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Author Topic: A Note on Dice Rolls  (Read 25120 times)


  • Noble
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A Note on Dice Rolls
« on: May 15, 2018, 10:28:21 pm »
To my creative players who I love so much,

I've noticed during events there is a spam of dice rolls at random times.  A tip to you all who are doing this, I don't really know what you are trying to do.  You could be rolling spot to see what tailor made the necromancer's epic tunic or you could be rolling arcane knowledge to understand the complexities of a monster's hand gestures during spellcasting.  Instead of rolling and leaving me to guess, please send me a Tell or DM message about what you are trying to do and I'll set up a roll and DC for you.  Again, this is just me but in the havoc of a DM event I don't really know what each person is thinking and intending.  Just give me a heads up what you are doing and I'll make sure you have a roll for it.  Can't promise it will go according to plan with how many people are doing stuff but I promise I'll give you something to roll for.

Thanks again!