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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Topics - caek

Pages: [1]
Messages from the Enclave / Mayoral Proclamation
« on: June 21, 2018, 07:34:02 am »

Of course I shall be running for the position of your Mayor once more.

It's not fair to leave you in the hands of the swarming reprobates and scum who think they have the balls to keep this ship on the straight and narrow.

Have any of them fought and won battles single handed? No, they haven't

I half expect that idiot, the self-proclaimed Duke of Corruption to file his paperwork, and campaign for shitbaths and vomit soup for all!

- From the office of Mayor Monty Fipps The Decorated and Immense

Announcements / PCs in Multiple Factions
« on: May 31, 2018, 07:36:29 am »
As a heads up if you are only allowed to be in one faction per character you're playing (so your Skettus character can't also be in Reschotti and the Arcanist Guild at the same time)

If you are intending to be a spy in another faction you need to drop us a note / application, and to keep us updated with anything they want to steal / spy on and why you're doing it.

Also if you are playing an alt please don't have them join a rival faction to your main character. It becomes very messy with crossing over information and can lead to unintentional metagaming, which is never fun for anyone.

As always if there are any questions give one of us a shout


Groups & Concepts / OOC Stuff
« on: May 17, 2018, 10:02:47 am »
A place to discuss / suggest / recommend and advertise your group concepts (for example you want to start a group of highwaymen and are looking for people to kick it off with you)

All stuff here is OOC, and you should try and also recruit IC as much as possible once you are up and running!

General Discussion / Pick Pocket, a discussion
« on: April 23, 2018, 12:20:19 pm »
How can we make the use of pick pocket interesting?

Should we just disable it?

Should it be on a timer?

Should there be things you can't PP?

Open to suggestions!

Announcements / Applications - How / What / Why
« on: April 22, 2018, 12:55:18 pm »
Some perks and positions on Netheril: Age of Magic require an application. This is mainly so the DMs know what characters in factions want to do, as well as letting us know that players of certain sub-races know the ins and outs of the particular "creature" they are playing:

The Noble Houses

House Reschotti - can join as an Initiate without an application
House Skettus - can join as an Initiate without an application
House Dukarrus - can join as an Initiate without an application

Thieves Guilds (plural) - Contact a DM to discuss a concept.

The Swords of the Lady - open to other faiths, contact a DM to discuss

Church Membership - Official Clergy can be applied for on creation, also able to earn the spot IG

Special titles / names - Lordships can be earned IG, or applied for on creation. Other positions such a family members of current Houses, and cannon organizations can be applied for

Prestige Classes - These are to be earned in game through roleplay and activities, and can be applied for during a character's life. Contact a DM to discuss.

Subraces - Certain sub-races require an application. Speak to a DM to discuss a concept.

If you want to apply for something use the following template and send it via the application section on the forums:

Character Name:

What You're Applying For:


Brief Bio:

Application / Character Intentions:

We should be able to get your application voted on and approved in 24 hours of it being posted. So don't call us, we will call you!

As with anything let a DM know if you have any questions

General Discussion / Player Handbook Discussion
« on: April 13, 2018, 03:29:55 pm »
Sorry, I should have locked that thread so people couldn't post in it!

If you want to discuss the content of the player handbook do so here!

So from what I understand the server takes place during "The Golden Age". But according the the brief history...

The Gnome's were liberated during the Silver age. Specifically 1472 as stated in the Gnome race description. Though remain treated poorly it makes no reference to them being slaves.

am I missing something? Did they get enslaved again at some point?

General Discussion / An in game bank.
« on: April 13, 2018, 11:17:44 am »
I've heard this mentioned by people in Discord, how would people want / expect it to work?

What features would you want to see from something like that?

Announcements / Statement of Interest to DM
« on: April 05, 2018, 07:06:03 am »
Hi all.

The idea of this little experiment is to see who within the player base has an interest in DMing, and to see who would like to just remain as player.

It is not an application form to become a DM on Netheril: Age of Magic, it is just a resource for us to use as and when we may need it.

Our DM selection process is basically as follows: We invite a player after we as a team are totally convinced that they would be better for the server as a DM than as a player, but sometimes it's good to have a gauge of who might be interested before we speak to them in detail.

Someone we might be interested in may have no desire to jump ship and see behind the curtain, or someone we thought might not be interested is actually chomping at the bit to get involved.

Anybody who we ask to join our DM'ing team will always be approached and we will have a chat to them prior to actually being invited.

Don't be offended if we do not select you, or if we don't approach you!.

You may be a better asset as a player, your timezone might already be well covered by DMs, you might be a bit too new for the job..there are many, many factors involved (too many to list!)

If you want to get in touch, do so using the template below and drop me a message here on the forums. And at the end of the day don't call us, we will call you!

Account Details:
Time Zone:

Why do you want to be a DM rather than a player?

Have you had previous DM'ing experience?

What can you bring to the DM team on Netheril?

A very brief idea of a plot, faction or quest you would run on the server.

Anything else we should know?

Journals & Backgrounds / Forum Guidelines
« on: April 03, 2018, 03:31:52 pm »
A forum for players to write in character journals, character thoughts or even background information.

Unless stated by the writer the information in this forum is not viewed by anyone else in character.

Everything written here should be in character, please!

If you have any questions please let a DM know.

General Discussion / Awesome server features!
« on: April 01, 2018, 04:49:39 pm »
Is there anything you would like to see added to the server to really bring the awesome?

Offering bowls in temples that give you boosts?

A way of crafting home made poisons?

A hall of fame for awesome PCs?

Make some cool suggestions!

General Discussion / What type of plots do you like?
« on: April 01, 2018, 04:23:25 pm »
Pretty simple question really!

Do you want to see hack and slash? Mystery? Religious plots? Ancient evils?

What would you like to see!

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