howdy everyone. its October and I have completed the intermission of my 3rd novel. The working title is 'A field of Lilies." It marks the half-way point of the rough draft.
This novel is very different from my other two books. It is not connected to the Children of Hell series. I will complete the last book of that trilogy after putting this one out. Unlike Children of hell I was careful to make this short novel have a general background instead of placing it on Toril. Which means I have something I can sell perhaps if I choose too for 2 or 5 bucks a copy.
Another feature is that about a 1/3 to 1/2 the book is written in cursive. I have a very good reason to write it in that form. I know many cannot read cursive so I will be making a second non-cursive book. If you can read cursive I believe you will enjoy the cursive version much more than the non-cursive.
I am looking to complete the book by Christmas. We'll see. I'm a working stiff so time is always against me meeting deadlines. I am having a bunch of fun with this novel. The second children book was a bit strained because I pushed myself to completing it which in turn probably delayed its release. This one I'm more relaxed on.
I had Angel (my wife) review the intermission and she made some suggestions. I incorporated her advise into it and it is much, much better. I was coming close to the scene being x-rated and most that have read my writings know I'm not too hot on graphic stuff. Now it's come down to more of a pg-13 rating which is I feel is much better.
I then asked another to read the intermission because I still felt it was not good enough for the book. They loved it so I kept is as is for now.
So this is my update. I think everyone will be surprised on how different this book is from the two Children of Hell novels. I'll have more updates in the coming weeks

For those who have not read the first two novels, They are free fan fiction books that can be downloaded from my site. Here are the links: