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Public Notices / Re: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« Last post by Fiverine on April 10, 2024, 06:08:14 am »
The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always.

A New Moon
Greetings citizens of Conch, I am Perrina Layne your new editor!  Longtime readers of the Champion will know that statement is not entirely true for I edited this publication until I retired two years ago.  I watched on with frustration during Giona Morton's tenure and was delighted when Mr Hurstport asked me to return as editor.  Conch has changed somewhat since last I edited this newspaper.  The Kolumbos no longer dominate west Conch and the threat of the Empire has receded somewhat.  I feel this is a new chapter in our fair city's history and a more hopeful and prosperous one. 

I have been spending this past week personally delivering newspapers to our loyal subscribers and meeting people about town.  My initial goals as editor are to restore trust in our newspaper, promote worthy businesses and individuals of Conch and to rehabilitate the Champion's relationship with Conch's adventurers after Mr Morton's stint.   When I was a young lass I was an adventurer myself and know of the good work many of them are capable of.  Indeed, this week has seen me don my armour and pick up my mace and shield once again to do some small deeds for the needy.  My equipment is far heavier than I remembered!

My office is always open to tip-offs and requests for stories and you are all welcome to have a chat with me if you see me about town.

-P. Layne, editor.

Strange Sounds
Parishioners at the Market District's Temple of Tyche have told the Champion that they have heard eerie sounds coming from the crypts during services.  The sounds were described as a dry scrabbling or rattling.  Priest Zolo declined to make any comment to the Champion.  But one of his staff told this reporter on the condition of anonymity that some of the dead interned beneath the temple have risen for unknown reasons and must be forcibly laid back to rest.  They pleaded for adventurers or mercenaries to come to their aid. 

-S. Hellsworth, reporter.

The Man-Bat Returns
After some months of quiet, sightings of Conch's own boogieman the Man-Bat are being reported again.  The creature is said to resemble a man with a hideous face and wings sprouting from his shoulders.  Some tales say that the Man-Bat is a supernatural portent of doom and appears in Conch just before a major calamity occurs.  Others say that he a mutant child of a forbidden relationship, to be pitied as much as feared.  The more rational insist he is merely a Nebular student playing pranks in an outlandish costume.  What is known for certain is that Man-Bat sightings almost invariably occur in wine cellars. 

-A. Nutt, reporter.

Rain of Boulders
Ogres are continuing to raid and sack farms owned by the Sadardiel noble family near the Lake of Tears.  When not committing full assaults, the creatures hurl huge rocks upon the farmlands, causing much damage and effort to move.  The Sadardiels have been suffering from a shortage of retainers and their terrified farmers can generally do little but cower in their farmhouses when attacks begin.  However there have been unconfirmed reports this past week that the noble family has begun making counterattacks.

-P. Krellin, reporter. 

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Manon's Journal
« Last post by Fiverine on April 08, 2024, 10:12:49 am »
I did something a little reckless.  Not wanting to accompany my father and the twins on their ogre patrol, I found out from a retainer named Kashia where they planned to go.  Then I went there alone ahead of the others, thinking they'd arrive to find me sitting atop a pile of ogre corpses.  I'd never fought an ogre before but imagined I was more than a match for any of them.  I wasn't exactly wrong.  One on one or even one on two I could dispatch the brutes fairly easily, but once they were aware of my presence and charged me en masse I had to beat a hasty retreat.  I expected them to be heavy hitters but underestimated how difficult they would be to injure, let alone put down.  Naturally, father's party then conveniently came riding over the crest to rescue me.  At least they didn't find me roasting on a spit, I suppose.

I know I should be grateful.  And I would have been if father hadn't launched straight into one of his "Manon you have disappointed me!" lectures, with the twins sneering and rolling their eyes at me in unison (which never stops being creepy).  They also entirely overlooked that I'd slain nearly a dozen ogres entirely on my own.  Father turned it into a big triumph for Yanis and Anais and told me and the slightly embarrassed retainers at length how amazing they are.  Nearly as good as Nael, he said.  The twins lapped it up, but once the accolades were over they began accounting for how many ogres each had slain, how effective their orders to the retainers had been and so forth.  I'm sick of them already.  They'll seize every opportunity to remind each other who should be heir now and remind me that I'm the black sheep who can't do anything right.  I decided right then that I would deny them their next opportunity for either.

The next morning, fate gave me my chance.  Whether intentionally or by mistake, Kye the steward left a letter to father on my desk.  The plantation farmers are having trouble with boulders being hurled at their defences and begged for father to send someone to do something.  I sent a reply to this Farmer Jason assuring him I'd investigate personally.  A few boulders thrown at a farmyard without a major assault following sounds like a few stray ogres, not a warband like the one I encountered on my solo patrol.  I can handle this, and I'll grab all the rewards and praise.  Not because I really want them, but because I don't want father or my siblings to get them. 

Feedback and Bugs / Re: Known Issues
« Last post by Rainman on April 07, 2024, 10:53:29 am »
Please refer to #bugs on our Discord channel or in game use the Bug Tool

Of course if it is urgent please contact a DM directly

Public Notices / Re: Rumours, Gossip and Whispers.. ((DM Posts Only))
« Last post by Rainman on April 07, 2024, 07:34:36 am »
The rumors swirling around Nebular University regarding their research into the Columns of the Sky and potential artifacts have certainly sparked curiosity among scholars and adventurers alike. The university's focus on arcane arts suggests that they might be delving into the magical properties or historical significance of these enigmatic structures. However, without concrete details, speculation is rampant, and many wonder if these artifacts could hold untold power or secrets from ages past.

The concerns of the West Netheril Trade Company regarding the Isle of Death and the Cult of the Dead are equally troubling. The notion of a cult gaining control over an entire island raises questions about their intentions and the potential threats they pose to trade routes and the safety of travelers. It's likely that the Trade Company is monitoring the situation closely, considering possible actions to mitigate any negative impacts on commerce and the reputation of the city.

As for the new Inn Proprietor planning to set up shop in the Slums, it's not uncommon for such establishments to emerge in less affluent areas of cities. The contents and location of this new inn remain shrouded in mystery, adding an air of anticipation and curiosity among the locals. Whether it will become a hub for adventurers seeking respite or a den of intrigue and danger is yet to be seen.

In a city as diverse and vibrant as Conch, these rumors add layers of intrigue and excitement to daily life. Adventurers, merchants, and scholars alike are sure to keep their ears open for any further developments on these intriguing topics.
Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Manon's Journal
« Last post by Fiverine on April 04, 2024, 10:31:47 pm »
Today was my formal presentation back to the family.  We did the ceremony before breakfast.  It wasn't bad so much as creepy and strange.  These aren't quite the people I left behind those years ago.  I immediately caused a problem by refusing to wear the body-crushing armour and surcoat I'd been provided with.  The armourer and tailor both had to improvise.  I was quite happy with the result but my father's dropped jaw when I entered the hall indicated he was not.  I bowed, as is expected.  Even after my absence I'm still quite adept at going through these motions without feeling a thing.

Father hugged me with a manic intensity that frightened me.  He welcomed me back, then spluttered into loud outrage about my weight and "disgraceful" custom livery.  Mother's hug was stiff, but warm.  I could tell the poor woman actually was glad to have me back.  Valentin was the happiest to see me, however.  He began rattling off everything he'd learned in numismatics while I was away, at least until father barked at him to shut up.  The twins just watched the whole scene without saying a word.  Merely nodding at my greeting, they both perched in their chairs with their arms folded.  To me they looked like a pair of praying mantises waiting to strike.  The only words I heard them speak was a quiet argument between them about who has slain the most ogres this week.  Father continued to grumble about my appearance and twitch nervously throughout breakfast. 

Then mother took over and and updated me on the situation.  House Sadardiel was indeed the only remaining noble estate at Lake Vyctoria.  The increasing frequency and intensity of ogre raids drove everyone else away.  With no other holdings my parents have agreed to stay here to the bitter end.  Many of our retainers have been killed or wounded over the years of my absence, including a few of my cousins.  But the heaviest blow was the recent loss of Nael.  He was leading the defence against an ogre raid and became separated from his lifeguard.  He was overpowered and subdued.  Rather than continue the battle, the ogres then unusually withdrew with their prize.  Father is convinced that Nael is still alive and that any day we will receive a ransom demand.  Mother did not disagree but I could tell from her grief-lined face she suspects he is dead.  Ogres generally carry people away only to eat them later so she is probably right. 

Though I've barely arrived, I was then given weighty tasks.  Using the skills that Druon taught me I am to investigate a labyrinth near our estate.  Some of our plantation workers disappeared in there recently and I am expected to venture there and learn of their fate.  I was given no information about what I might face and the retainers are refusing to go in there.  Unless I get some other help I will be delving in there alone.  Assuming I don't die "or just make a complete arse of things like you usually do" as father put it, they want me to join the search for Nael. 

Meanwhile I must make some plans of my own.  This place is going to the dogs and I need to do something.  The most we are likely to find of Nael will be his marrow-sucked bones, and who knows what dangers await me in this labyrinth the retainers are so deathly afraid of?  I fear father will completely lose his mind if Nael is confirmed dead.  Yanis or Anais are going to be made heir eventually, and I don't want to be around for that.  Mother is going to work herself to death.  But I'm bound by law and honour to my oaths to my family and this land, however I feel about that.  There aren't any nearby noble families left with a witless son I could marry myself off to.  If I just walk out I lose all the privileges that come with our title and I am certainly not giving those up.  Will finding Nael fix all this?  What if that is not possible?

I'm going patrolling for ogres with father, the twins and some retainers tonight.  After breakfast, mother quietly warned me to watch my back saying "Leon loses his wits and discipline at the sight of an ogre now, and your brother and sister care only for their headhunting."  If I am going to do anything fun or constructive around here I will need people at my side I can trust.  Nael used to have his own personal retinue, and I can understand why right now.  Odd too that mother called father "Leon" rather than "your father" when she spoke with me today.  I'd forgotten that the servants used to gossip that she'd had an affair before I was born.  Was she making a reference to that, or am I reading too much into this I wonder?
Public Notices / Re: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« Last post by Fiverine on April 02, 2024, 11:29:21 pm »
The Conch Champion.  Free of Thinking. 

Readers, I have made no secret of how much I detest having to be acting editor for this publication.  In pure desperation I reached out to the Champion's former editor Perrina Layne.  To my great relief she has agreed to come out of retirement and become the Champion's editor once again.  Her first editorial will come in our next issue as she must take time to reacclimatise to her role.  You will likely see her about town this week getting to know her readers once again. 

-R. Hurstport, owner and acting editor.

Festival of the Egg
The Church of Tyche held a celebration over the past weekend by hiding special eggs about Conch.  These could be cracked open by lucky citizens who found them to reveal confectionery and trinkets.  The event was a great success and attracted commerce and tourists to Conch.  However, some citizens and business have expressed displeasure at having strangers poking around their premises all weekend, and at least one reader complained that adventurers were finding all the eggs. 

-S. Hellworth, reporter.

Travel Restored
Recently Captain Shilah of the Creek Farms has been refusing to take travelers to Sable's Swamp or the Isle of Death.  She has informed the Champion that travel is once again available to paying passengers.  The good captain did express her concern about a "cult of the dead" operating in these areas, but could not offer many further details.  The Conch Champion is curious about this cult and also a village known as Gateway Haven.  Intrepid souls who can provide information about them will receive a reward from our grateful publication. 

-A. Nutt, reporter.

Positions Vacant
Several organisations in Conch have asked the Champion to advertise their need for staff.  West Netheril Trading Company is doing an intake of staff in a variety of roles, such as administration and security.  The Nebular University is about to begin a new semester and still has some places open for students.  Diiri's Boys of West Conch is seeking alchemists and guards.  House Sadardiel has expressed a need for warriors and spellcasters to help defend their holdings at the Lake of Tears.  Finally, the Meriwether Tannery has a few vacancies for hunters, trappers and leatherworkers but have asked that only humans apply.

-P. Krellin, reporter. 
Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Manon's Journal
« Last post by Fiverine on April 02, 2024, 02:35:54 am »
The carriage journey was uneventful.  I arrived on the outskirts of the city of Conch which has grown remarkably in my years of exile.  I spent some time sneaking away from the estate and rowing there as a teenager so I am looking forward to exploring the city again.  It will be much easier to get into the taverns now.  The driver told me that a merchant guild, the university and one of the gangs mostly run Conch now.  From the farmland near Conch I took a barge to the family estate. 

The barge trip was nothing like the one by carriage.  When I left the Sadardiel lands, the Lake Vyctoria region was lush and fertile and several other noble families had prosperous estates near us.  But now those plantations are abandoned and overgrown and the manors are just burnt ruins.  "Ogres," grunted the captain when he saw me surveying the destruction.  "They call this place the Lake of Tears now, for so many have died and been wept for."   He told me my kin are the only noble family left in the region, and his tone made it clear he didn't think it would be the case for much longer.  I thought my father had been exaggerating in his letters to Druon...

It was past nightfall when I arrived at the village near the estate.  In the gloom I could tell that our own family holdings were intact and patrolled by a handful of heavily armed retainers.  Some were limping from old injuries.  My arrival had been expected and I was briskly escorted by one of the guards to the manor.  As I stepped inside I mentally prepared myself for the lecture of expectations and instructions I was about to be hammered with.  Mother would be waiting just inside the door like she always used to, ready to throw up her hands in despair about me sneaking off instead of doing my schooling and chores. 

But the manor was almost deserted, apart from the family servants who seemed almost amused to see me again.  They told me mother was exhausted and had retired early.  Father was in his study and had ordered he absolutely not be disturbed by anyone.  Valentin was asleep.  The twins were out patrolling with retainers.  The only direction left for me was to go to the armoury and tailor for fittings ahead of officially meeting my parents tomorrow.  "I demand to speak to Nael," I snapped at the servants.  Their quiet amusement evaporated immediately.  When they stammered I pushed past them and stormed up to Nael's chambers.   

I flinched when I reached his door.  It was locked and planks had been nailed over it.  Pinned to one of the planks was a tattered sign reading "Do not open by order of Lord Leon!" I must have stared numbly at the door for half a minute.  Where the hell was Nael?  Kye the steward placed a hand on my shoulder and waved away the other servants.   He spoke quietly to me. 
"Lady Manon, the house is broken.  Your brother is lost and we fear he may be dead.  Your father is shattered with grief, your mother by exhaustion.  Your elder siblings care only whom shall now be heir.  Your younger one is just a boy.  You must do something, milady.  It is time for you to grow up and serve your family properly.  Imagine how desperate your mother must be to see you of all people as an asset right now."

He almost had me until that last little jab.  I grunted and shouldered him aside on my way to the armoury.  My mood did not improve when they tried to cram me into a suit of armour that seemed to have a built in corset.  At least the evening dress is comfortable.  I am wearing it now as I perch here on my dusty bed in my familiar old room.  Tomorrow I will officially present myself to my parents and receive my orders.  I'm not worried.  Nothing they throw at me, be it an order or punishment, ever sticks.  I just have to ride this out until they send me away in disgust again.  They'll find Nael, or the twins will pull themselves together and take their roles seriously.  It's just a matter of time. 

Journals & Backgrounds / Manon's Journal
« Last post by Fiverine on April 01, 2024, 07:53:00 am »
Mother gave me this book years ago.  She said it would be good to record my thoughts and experiences here at the Laurent Estate so I could look back upon them when I eventually returned home.  This is the first time I’ve opened it.  My parents sent me here to straighten me up.  According to them, I was lazy, reckless, overweight, easily distracted, liked to wander, enjoyed luxury too much and associated with the wrong people.  They'd never tolerate even one of those things in my siblings but time and again I was able to dodge any consequences.  At first I thought I was pretty clever, but once I hit my teens I realised I could do just about anything and my parents wouldn't do much about it. 

I was a nuisance to my family, and I didn't think much of them either.  My parents are Lord Leon and Lady Apolline Sadardiel, first generation nobles.  They insisted we all introduce ourselves as 'lord' or 'lady', even little Valentin.  This makes me Lady Manon Sadardiel, fourth in line to the Sadardiel estate.  It's pretentious rubbish, but I happily exploit being a noble at every opportunity.  My father's nickname is "the Lion", at least he calls himself that.  Just to drive the point home he's covered the estate in lion statues and paintings.  Mother's a tireless worker and bookkeeper and that's about all there is to say about her.  She has no life at all outside of the estate and family.  I have her hair but little else.  My oldest brother Nael might just be the worst of the lot... intelligent, handsome, powerful, charming... ugh.  How is that fair?  Then there's the twins Anais and Yanis who think nothing matters but competing with each other.  Gods, we're doomed if either of those idiots inherit the estate.  Valentin's all right I suppose, but he's going to grow up just like the others.   

Anyway I finally crossed my parents' invisible line of tolerance when I was 15.  They found out (thanks to Anais and Yanis shadowing me and snitching)  I'd been hanging out with cultists camping by Lake Vyctoria.  They called themselves the Order of the Ascended Lady and worshipped some dead woman the lake is named after.  To me they were silly and harmless but my parents decided I'd gone too far and needed a firm hand to guide me.  They sent me east to the estate of Lord Druon Laurent, an Imperial army comrade of my father.    I was told Laurent was a fierce and strict father with equally spartan sons.  He was a mighty ranger and would teach me the hard life of fieldcraft and survival.  My parents told me if I didn't knuckle down I was in for a nightmare.  Instead, these have been the best years of my life. 

Druon (he insisted I not address him as 'Lord') reframed everything I'd believed and been told about myself.  I was bored, not lazy.  Bold, not reckless.  Robust, not fat.  Perceptive, not easily distracted.  He took me under his wing and trained me personally.  Accepting that I'm heavy and a little clumsy, he trained me in trapping and surveillance rather than sneaking and concealment.  He introduced me to his faith, that of Kozah, and said unlike his sons I had the right frame of mind to follow it.  His boys were tough warriors though, and I learned I could rely on them in a scrap.  Druon trusted me completely, and allowed me to read all the correspondence my family sent him.  I was rarely mentioned in it and my father spent most of the letters complaining about ogres.  Taking note of this, Druon trained me in how to deal with large opponents.  I came of age here at the Laurent estate, and spent the night with Druon's sons getting drunk and roaming the town.  Truly, I finally felt I belonged somewhere.

I should have known my parents couldn't allow that.  Today Druon received a letter from my mother.  For the first time he refused to allow me to read what they sent.  Instead he insisted I immediately pack my things and prepare to travel back "home" to the Sardardiel estate.  I was furious, this is my home now!  But whatever he read had unnerved him.  He mouthed the name "Nael" as he read.  I suspect my magnificent, good at everything and loved by all oldest brother has convinced my parents to take me back.  I'll give him a piece of my mind about this.  Maybe some bruises too!

My things are packed and I've boarded the carriage.  Druon gave me a fine cloak to take with me.  While I wait for the driver I've written all this down.  I'm going to take mother's advice and look back on it some day and get all pissed off at my family all over again.  Kozah take them, I was happy.  And now I'm back to their haven of judgemental and pretentious fools.  What the hell could have been so important for them to forget how much they hate me and drag me back home to them?
Announcements / We are back !!!!
« Last post by Rainman on March 28, 2024, 10:10:02 am »
Netheril: Age of Discovery NWN RP server is set to reopen for a "soft relaunch" on Good Friday.  A fun Easter Event will be run during the weekend.

Our team have worked hard to make improvements and rebalance loot and encounters.  Some of the improved or completely new features you will find on Netheril include:
-A unique player housing system with a wealth of opportunities to customise your den
-New and revamped exploration areas
-Many new quests in a variety of level ranges
-New domains for cleric characters
-A portrait pack and new heads to customise your character even further than before
-Monster player characters
-Custom art for loadscreens that reflect the server setting

New and returning players are invited to come try our server!
Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Last post by Fiverine on March 15, 2024, 07:54:42 am »
I have suspected this moment was approaching for some time now.  I could feel it in my bones when I woke this morning- Ilmater is content with what I have achieved in Conch and wishes me to move on.  He calls me south, to lands I have never ventured to before.  I am both excited and afraid, and sad to leave my friends.   Though it pains me I must depart abruptly without saying a proper farewell to any but Sister Mylene.  Pather, Ostian, Mylene and Arlow were all kindred spirits to me, saved by the same kind god and given strength to do his work.  Others like Gabriella, Pearl, Locke and Lauriella did not hold quite the same beliefs as me, but were brave and true comrades I was honoured to fight alongside. 

The Helm of Heroes shall remain here in our secret shrine until it too is called elsewhere.  Until today I was its defender and I pray a new one emerges.  More than that, I hope that new warriors arise to protect the people of our part of the slums.  There is a man named Knox I feel may take up this cause.  He is a gladiator and acolyte of Targus we saved from death in the arena.  Though his faith is nothing like ours, he is a man of honour and has sworn to repay his life debt to us. 

Farewell Conch.  You took my face, but gave me so much more in return.  Please be kind to my people, as you ultimately were to me. 
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