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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Messages - Leyoz

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Journals & Backgrounds / The written account of Zephor
« on: April 26, 2024, 02:24:52 pm »
Today marks the first night I rest within the stone walls of this ancient castle, our new lair. The air here is thick with the metallic scent of old battles and deeper secrets—perhaps those belonging to the silver half-dragon, Argentia, whose life we tragically ended. Her spirit haunts the corridors, and her demise weighs heavily upon me, stirring a turmoil that shadows my every waking moment and invades my dreams.

It was not supposed to unfold thusly. We arrived in Conch as strangers, united under the banner of the "Scaly Boys," seeking adventure and fraternity. Geza, with his diabolical heritage and arcane prowess, Lezkin, whose songs of scaled kinship inspire, and Konckord, ever my shadow, proclaiming himself the first of my disciples—each of us driven by a shared cause, yet mine has grown murky and tainted. Even a human joined us, Manon the human noble, and was likely tainted as well.

I fear the draconic essence within me is a well of darkening waters, increasingly polluted by intrusive thoughts. These impulses whispered of power and riches, whispering lies that led us to confront Argentia under the guise of kinship. Yet, when she spoke of her hoard, something within me snapped—a vile, greedy clawing that I could not restrain. We fought, and she fell, her blood a stark contrast on her shimmering scales.

The light of Amaunator, once my guiding sun, now seems distant as dusk. I have forsaken the golden path I vowed to tread within the monastery's serene walls, a path paved with discipline and light. Here, in the shadows of this stolen fortress, I grapple with the nature of my birthright—this draconic heritage that curses as much as it empowers. The monastery taught me the balance of mind and body, but it did not prepare me for the battle within the soul. As we secure our new stronghold, I must also seek to fortify my spirit against the encroaching darkness. I must find a way to reconcile the dragon and the light, to quench these fiery urges with the cool serenity I once knew. Yet I find it increasingly easy to turn away - in my sleep I hear the words of a queen, exalting me to glory.

In somber reflection,

General Discussion / Re: Small Pleasures in NWN
« on: April 17, 2024, 10:02:03 am »
I guess that level up ping counts as a big pleasure.

General Discussion / Re: Discord Discussion on Public Relations
« on: January 08, 2022, 05:02:31 am »
Hi All

I considered about writing anything here, because I don't want to create more divide. This is only my experience, what I've heard etc.

I have played a lot of different servers, some very popular, some not. Because I love Netheril (for a lot of the reasons that Solomon said under "The Good"). The primary reason that many had tried and left, or things they heard about the playerbase (which of course includes me). I don't need to repeat what they said but the majority of the comments centered on the kind of behavior that a recent player was banned for. Behavior that was firmly against the rules and was allowed to continue.

One of the good things I find about the server is the team does listen. They are actively updating quests, loot, putting in new systems, playing with players, including open events and player specific plots. I see a team that clearly loves it players and wants them to have fun, sometimes to their own/server detriment.

They do make mistakes, some of which is trying to please everyone (I see an 'us and them' framing but some of the the 'us and them' is actually groups of players feeling jealous, complaining about other players) disparate vision leading to various inconsistencies, and not being the best at administration. But let's remember DMing is a volunteer labor of love. It strikes me as a pretty thankless task when you get a lot of complaining. Note not all feedback is like that at all, but something to keep in mind when giving feedback.

Stay safe and happy playing.

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: The Many Fates of Fiverine (v1)
« on: February 06, 2021, 10:24:26 am »
Some of my favourite characters on the server. Very well done.

Development Ideas - Feedback / Re: Implementing Epic Levels
« on: July 18, 2020, 02:31:50 pm »
Hi all - this is my intial thought because it is late her.

I agree with Aerrions comments that epic levels should be tied to RP. It should definitely be application only and the team should consider the application on the characters RP contributions.

That said I also like that is tied to permadeath. Adding risk, plus turn over so that the majority of characters on the server is not epic is a good thing on all counts. Also having an opt in system so that caters for all players is a good thing. It is for the DM team to decide the server vision, but I've always seen it as an inclusive place, but still with dedicated RP and real consequences. This rule bridges that line imo.

Netherese Library / Ownership of lands outside Hadrian
« on: February 09, 2020, 02:28:06 am »
Tenshi goes to find about laws of land ownership and occupation, in regards to the Monastery near Hilltop.

General Discussion / Re: Should Quest Areas Be Opened
« on: October 29, 2019, 04:21:01 am »
There are multiple exploreable areas focused on undead as well though? Do some of you feel that there is an issue with the current exploreable areas in terms of variety, risk or reward (whether that is xp, gold, consumeable or loot)?

Netherese Library / Research: Mind Flayers
« on: January 24, 2019, 09:16:08 pm »
*Koi talks to the Librarian and does some research on"

Mindflayers, tentacle faced monsters and mind control.

General Discussion / Re: Monster PCs as mercenaries
« on: January 18, 2019, 11:13:09 pm »
Since monster characters are a thing and I'm strictly against taking anyone's character away I play the game the way it presents itself, and my character wouldn't kill someone just for being a certain creature if they can be talked to and reasoned with, but as a player I prefer if there is no moral quandary when it comes to killing monsters.

But most of the monsters are intelligent? They are just very evil.

Did the extra person talk to the quest giver and "get" the quest again?

Your suggestion would be much better, but the above normally works as a workaround.


General Discussion / Re: Monster PCs as mercenaries
« on: January 15, 2019, 08:49:13 pm »
I suppose the point about interacting with monsters is people who have no idea of the lore don't understand what it means to do so. Wikipedia won't tell you how it works here, and it's not a pnp game where you have a Dm explain what your character "knows".

The only monster mercenary.I've seen doesn't really hide their nature, so maybe it works ok.

General Discussion / Re: Gold Economy
« on: January 14, 2019, 10:12:23 am »
A lot of quests a fortune can be made from scrolls etc, but not much from the reward.

Happy with scroll drops as they are useful (sometimes) but would rather (as Dybil suggested) have less vendor price and more quest reward.

General Discussion / Re: Monster PCs as mercenaries
« on: January 14, 2019, 10:07:01 am »
As someone that is not a lore person I am curious about this as well. Are all the monster races just evil baby eating caricatures? Is there more nuance?

I had considered that perhaps minotaurs were more industrious and organised, from what I see at Sullivan's the trading port. But then I have seen some say they are kidnappers, rapists and human eaters by their intrinsic nature. If that is true, it is all the more reason to consider monster pc options, because a lot of characters would need DM intervention not to kill on sight.

General Discussion / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: January 14, 2019, 04:45:37 am »
Steam is how lots of us do it, and is quite easy. Any way you get Enhanced Edition will work though.

General Discussion / Re: Loot Economy
« on: January 10, 2019, 07:59:33 am »
I appreciate the thought and effort being put into this discussion, I think it is valuable. As a new server it is still finding it's feet in a number of ways and loot identity is one.

I will say that the loot progression you outlines is probably stronger than the current loot, at least that I have seen. I have had two characters here, one I would consider very successful as a faction leader, and one that I was happy with and did do some cool stuff. Neither of them had a +3 weapon.

Also, after never having played a caster, I am currently playing a cleric. It is absolutely incredible what they can do compared to non-casters with our current loot.

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