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Author Topic: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread  (Read 27942 times)


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The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« on: November 11, 2018, 11:34:30 pm »
Spell name
Nerf or Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed
Suggested fix


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2018, 11:42:21 pm »
Spell name: Bigby's Forceful Hand
Nerf or Buff: Nerf
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: No save turn per level daze on a level 13 wizard is basically impossible to compete with when it has a +1d20 + 12 save dc versus 1d20 + str.

Suggested fix: Give it a touch attack, and have it roll 1d20+8 versus 1d20 + str + Con of the target.

Spell name: Magic Circle of Alignment
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Aura spells are a pain in the butt.
Suggested fix: Have it cast protection from evil on the entire party when centered on the caster, as in EFU.

Spell name: Vampire Touch
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Touch Attack Spell that places mage in a high risk situation.
Suggested fix: Remove Touch Attack, increase damage based on necro forces to 1d10 and 1d12 respectively.

Spell name: Flame Weapon/Darkfire
Nerf or Buff : Alter
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Allow variety and thematic casters.
Suggested fix: Check for elemental domain or reagent selected via the player tool. Earth = Acid, Water = Cold, Air = Electricity. Corresponding reagents sold in stores for wizards.

Spell name: Deafening Clang
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Paladins need wuv
Suggested fix: Make it 1 turn per level.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2018, 11:46:37 pm »
Spell name: Heal
Nerf or Buff: Nerf
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Let's not let clerics ruin DM undead Bosses by one shotting them with a heal spell.
Suggested fix: Let heal only do 10hp per cleric level to undead.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2018, 11:55:11 pm »
Spell name: Daze
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Cantrip level spell should remain useful.
Suggested fix: Let PCs with GSF enchantment have their hitdice removed and daze opponents.

Spell name: Scare
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: 1st circle necromancer spell that sadly becomes worthless. Let all spells remain a little useful.
Suggested fix: Remove the hitdice limit on the spell.

Spell name: Horrid Wilting
Nerf or Buff: Alter
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Horrid Wilting should do negative damage, instead of magical. It's a necromantic spell!
Suggested fix: Change dmg type to negative, add a str drain effect that wears off round/level. No save on the drain. Str drain 1d4. The drain is to compensate for the now available negative energy protection counter.

Spell name: Divine Favor, Battletide
Nerf or Buff: Alter
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Alter to divine damage, it makes more sense as a cleric is casting it. No idea why it does magic damage.
Suggested fix: Change dmg type to divine.

Spell name: Displacement
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: 3rd circle spell that lasts only 1/round per level. Completely overtaken by imp invis and haste is far more useful.
Suggested fix: Grant it 70% concealment, increase duration to 3 rounds per level for SF illusion, 5 rounds for GSF illusion.

Spell name: Flare
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Absolute garbage tier spell. Give it a use!
Suggested fix: Give the target an orange vfx illumination, letting mages help archers and fighters prioritize targets.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2018, 12:02:20 am »
Spell name: Ice Dagger
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Magic Missie is just so much better.
Suggested fix: Apply a freeze effect on the target if a fortitude save is failed, based off mage int and checking for evocation

Spell name: Horizauntal's Boom
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Same as ice dagger. Basically a shitty magic missile.
Suggested fix: Allow it to daze target for 1d4 round if they fail a will save, as similar to soundburst.

Spell name: Magic Fang, Greater Magic Fang
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Druids get shafted in terms of spell slots, so this will allow conjuror druids to be more viable.
Suggested fix: If a druid has SF Conjuration, Magic Fang applies to all summons presently out. If they have GSF conjuration, GMW applies to all summons currently out.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2018, 01:35:42 am »
You linked the 5E version.

http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/invisibilityGreater.htm - 3.5E version

Which has invisibility not break on attack. Which in NWN prevents targeting and so was balanced to give 50% concealment to account for this. In DnD PnP 3.5E every attack made from Greater Invisibility makes the target flat footed. It's also got a shorter duration.

I don't disagree that it needs a nerf. I just think we should be using the correct information to make these decisions.

Swifty Willownall

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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2018, 02:20:11 am »
Just to tag on. Not only does it make the creature you are attacking count as flat-footed, negating any dodge and DEX ac bonuses, it also gives the attacker a further +2 bonus to hit. Not only is Improved invis a very strong defensive buff, it also doubles as an offensive one too!

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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2018, 04:27:35 am »
Spell name: Clairaudience/clairvoyance
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Very short duration(round/level)
Suggested fix: Make it turn/level or fixed number of turns(10?)

Spell name: Shield of Faith
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Short duration (turn/level)
Suggested fix: Make it hour/level. All other somewhat similar spells(magic vestment, mage armor, barkskin) have hour/level duration.

Spell name: Negative Energy Protection
Nerf or Buff: Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: Short duration (turn/level)
Suggested fix: Make it hour/level. (Why death ward have hour/level but this spell turn/level?  :'( )


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2018, 03:40:26 pm »
Just a thought to put out there as its wasnt mentioned. You do know that nerfing the conceal on invis is a major buff to anyone player or npc with blind fight right? You want a nerf to conceal but theres already one in the form of blind fight. Cuts conceal in half. Fig/rog has the option for it and mages can dispell it off. I dont see the gamebreaking needs a nerf thing here.

Edit: Melee class' in place of Fig/Rog
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 03:45:18 pm by Vaertai »


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2018, 06:02:35 pm »
Again. Blind Fight. As far as I know in the years of playing this game not one person I know of or played with regualrly took or used GV or EV for the concealment. It's for the DR and Immunities.

By your projections youre looking at

1-5% GV conceal vs BF
5-10% II vs BF
10% EV vs BF

Thats a way bigger nerf than intended eh?


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2018, 09:07:40 pm »
Hold Person: Nerf

Make the duration 1 round per 2 caster levels.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2018, 10:55:03 pm »
You skipped the spell level Immunity on Ghostly (Circle 1 and below) and Ethereal (Circle 2 and below).

Just for the record. I've seen Ethereal Visage made Turn/Level on other servers. Quite liked it. Could also link these effects to Spell Focus: Illusion. Just a thought.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2018, 03:23:27 am »
Monstrous Regeneration: Buff

A level 5 spell, it lasts 1 rnd/2 caster levels and only regenerates 3 hp per round.

Suggested buff: 1 turn/2 caster levels.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2018, 02:51:44 am »
Spell name: Fear
Nerf or Buff: Nerf
Why it needs nerfed or buffed: If are feared you usually are going to die. You are not allowed to do anything while feared and the duration is too long.
Suggested fix: Reduce the duration


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2018, 02:54:17 am »
I think you mean the aura effect yeah? The spell is different.