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Author Topic: Regarding Vanilla NWN Loot drops  (Read 14907 times)


  • Demi-God
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Regarding Vanilla NWN Loot drops
« on: June 24, 2018, 11:22:20 am »
Recently we've noticed that there have been some loot drops from standard NWN. Things like +3 items, properties such as OnHit/Keen/Immunity etc and also items that don't fit our lore such as books or armour and weapons with the incorrect backstories.

While we seek out the source of these items and change them to our own treasure system, we're going to be removing/replacing such items as we see them in player's inventories. Loot balance is a key part of our server and such items being in circulation can really harm our reward/loot system.

If you find an item that is obviously not part of our setting, please trash it and record where you found it so we can stop it from happening.

Thanks for your understanding!  8)