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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Topics - Eternally_Faithful

Pages: [1]
Alun and Silas can be seen entering the Library, seeming curious but approach one of the librarians as he speaks in a hushed tone asking where he might find any information on local Druid circles outside of Butterflies local group, and how to contact them. (( Aka The Keepers of the Circle)).

Journals & Backgrounds / Journal of Alun and Silas Blackwater
« on: August 08, 2018, 03:33:15 am »
Names: Alun and Silas Blackwater
Race: Aasimar (Respondent)
Age: No one knows, not even them.
Eye Color: Pure silver, no pupils.
Hair color: Jet black, feathers growing through it
Wing color: White

Secret Background:

Neither brother knows when they were born, where they come from, or anything regarding their past missions, are they from the distant past? Or a future far beyond comprehension? They do not know. Only Selune knows and she is not telling. Unlike their Aasimar kin, they are known as sleepers, direct respondents of her will, woken only to serve, then return back to their slumber, their minds wiped of any and all information of that mission to keep them impartial, then woken when needed again. How long they have been alive, what their purpose is, what the future holds for these brothers, only Selune herself will ever truly know.

Known Background:

They appeared on a boat to Hadrian with a Hound Archon standing before them, their confusion briefly evident but strongly focused the moment they knew they had duties.

<Archon> Selune weeps for recent actions, you are to go to Hadrian, join the Swords there, and find out what is going on, and fix it. Those are your orders to complete, now go.

They looked to one another confused, moving to ask a question for clarification from the Archon, but he was already gone. Leaving the twins as confused as ever, and only to trust in Selunes will and guidance, as they stepped off the boat, and to the new world, they had much to learn quickly, and not much time to do it in.

//Approved by DM Blackheart

Journals & Backgrounds / Character Introduction: Trent M. Lormain
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:40:06 am »
Birth Name: Trent Micheal Lormain
Adopted Name: Trent Dusdrassius
Age: 16
Race: Human (?)
Identifying marks: Covered from the neck down in scars and lacerations
Hair: Pitch Black
Eyes: Light Blue (?)

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9NStVkSCuk

Born in the town of Everfrost (which will one day become Neverwinter) to farming parents that never actually wanted children due to the raging poverty across the farmlands, they soon sold their son off at the first offer of five hundred gold to the Enclaves.

Ripped away from his home at the age of six, betrayed by those sworn to love and protect him, he began a life of torture, pain and experiments...the end results...well, as the saying often goes, monsters are often made, not born.

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