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Elebrin Liothiel Bahamut about this audio file listen) was the dragon god of justice. Before entering the Faerûnian pantheon, he was a member of the Draconic pantheon, as a deity of good dragons, metallic dragons, wisdom, and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and punishment with forgiveness) known by the name of Xymor. For some time, he was also a member of the Untheric pantheon, under the alias of Marduk.

Symbol: A star above a milky nebul
Home Plane: Celestia (as Bahamut)
Alignment: Lawful good
Portfolio: Good dragons, wind, wisdom
Worshipers: Good dragons, anyone seeking protection from evil dragons
Favored weapon: "Bite" (heavy pick), claw
Cleric Alignment: LG, NG
NWN Domains: Air, Good, Luck, Nobility, Protection, Storm