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Author Topic: The Mayor's Diary: Morgaine the Red  (Read 29363 times)


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Re: The Mayor's Diary: Morgaine the Red
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2019, 08:15:32 am »
Dear Diary

More strange events.  Ash took a party to explore the Angel Wings asylum, and brought back disturbing stories about a cult attempting to create an "Angel of Decay", and some shadowy drum.  He ALSO brought back a disturbed young lady named Vivili who has decided that Ash is her father and I am her mother.  She's a few years older than I am, but that doesn't seem to bother her.  Maybe I can convince her to be like a big sister instead.  I've always wanted a nice one. 

What bothers me is her sharpened teeth, long fingernails and history of cannibalism.  I suppose there is no other way to survive in such an awful place.  So I will do my best to help rehabilitate Vivi.  Ash is not making it easy, though... he's been giving her wine and cut her fingernails with his SWORD.  Who does that?!  He cut her fingertips!  Maybe it will be good for me.  Vivi may be a cannibal and mentally ill, but she'll still be more pleasant company than my real big sister.  Still... I must be wary. 

Fortunately I have Celebrithrade as my bodyguard now, and she is doing an outstanding job.  She was somehow revived, even though she died long ago.  I'd read so much about her, and even visited her memorial a few times both with Allania and on my own.  Celeb was a hero, and is already well on her way to becoming one again.  She's so talented and beautiful, and it's astonishing how quickly she is regaining her old prowess.  She knew Allania well, and I find that very reassuring.  It sounds like they had an extremely competitive friendship, though.  A downside is that I have probably hurt Sherina's feelings by not choosing her as my bodyguard. 

Master Arcanist Joriin has returned from his studies.  What a relief!  We have problems facing the city that need an arcanist to investigate.  I've missed him so much.  So many times I've had some personal disaster, and gone to the town square to talk to him at his usual spot at the wagon.  He's so charming and intelligent, and he always makes me feel better.  Then there was that help he gave me with Fiona.  He was so mighty and selfless!  Why do people say such awful things about him?  If things had gone nowhere with Fjord, then I would have... well...anyway.

I can barely believe I'm writing this, but... after all this time, Fjord and I are officially dating!  We kissed for the first time at the Lookout on Valstiir.  It was magical!  Red and Blue, together at last.  A waiter sort of ruined the moment by vomiting over the edge of the enclave while we were kissing.  He must have had a stomach bug of some sort. 

But... what the hell do I do now if Saeb Alanchi comes back to Hadrian...?
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: The Mayor's Diary: Morgaine the Red
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2019, 05:52:15 am »
Dear Diary

Michael Copperfield is dead.  He sold his soul to a devil in order to cure Sherina of her 'shadow taint' which was tragically consuming her.  Normally this would be the sort of courageous, selfless, romantic act that makes me shudder with joy.  Tragically, the circumstances make it otherwise.

Fjord had been working hard to gather reagents for a cure for Sherina, one that did not require anyone to die.  Michael knew about it.  He knew about it, and yet took a self-destructive option the day before Fjord's cure would have been performed.  Did he simply love Sherina that much that he lost all sense?  Or was he that ferociously jealous he could not tolerate someone besides him saving Sherina?  Was he absolutely selfless or absolutely selfish? Everyone has their own opinion...

Sheri is devastated of course.  She attempted to take her own life in the days afterwards, but Ash stopped her.  Though in typical Black Aardyn fashion he was harsh when she needed tenderness.  Sheri asked me to give her some work to keep her busy, so I have taken her into my guard.  I always wanted her there, but I was too afraid of Michael and well aware that they came as a pair or not at all. Since I became mayor I have not had much time for Harvest Moon, so Sherina will help me through that organisation. 

I sense that the Voust matter is reaching it's end game.  I made a provocative declaration intended to anger the Count and flush him from hiding.  I am noticing more vampire activity than before, so I think I got his attention.  Though I slay the Count's progeny wherever I find them, more continue to appear.  This cannot go on.  Either he falls, or I fail and serve him for eternity.  I sense something big awaiting me... hopefully it is not undeath. 
« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 05:56:22 am by Fiverine »
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: The Mayor's Diary: Morgaine the Red
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2019, 12:49:12 am »
Dear Diary

The end of my mayoral term draws near.  I originally had planned to seek a consecutive term, but I've decided against that now.  I'm just too damned tired and not feeling appreciated anymore.  I've done some of the things I wanted to as mayor, but not others.  I imagine that is not unique to me... Chester probably wanted to sleep with a few more prostitutes and Damion to lighten a few more pockets.  There are still a few more projects I want to complete of course. 

The local adventuring community is in turmoil.  Ash and Vivili were found guilty of consorting with a devil by the 14th Legion.  Poor Vivili will be burned at the stake tomorrow, and Ash will be branded.  The 14th Legion did various raids on people suspected of being compromised by this devil 'Nuzu'.  It wasn't directed solely at adventurers... a few from within the Legion itself will be burned too. While there is some general unrest, it is the adventurers who are most angry about the sentences.  I have grave fears for the safety of my citizens should an uprising occur. 

I tried to be a kinder, gentler mayor than we have had in the past.  But it's all been for nothing.  The burnings continue, and people just take my kindness and then complain that I'm still not doing enough for them.  Or they pay pawns to make anonymous proclamations complaining about me.  Sad as it is, this city needs someone with a heavier hand than I can provide.  And to rub more salt in that wound, it was revealed to me that one of my closest friends is not what they claim to be.  It's someone who I trusted more than almost any other...
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: The Mayor's Diary: Morgaine the Red
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2019, 10:25:59 pm »
Dear Diary

I'm seated at the desk in my office.  Fiona Voust paces in front of me, her auburn ponytail slicing the air each time she sharply turns.  "This is it, Morgaine," she says.  "The moment I was preparing you for.  You know what you have to do.  Declare an emergency extension of your term, and snatch all the emergency powers you can.  And never, ever let them go."

Saeb Alanchi stands behind my chair, her hands rubbing my aching temples.  Her fingers are incredibly strong, yet gentle.  "Gosh Fiona," she says.  "You, ah, never miss a chance to exploit misery do you, mhmm?  Death hasn't, um,  improved your ethics I see.  Morgaine's not doing anything like that.  She's, ah, going to do the right thing here, once she works out what that is."

Maximus Valerius prowls around the far end of the room.  He's back in his gold armour, shining so brightly in the lamplight that it almost stings my eyes.  "Remember what I told you, Morgaine?" he barks.  "Competence is more important than popularity.  I knew something like this would happen with a soft touch like you as mayor.  But it's all right.  Just do what I say, and everything will be fine."

Allania's sitting in one of the chairs to my left in front of the fireplace, eating slices of orange.  "Miss Morgaine, don't listen to them!" she says.  "Do something for yourself.  You never do anything for yourself!"  She then abruptly sneezes, twin jets of flame firing from her nostrils and igniting the drapes.  She mutters something about having run out of orange juice.  As the fire burns and spreads, they all then argue about whose job it is to put it out.  I awaken from the dream just as I angrily go to do it myself. 

Hadrian is in turmoil.  With two weeks left in my term, the people have voted to eject the 14th Legion from town.  Our enemies seized this chance and Hadrian was attacked by demons and Southbank by orcs.  I fortunately had an evacuation plan so the death toll is not as bad as it could have been.  But still many are dead or homeless.  I have toured the damaged areas.  Southbank should recover quickly, for the orcs were more concerned with looting than direct murder and destruction.  Hadrian is another matter.  The marshals are gone, and for the time being mercenaries will have to fill the void.

Darius, a local swordsman apparently caused the demon attack and is at large.  Vivili escaped her sentence and could be anywhere.  Ash has remained, and awaits some form of sentence.  Things have been tense between us since I told him I knew his mother was a Sharran.  But I'm not going to have him branded, that is grotesque.  He is offering to help train a new town guard, and do it for free.  But is that a punishment or a reward?  I don't know.  There's something else he could do to clear his slate, both with me and the city. 

An election is due soon.  For a job that nobody wants now. 
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 10:34:06 pm by Fiverine »
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: The Mayor's Diary: Morgaine the Red
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2019, 05:08:50 am »
Dear Diary

After all this time, I've been targeted by my first assassin.  A black goblin attacked me in the town square.  His blade struck me severely, and the poison left me incapable of running, let alone fighting back.  Fortunately friends were close by.  I think it was Belorfin who dispatched the goblin in the end, but paralysed as I was I could barely tell what was happening.  I recovered in the safety of the Adventurer's Society.  I still wasn't feeling well at all and inadvertently offended a Dukarrus solider from Screech Tusk. 

Following that, some 'Bog Bishop' is demanding I compensate him for the death of a friend of his.  I have no clue what he's even talking about.  Devlan's request for mayoral candidates is a huge relief and lifts a weight from my soul.  Anarchy in Hadrian continues.  Many refugees are housed in the old Dukarrus estate, and that has triggered a war of letters between myself and a Dukarrus scribe.  Fights have broken out there over blankets and food.  I tried to smooth things over, but it made things worse.  I just don't know what I'm doing anymore...  this is what people will remember me for:  the ejection of the garrison, the sacking of Hadrian and Southbank, the refugees, the riots.  A few weeks ago I was feeling proud of what I had achieved, yet now I feel a failure. 

Fjord took the Legion withdrawal badly, and I haven't seen him for days.  He often worked with them on cases.  That has probably contributed to how alone I've felt of late.  But Celebrithrade returned today.  Thank the Lady of Silver for her.  She actually got me laughing again.  We hugged, cried, laughed...and drank a little too much...
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: The Mayor's Diary: Morgaine the Red
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2019, 10:24:02 pm »
Dear Diary

Long had I suspected that Morgana Voust still lived on in some form.  I prayed that she was alive and well, but locked in a cell concealed somewhere in the Voust estate.  Alas, that was a delusion of pitiful optimism.  She lives on as the thing I feared she might be... another gods damned vampire.

My dreams of making the Voust estate into something better are all but dead.  Had the bounty been claimed earlier perhaps something could have been done, but now time draws far too short.  All that matters now is ending the cursed Voust line.  I will not leave these lands with those undead overlords still lurking and waiting to seize power once more.

Devlan showed me a list of the mayoral candidates he has received letters from so far.  An elf, a rengarth, a possible traitor, an alcoholic, and someone with wings.  I am funding Celebrithrade and Caitlin's campaigns.  I know which one I'd prefer to be the next mayor, but it's best to remain impartial in such things. 

"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."