and try and find a way back to the light. I'm not there yet, I can still feel times when its easier to surrender to the pain and the darkness, to give in to what would be easier. It can be very tempting honestly. Yet I know in backsliding in this, I cannot guide my father from it, I cannot gain the freedom I truly seek from it all, and once again just become another victim.

I cannot and will not become their victim again. May Selune guide me, and help me guide my father in freeing him from the very same darkness, before he is lost beyond reach, for I fear I am the only one that truly cares enough to see past his darkness, and keep reaching. If I don't, he will truly be destroyed.

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Character Introduction: Trent M. Lormain
« on: July 25, 2018, 03:03:32 am »
Things keep getting weird, first was Nica being in the Sullivans craft hall, literally interrogating me about my old scars, she even managed to get my demon out to speak with her....from what I gather it told her everything. I don't trust her with such secrets, but now more then ever I can't make her an enemy. I will have to keep a close watch on her, but its good to know she was lying about her bedding Keelie. Likely just trying to get under my skin.

I'm waiting to hear back from Chester regarding the next step of my redemption, the Archon said that he was the one to speak to, so now I wait for him to gather more details. I wonder what they will want me to do, I hope nothing that will compromise my beliefs. I won't know till then though.

I have started working on dads heart, the part of him he keeps closely guarded even from me. He doesn't mean to, and I know I cracked it today. Dad fell into my old habit of wanting to run away from the topic, I let him for now not wanting to press too hard too fast. We will get through this though, and I know I cracked it, so hes not beyond pulling back from that darkness. It will just take a fair bit of patience and work. Likely, several such conversations like the last one. Getting him to slowly open the door and be willing to look inside and actually experience the emotions.

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Character Introduction: Trent M. Lormain
« on: July 23, 2018, 03:16:28 pm »
Well, things are going smoothly if a bit slower then I would like, but like many things this will require patience. I have found and met with Chester, he is looking into his contacts and will get back to me as soon as possible, he is thankfully not nearly as judging as some of the people of Hadrian, I think I could actually get to like him. Snacks and Keelie are also source checking into things so, one of us is bound to find them. Hopefully. As Snacks said though, if they refuse to see me, then at least I will have made the effort, its all I can do, and I hope its enough for Selune if that becomes the case.

The cough seems to be completely gone finally, which I am very glad for and my ribs are, I think, fully healed. So thats a plus, they don't hurt anymore so that can only mean good things. I have made one decision recently though and figuring out how to do it will be the hard part. Removing the Demon once and for all. This time, he wont sway my judgement. This time, I have too much I care about losing to let go of. It will likely be very painful and possibly even dangerous, but I have to protect my father and Keelie. I have to try.

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Character Introduction: Trent M. Lormain
« on: July 22, 2018, 09:19:41 pm »
Its been about 2 days since I have had much to write in here, but for the lack of the two days, today's update is one to remember. I found myself back at the Abbey, seeking prayer and further insight when Pariah showed up. We spoke about my crafting, my dads issues and how to proceed in helping him, thankfully she is very willing to help. We spoke about my connections with Selune and my progress, and where I should go next and even the Demon.

That's when the most amazing thing actually happened. A silvery light appeared before Selunes altar where I had been praying only a few hours prior, out from the silvery light came a divine creature of pure light, even I knew then, Selune was answering me.

The creature told me she had heard my pleas and that if I sought to continue her path, I needed to seek out the family of the woman I had killed and seek redemption through them.  This task will be very difficult, likely forcing me to do many things I will hate, especially being in Hadrian at all, but it is the only way to move forward.

I asked for Selunes guidance and it would be wrong to ignore her now that she has officially answered me. Soon after the creature left us behind and I was left to my thoughts with Pariah and Father Dich. Father Dich admitted he didn't originally have much faith in me, but with Selunes presence speaking for me, he was willing to reconsider. He took off his holy symbol as he approached me, and clasped it around my neck. I admit it is very comforting to have a holy symbol back around my neck.

Shortly after he went on his way back to prayer, I left the Abbey and made for Hadrian, spent some time speaking with Keelie and Snacks, seeking their aid as they are more connected in Hadrian then I am currently and, with my hesitation in being here, it makes things harder. They have agreed to ask around and if they find the family first, to ask their blessings to tell me where they are. While in town I also made a point to stop and cast my vote as appropriate. Now to head back home, before dad worries too much.

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