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Author Topic: The Night Star - Teuivae Surin  (Read 33350 times)


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Re: The Night Star - Teuivae Surin
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2019, 06:50:14 pm »
I had to reflect on my previous entry - the vision has not faded from my dreams, but much like my celestial blood, I expect this to last several nights before anything of note happens. I also think I misunderstood Zahirra's intentions and she is just a friend, though I make her feel safe. That is good at least.

On that note - it has come to my attention that several people have placed their hopes in me. As if I am this heroic knight that they are waiting to see when I'll slay the dragon. I'm not sure what I've done to spark this - Neasa says it's because I'm mighty and a beacon of compassion and forgiveness. Even after being nearly scolded by a Bright Moon Knight, I was told I somehow impressed this stoic, intensely passionate paladin of Selune. Is that why I've been lead to awaken my blood? Why I am being led to some shield she wants me to have, now?

I have left the Order of the Guiding Hand as well. And for some reason, I am tired of hiding behind even these pages - if this is found out and I'm branded a traitor, then so be it. I cannot suffer the apathy and disregard of life that the Empire of Valstiir has bred into the very land - it makes my heart cry and my soul weep. It is so deep rooted in these lands that even Dame Averil, knight-commander to the Swords of the Lady, sees the Rengarthi as somehow... lesser, savage beasts just because they do not follow the laws written by an arcanist that thinks she is above everyone else. It simply does not matter how much you can effect the world around you - you can black out the sun, cause floods and fire to rain from the sky - but this isn't true power. The true test of power is not toppling dragons and giants or lifting cities into the sky, it's when you can bend knee and wipe the tears from a lost soul, humbling yourself so that they may have another chance to enter the celestial realms.

Regardless of that, it hurts my heart that it's seeped into the knight-commander herself. I couldn't see myself staying, taking orders from someone that sees anyone as a lesser being. I saw how the Order treats those who do not obey with in my research. Publicly humiliation and threats to punish them... I did not feel it was the place I could do most good, even though Lycaria does and maybe she can - I hope so.

For now, I lean on Selune and her wisdom. She has lead me to these places for reasons that I'm unable to comprehend just yet. Which shows a measure of faith in me, as her servant, ally, and friend. I shall find this shield when you deem it worthy Lady Selune and anything else you may ask of me... it is a difficult path you've put me on... or perhaps it is a difficult path I choose and you honor it. Either way, please give me strength and wisdom going forward.

Forever in service to the light.


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Re: The Night Star - Teuivae Surin
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2019, 05:42:28 pm »
I found somewhere hidden. A village of sorts, unseen by the rest of the world. Imagine my surprise when I walk into the clearing as see a whole village was there was none before. There is a device in the middle that pulls a veil over them - but it hasn't been working right since the mist of Roz'dha has spread. They've asked me to acquire celestial silver in order to get it working correctly and in exchange I've been given an amulet to let me inside, for now.

First I must note that they do have a banner of Shar, which instantly put me on the defensive - I thought the whole village may attack me! But they do not understand Shar in the same way as I've come to understand her - it seems they only focus on the aspects of keeping secrets, not spreading evil. I find this curious, but the priestess there claims that somehow Tyche and Jannath provide balance against Shar. Perhaps a deal the three brokered among themselves, for this village alone?

I sensed no lies when they spoke... and I have gotten an idea wandering the village. I hope to aid them, not only because I'd like to keep them hidden from the Empire, but I am hoping they may share information on their device. If I can even have a lesser one built that protects against scrying, at least... perhaps I can forge a sanctuary of sorts, free from the eyes of the Empire. I don't know what the future holds, but just as every golden age eventually falls to darkness, so does the moon pierce the clouds - and it will be a time fraught with danger. I want to make a place that I can protect people.

Selune, thank you.


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Re: The Night Star - Teuivae Surin
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2019, 12:38:34 am »
My Oath to Selune

Upon this page, let any who see these words, by reading or by knowing - such as Lady Selune - come to hold me to my oath. May these words bind me and guide me.

Honesty. I shall not lie or cheat. My word is my promise.

Courage. I shall never fear to act, though I shall always practice caution in those actions.

Peace. Violence is a weapon of last resort. Diplomacy and understanding are the paths to long-lasting peace.

Compassion. I shall aid others, protect the weak, and strike against those who threaten them. I shall show mercy to my foes, but temper it with wisdom.

Honor. I shall treat others with fairness, and let my honorable deeds be an example to them. I will do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.

Duty. I shall be responsible for my actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to my care, and obey those who have just authority over me.

Innocence. All people begin life in an innocent state, and it is their environment or the influence of dark forces that drives them to evil. By setting the proper example, and working to heal the wounds of a deeply flawed world, anyone can be set on a righteous path.

Patience. Change takes time. Those who have walked the path of the wicked must be given reminders to keep them honest and true. Once the seed of righteousness has been planted in a creature, I must work day after day to allow it to survive and then flourish.

Wisdom. My heart and mind must stay clear, for eventually I will be forced to admit defeat. While every creature can be redeemed, some are so far along the path of evil that I have no choice but to end their lives for the greater good. Any such action must be carefully weighed and the consequences fully understood, but once I have made the decision, follow through with it knowing my path is just.


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Re: The Night Star - Teuivae Surin
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2019, 08:06:59 pm »
A final goodbye to Hadrain...

I'm unsure of the future, but what I do know is that my future is not in Hadrain anymore - it's not under the rule of Valstiir. Selune teaches us acceptance in her guiding light and yet the corruption has even reached Dame Averil... not all laws are meant for everyone and to kill over and enforce laws on a people that simply want to lives their lives - I cannot stand for it. However it seems everyone else can and continue to live their lives like it's normal.

I will continue to seek out the shield in my visions and forge a place of peace somewhere or perhaps find one that Selune smiles onto. I can only imagine she blesses the Abby because it is her holy site and she wishes to give them all a chance to see her light. She is far more patient- no. That's not it. It's that I'm alone in this and no matter who I am, I cannot do it alone. Not even Selune can do everything by herself. So... I seek allies as well, comrades in a new chapter of my life. I hope my friends find what they're looking for. I hope they find companionship and the light they need - whatever form that takes.

I will miss them. And especially you sister. I pray with all of my heart that you find peace, more than anything, because I know you've been missing it for some time. If my prayers mean anything... I hope they mean at least this.