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(Gnome Pantheon)
(Human Pantheon)
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| [[Jergal]] || LE || Greater || Death, Destruction, Evil, Heal, Travel || Monks, Necromancers
| [[Jergal]] || LE || Greater || Death, Destruction, Evil, Heal, Travel || Monks, Necromancers
|- style="text-align:center;"
| [[Laviatar]] || LE || Lesser || Evil, Law, Retribution, Strength, Suffering || Torturers, sadists, masochists
|- style="text-align:center;"
|- style="text-align:center;"

Revision as of 00:39, 4 June 2021

Deities are the powerful beings who embody a certain factor of life, they are revered and worshiped by various religions across the world. Deities are often grouped into a pantheon, which is a cultural grouping often symbolizing the main body of the deity's followers as well as the other deities they are most commonly in association with.
  • Greater Deity are the most powerful and prestigious deities of the divine hierarchy, with an immense following and a greatly revered influence on the world.
  • Intermediate Deity is the second highest tier of a deities prominence, within the divine hierarchies.
  • Lesser Deity are third tier within the divine hierachy, these deities, while strong, retain the least prominence of the divine hierarchy, save for demigods.
  • Demipowers or demigods are immortal beings who are capable of granting spells to their followers. They are considered to be the first, most junior, rank on the tier of the divine hierarchy.

To be a Cleric in Netheril, you have to represent your Deity if you want their blessings. This means you must cast from within their Domains, and you must espouse their ideals by remaining true to their alignment. For every incorrect domain a cleric will suffer 20% spell failure. For every opposing axes of alignment a cleric will suffer 10% spell failure. Not picking a deity at all will cause a cleric to suffer 100% spell failure.

Human Pantheon

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Achanatyr LN Greater Good, Knowledge, War, Protection Paladins, Lawmakers, Judges, Magistrates, The Oppressed, Police
Amaunator LN Greater Fire, Knowledge, Strength, Sun, Protection Paladins, Farmers, Travelers, Lawmakers
Eldath NG Lesser Family, Good, Plant, Protection, Water Druids, pacifists, people troubled by violence
Gargauth LE Demigod Charm, Envy, Evil, Greed, Law, Pride, Sloth, Trickery Corrupt leaders and politicians, sorcerers, traitors
Gond N Intermediate City, Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal, Planning, Pride Blacksmiths, woodworkers, engineers, inventors
Grumbar N Greater Balance, Cavern, Earth, Metal, Time Druid
Gwaeron Windstrom NG Demigod Animal, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Travel Rangers of the North
Ilmater LG Intermediate Good, Healing, Strength The Lame, Oppressed, Impoverished, Peasants, Monks, Paladins
Ishtishia N Greater Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Travel, Water Sailors, Pirates, Water Elementals, Water Genasi, some Aquatic Elves
Jannath NG Greater Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection, Water Peasants, Indentured servants, Druids, Farmers, and Gardeners
Jergal LE Greater Death, Destruction, Evil, Heal, Travel Monks, Necromancers
Lliira CG Lesser Chaos, Charm, Family, Good, Lust, Radiance, Sloth, Travel Specialty priests and clerics
Loviatar LE Intermediate Evil, Law, Retribution, Strength, Suffering Torturers, Bullies, Beguilers, Sadists, Masochists
Lurue CG Demigod Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Law, Spell Priests and adventurers
Kozah CE Greater Air, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Water Barbarians, Druids, Fighters, Half-orcs, Sailors, Pirates
Malar CE Lesser Animal, Chaos, Evil, Gluttony, Hunt, Moon, Strength, Wrath Hunters, lycanthropes, barbarians, druids, rangers
Mask NE Lesser City, Darkness, Evil, Greed, Luck, Sloth, Trickery Thieves and rogues
Mystryl CN Greater Air, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery Wizards, Bards, Sorcerers
Nobanion LG Demigod Animal, Good, Law, Nobility, Pride Druids and rangers
Selune CG Greater Good, Healing, Protection, Travel Female Spellcasters, Good/Neutral Lycanthropes, Navigators, Sun Soul Monks, Sailors
Shar NE Greater Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery Anarchists, Assassins, Avengers, Monks, Nihilists, Rogues, Shadow Adepts, Shadowdancers
Sharess CG Demigod Chaos, Charm, Envy, Good, Lust, Sloth, Travel, Trickery
Shaundakul CN Lesser Air, Chaos, Portal’, Protection, Trade, Travel Caravaneers, explorers, half-elves, rangers, and portal-walker
Shiallia NG Demigod Animal, Good, Plant, Renewal Druids
Siamophe LN Demigod Knowledge, Law, Nobility , Planning, Pride Nobles
Targus CN Greater Destruction, Strength, Travel, War Barbarians, Fighters, Rangers, Soldiers, Spies
Tyche TN Lesser Evil, Good, Protection, Travel, Trickery Adventurers, Gamblers, Explorers, Rogues
Ubtao N Greater Balance, Planning, Plant, Pride, Protection, Scalykind Adepts, Chultans, druids, inhabitants of jungles, rangers
Ulutiu LN Demigod Animal, Law, Ocean, Protection, Strength Arctic dwellers, druids, historians, leaders, teachers, rangers
Umberlee CN Intermediate Chaos, Destruction, Envy, Evil, Gluttony, Ocean, Pride, Storm, Watery Death, Water, Wrath Coastal dwellers, sailors
Uthgar CN Lesser Animal, Chaos, Retribution, Strength, War, Wrath Human tribes of the North
Valkur CG Demigod Air, Chaos, Good, Ocean, Protection, Wrath Northlanders
Waukeen N Lesser Balance, City, Greed, Knowledge, Pride, Protection, Sloth, Travel, Trade Shopkeepers, merchants, guides, peddlers, moneychangers, smuggler

Dwarf Pantheon

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Abbathor NE Intermediate Evil, Earth, Trickery, Protection Dwarves, Treasure Hoarders, Greedy Leaders, Rogues, Shadowdancers
Laduguer LE Intermediate Evil, Magic, Strength, Earth, Protection Duergar, Dwarves, Fighters, Loremasters, Soldiers, Exiles
Moradin LE Greater Destruction, Evil, Strength, War Dwarves, Dwarven Smiths

Drow Pantheon

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Lolth CE Intermediate Strength, Darkness, Destruction, Drow, Evil, Trickery Drow, Depraved Elves, Sentient Spiders
Vhaerun CE Lesser Evil, Travel, Trickery Assassins, Male Drow and Half-drow, Poisoners, Rogues, Shadowdancers, Thieves

Elf Pantheon

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Corellon Larethian CG Greater Good, Magic, Protection, War Elves, Half-Elves, Eladrin, Bards

Gnome Pantheon

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Garl Glittergold LG Greater Earth, Good, Trickery, Protection Adventurers, Bards, Soldiers, Gemcutters, Gnomes, Illusionists, Miners, Rogues, Smiths
Urdlen CE Intermediate Earth, Evil, Destruction Assassins, Blackguards, Gnomes, Rogues, Spriggans

Halfling Pantheon

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Yondalla LG Greater Good, Healing, Protection, Trickery Halflings, Leaders, Paladins, Parents

Orc Pantheon

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Gruumsh CE Greater Destruction, Evil, Strength, War Orcs, Half-Orcs

Humanoid Pantheon

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Assuran LN Demigod War, Travel, Death, Knowledge Assassins, Fighters, Rogues, Seekers of Retribution, Bounty Hunters, Jailers, Headsmen
Enlil NG Lesser Good, Air, Protection, Strength, War Leaders, Fathers
Gilgeam LE Intermediate War, Evil, Air, Strength, War Tyrants, Despots
Girru LG Lesser Fire, Good, Magic Smiths, Warriors, Guards, Soldier
Inanna LE Greater War, Sun, Strength, Magic Warriors, Vengeful Lovers
Ishtar TN Greater Magic, Strength, War, Water Warriors, Protective Lovers, Guards
Ki TN Greater Earth, Air, Plant, Water Druids, Rangers
Marduk LN Greater Air, Travel, Destruction, Water Knights, Paladins, Dutiful-Leaders, Metallic Dragons
Nanna-Sin CG Lesser Air, Good, Strength Warriors, Night-workers
Nergal NE Lesser Evil, Death, Earth Necromancers, Elderly
Ramman LN Lesser War, Protection, Strength Destruction Champions, Guards, Soldiers, Duelists, Commanders
Utu CG Greater Fire, Good, Destruction Farmers, Freedom Fighters, Vigilantis


Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Anthraxus NE Demigod War, Death, Evil, Trickery Mercenaries, Wizards, Sorcerers, Warlocks
Demogorgon CE Demigod Destruction, Evil, Magic, Trickery Strategists, Inventors
Fraz-Urb'luu CE Demigod Trickery, Evil, War, Air Illusionists, Sorcerers, Clerics, Bards, Warlocks, Rakshasas, Charlatans, Deceivers
Graz'zt CE Demigod Strength, Destruction, Evil Corrupt Leaders, Soldiers, Martial Champions
Pazuzu CE Demigod Air, Trickery, Destruction, Evil Aerial Monstrocities, Corrupters


Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Baalzebul LE Demigod Trickery, Strength, War, Evil Liars, Manipulators, Schemers
Baphomet CE Demigod War, Strength, Destruction, Evil, Animal Minotaurs, Ogres, Giants, Monstrous Beasts
Bel LE Demigod War, Strength, Fire, Destruction Evil Commanders, Evil Soldiers
Belial LE Demigod Fire, Strength, Evil, Trickery Power's behind the throne, Spies, Manipulators
Dispater LE Demigod Destruction, Evil, War Hobgoblins, goblins, Commanders, Strategists
Fierna LE Demigod Evil, Fire, Trickery Outcasts, Malcontents, Exiles
Gargauth LE Demigod Trickery, Evil, Travel Corrupt Leaders, Corrupt Politicians, Sorcerers, Traitors
Glasya LE Demigod Evil, Trickery, Air Female Leaders, Evil Tyrants
Levistus LE Demigod Water, War, Trickery, Evil Assassins, Militant Bards, Rakish Fighters, Rangers, Rogues
Mammon LE Demigod Trickery, Evil, Fire Beholders, Duergar, Evil Dragons, Greedy Individuals, Mind Flayers
Mephistopheles LE Demigod Water, Strength, Destruction, Evil Tyrants, Despots, Cruel Inventors


Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Garyx CE Lesser Fire, Destruction, Death, War Dragons, Sorcerers, Warlords, Druids
Tiamat LE Lesser Fire, Evil, War, Destruction Chromatic Dragons, Evil Dragons, Evil Reptiles, Fighters, Sorcerers, Thieves, Vandals

Other Monstrous Deities

Name Alignment Rank Domains Worshippers
Annam All-Father TN Greater Earth, Sun, Plant, Magic Giants, Giant-kin
Sylansia CN Demigod Death, Healing, Knowledge, Evil Monsters, Monstrous Adventures, Monstrous Outcasts