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Author Topic: Recent Player Ban  (Read 16845 times)


  • Dungeon Master
  • Demi-God
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Recent Player Ban
« on: January 02, 2022, 05:22:57 am »
In an effort to remain open and transparent as a team we are making this announcement regarding the banning of (a player)
The player, over the years, has constantly pushed the line regarding our stance on inappropriate RP and storylines. (the player in question) has been warned, officially, many times and we have tried to stay reasonable and patient. Today we were informed by players unnamed that (the player) has once again had, or at least discussed, the portrayal of/storyline involving incest, a subject that is strictly against our set of rules. This has been the final straw that has broken our long-held acceptance of this behavior and has therefore been given a Permanent Ban and after 30 days we will accept an appeal if they wish to do so.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 05:25:23 am by deltaTime »
"People who have no hope are easy to control"