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Author Topic: Information on Conch  (Read 41252 times)


  • Dungeon Master
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Information on Conch
« on: July 24, 2021, 06:38:32 am »
Information on Conch

Upper District
Upper Conch is the wealthiest district of Conch and is predominantly populated by humans and similar races.  Amongst the residents are landlords, petty nobility and Nebular staff and students.  Monstrous races are not welcome at all in Upper Conch and are liable to be violently driven out.  Players of PCs of this nature should be aware they are in danger of beatdowns or worse if they stray there. 

//ooc: You are not allowed to enter this area disguised. Until we have a scripted disguise system, that is not supported. Monsters risk being KOS in this area so keep that in mind.

Market District
The Market District of Conch is fairly cosmopolitan and is considered something of a neutral zone to residents.  Members of all races reside or enter for business in this district, although monster PCs will still be watched carefully by the guards.

Slums District
Officially termed West Conch, the Slums of Conch are home to a motley assortment of races.  Monster PCs are as welcome as any other.  Note that this a violent district and visibly wealthy PCs are in danger of being robbed or otherwise attacked.  The Slums are also an open PVP area so keep this in mind when entering them.   

//ooc: This area you can beatdown as per the pvp rules and can be done without DM present. This is not a full permadeath area.