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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Topics - Winterhawk99

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Retiring Lauriella
« on: December 03, 2021, 02:47:15 pm »
     I will be retiring Lauriella very soon and finishing her story. I thank everyone who made her last server such a wonderful experience. I will be taking some time off from Nwn but will continue on discord.
     For my novel fans I will be working and finishing the last novel in the Childern of Hell trilogy and I will be making a fan fiction novel on Lauriella's life ventures throughout her life and career on Toril. I will be using some creative license as always when I write her book and will include all the pcs of others unless the players wish not to be in the book or books. (I am not sure I can present her entire life in just one book)
     If anyone does not want their character in this or these novels, or wants the name of their characters changed who interacted with Lauriella: Speak now or forever hold your peace. I do not want to put someone else's character in a novel who doesn't want their character within it.
     Everyone I played with and who dmed me were absolutely wonderful and I am honored to have known and played with you. I'll make a new character after I am finished with these novels.

      Thank you all

General Discussion / Netheril (The age of Discovery) review
« on: October 29, 2021, 11:45:20 pm »
I have completed my review of Netheril. You can find it here: http://www.harvestmoonconsortium.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2836

Public Notices / Posted around the Market place and Upper Conch
« on: September 25, 2021, 09:06:27 am »
I Apprentice Sithmore will be leading an expedition to the lost city of Covington tomorrow. Anyone who wishes to attend is welcome. Be at the Market center tomorrow afternoon (8:00 pm Central (Texas) time, 11:00 am Queensland time)

OOC// I made a mistake this event is today a 8:00 central or 11:00am Queensland

Expedition to Covington,

     There is a lost village that is not in synchronization to our current world, Toril. I, Apprentice Sithmore, wish to lead an expedition to find out the how, why, and where of this lost village and bring it back into the fold of the Netheresse empire so that the wisdom of the village is not lost upon us all.
      Details have not yet been set because I have other duties far away from conch. However, upon my return I will pursue this goal and ask for volunteers among the mages, and warriors amongst our population to pursue this effort.

      Thank you
      Apprentice Sithmore


Malevolent and Bright protective stones. Willing to pay 1500 coin per stone. Speak to apprentice Lauriella Sithmore when she comes back from ship duties in a week and a half.

Non-cursive version:


Non-cursive version:


Malevolent and Bright protective stones. Willing to pay 1500 coin per stone. Speak to apprentice Lauriella Sithmore when she comes back from ship duties in a week and a half.

Dear good sirs on the University committee,

    I, Lauriella Sithmore, was invited by another student, the sorcerer Locke, to participate in a research project regarding a cave system; a stone’s throw away from the northern gate. A magical sending, sent by Mr. Locke’s request, for help spurred my interest. I accepted the requests and navigated to the coordinates within the message.
     Upon arrival I met One Locke. The student heading said research and another: A Local from Southbank who calls himself Roo. We preceded north to find a university professor standing near. The cave. The three of us prepared ourselves and moved into the small cave system.
     Upon entering we encountered stirges, wild dogs and small floating eyes that hit us with beams of energy. We quickly cleaned them out. As we moved forward we encountered a few undead.
     The undead seem to have been slightly stronger and somewhat altered from what you would find in most crypt systems. For what purpose or intent, we do not know.
     The first clue we found was a large conical disk about the size of a chair seat. It was made of some metal, flat on the bottom rising at a slight angle in rings about a hand and a half thick with a small hole at the top. From the hole was issuing negative energies that seemed to dissipate a few feet above the object. This is most likely the source of the magic enhancing the undead we encountered. We could determine nothing more about the object.
     Moving on we encountered and area of standing stones rift with negative energy with no apparent source, then set ourselves to the task of moving down a flight of stone steps deeper into the system.
      We fought many undead, and wild dogs to a place where there were three dead men hung up by chains over a small pool of their own blood. The pool may have been a feeding pool, a place of ritual necromancy or have some other function. There were no clues to determine the exact usage. Roo trained in the art of fighting took to the task of releasing the dead men from their bonds. The three of us respectfully set the bodies in a corner of the chamber.
     After this episode the three of us found a secret door. Going in we found a library of sorts. Locke took several items and papers from this small library. We left quickly to complete the mission.
     At the back of the cave system we found the apparent cause of the undead. An eye tyrant had taken up residence in the deepest part of the cavern system. It had several lesser eyes with it. We bravely fought and defeated the creature but found no clue into how it used the above items to control and enhance the undead unless Locke found something in the library. I would highly doubt that for eye tyrants do not seem to be the type to write things down.
     This is my report on the cave system north of Conch. Both my companions fought bravely, asked the proper questions about the endeavor and honorably split the items found between the three of us. I would welcome their company at any time.

     Thank you.

      Lauriella Sithmore
     Student at the University and Merchant Marine Captain

Non- cursive version:

Dear good sirs on the University committee,

    I, Lauriella Sithmore, was invited by another student, the sorcerer Locke, to participate in a research project regarding a cave system; a stone’s throw away from the northern gate. A magical sending, sent by Mr. Locke’s request, for help spurred my interest. I accepted the requests and navigated to the coordinates within the message.
     Upon arrival I met One Locke. The student heading said research and another: A Local from Southbank who calls himself Roo. We preceded north to find a university professor standing near. The cave. The three of us prepared ourselves and moved into the small cave system.
     Upon entering we encountered stirges, wild dogs and small floating eyes that hit us with beams of energy. We quickly cleaned them out. As we moved forward we encountered a few undead.
     The undead seem to have been slightly stronger and somewhat altered from what you would find in most crypt systems. For what purpose or intent, we do not know.
     The first clue we found was a large conical disk about the size of a chair seat. It was made of some metal, flat on the bottom rising at a slight angle in rings about a hand and a half thick with a small hole at the top. From the hole was issuing negative energies that seemed to dissipate a few feet above the object. This is most likely the source of the magic enhancing the undead we encountered. We could determine nothing more about the object.
     Moving on we encountered and area of standing stones rift with negative energy with no apparent source, then set ourselves to the task of moving down a flight of stone steps deeper into the system.
      We fought many undead, and wild dogs to a place where there were three dead men hung up by chains over a small pool of their own blood. The pool may have been a feeding pool, a place of ritual necromancy or have some other function. There were no clues to determine the exact usage. Roo trained in the art of fighting took to the task of releasing the dead men from their bonds. The three of us respectfully set the bodies in a corner of the chamber.
     After this episode the three of us found a secret door. Going in we found a library of sorts. Locke took several items and papers from this small library. We left quickly to complete the mission.
     At the back of the cave system we found the apparent cause of the undead. An eye tyrant had taken up residence in the deepest part of the cavern system. It had several lesser eyes with it. We bravely fought and defeated the creature but found no clue into how it used the above items to control and enhance the undead unless Locke found something in the library. I would highly doubt that for eye tyrants do not seem to be the type to write things down.
     This is my report on the cave system north of Conch. Both my companions fought bravely, asked the proper questions about the endeavor and honorably split the items found between the three of us. I would welcome their company at any time.

     Thank you.

      Lauriella Sithmore
     Student at the University and Merchant Marine Captain

General Discussion / The Challenge
« on: June 12, 2021, 06:54:01 am »
So I have commissioned an artist to do 4 digital paintings for my first two books, Children of Hell desperation and Separation. This is the first finished product called The Challenge. It is the first time that the race I created 'The Elder Fey'ri have been illustrated ever. The Elder Fey'ri are a bred race of a cross between Abishai and Ilythiir (pre-drow) for the purposes of Tiamat.

The Artist is Elena "Greendera" Zambelli of Italy.

In this scene Kioshi has challenged two women (Mayumi Torvirr and Miwa Duskmere) to a mating dual. If he can subdue to the two women they both become his wives. If they kill him, they are free to live their lives unwed. Kioshi temporarily takes out Miwa because he knows she wants to be his mate. Here he is concentrating on Mayumi because he knows she hates and wants to kill him. Mayumi like most elder fey'ri has both her wings and is fighting with a steel fan and katana. Kioshi lost one of his wings in the blood wars and the other in a dual with a master samurai. He has thrown his short staff away and is drawing his katana to subdue her.


General Discussion / Harvest Moon Consortium Scripting Forum
« on: May 30, 2021, 07:02:09 pm »
I have put 7 door, trap and lock scripts on the scripting forum of Harvest Moon Consortium. Its a comprehensive system for a pw to handle these things. the scripts handle xp for thieves and others that pick locks and find and remove traps. the automatic opening and closing of doors after a delay. a reset script to replace trap triggers, and a script to break the locks on treasure chests instead of destroying the treasure chest itself along with a script to open things via spoken password.

They are small scripts but have excellent and multiple uses for a persistent world. Without further adieu here is the link: http://www.harvestmoonconsortium.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2827

General Discussion / Novel update.
« on: October 17, 2020, 03:24:15 pm »
howdy everyone. its October and I have completed the intermission of my 3rd novel. The working title is 'A field of Lilies."  It marks the half-way point of the rough draft.

This novel is very different from my other two books. It is not connected to the Children of Hell series. I will complete the last book of that trilogy after putting this one out. Unlike Children of hell I was careful to make this short novel have a general background instead of placing it on Toril. Which means I have something I can sell perhaps if I choose too for 2 or 5 bucks a copy.

Another feature is that about a 1/3 to 1/2 the book is written in cursive. I have a very good reason to write it in that form. I know many cannot read cursive so I will be making a second non-cursive book. If you can read cursive I believe you will enjoy the cursive version much more than the non-cursive.

I am looking to complete the book by Christmas. We'll see. I'm a working stiff so time is always against me meeting deadlines. I am having a bunch of fun with this novel. The second children book was a bit strained because I pushed myself to completing it which in turn probably delayed its release. This one I'm more relaxed on.
I had Angel (my wife) review the intermission and she made some suggestions. I incorporated her advise into it and it is much, much better. I was coming close to the scene being x-rated and most that have read my writings know I'm not too hot on graphic stuff. Now it's come down to more of a pg-13 rating which is I feel is much better.

I then asked another to read the intermission because I still felt it was not good enough for the book. They loved it so I kept is as is for now.

So this is my update. I think everyone will be surprised on how different this book is from the two Children of Hell novels. I'll have more updates in the coming weeks :)

For those who have not read the first two novels, They are free fan fiction books that can be downloaded from my site. Here are the links:

General Discussion / Greetings and well met
« on: July 04, 2020, 07:31:43 am »
Hello all,

     Hi all, I'm Winterhawk, or just Winter. Some may know me. I'm a long time player and developer from the beginning of Nwn. I hope to add to your world with the pcs I build and experience: your so far exceptional server. I've only played a few hours and have seen some very good results from my experiences so far.

     I hope to be able to explore more of your world and perhaps find a home on this server.

     Shout out to Mermut my old lead scripter. You go girl. I already see why you chose to develop on Netheril.

     Peace out

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