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Author Topic: Technical contribution to the Library of Vastir.  (Read 13124 times)


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Technical contribution to the Library of Vastir.
« on: June 15, 2018, 05:18:31 am »
*Aquaria delivers a parchment with a freshly copied story from her own research, with a note to the librarian.*

"Greetings, master Pendragon.

This time, I am contributing a technical report on many of the breeds or races found in the world. Some information can't speak depth or detail because it was based on information collected with different adventurers, as well as hunters and field surveys. Please do not consider this a final document, but an initial contribution to any hunter, druid, ranger, or life seeker as an initial reference in your research. I know I may be wrong at one point or another, but the information here can make the difference between life and death. To each researcher reading these notes, please have him read this message to be aware of the risks of an outdated source of information.

To start, about Sahuagin creatures. Good reading, Master Pendragon.

- Aquaria Blackstone, Relic hunter"
A study about Sahuagin in Netheril

Sahuagin, a distinct and strange critura who live in places with direct liguação with the sea, either on beaches or underwater caves. These undeveloped creatures are too small to be tamed and enslaved. Their constant dependence on water makes them difficult to breed in captivity. And their grotesque eating habits and stinking skills would make even the most tolerant of the nobles die poisoned. Apart from the commercial part to everyone who has read this opening paragraph, let's now briefly detail these different creatures.

Sahuagin are carnivorous, devouring other animals and civilized races to stay alive. Their culture, structured through the worship of an aquatic deity equal to them, framed every Sahuagin racial culture in a tribal structure, commanded by the chief of the tribe, supported by the shaman, reinforced by the trusted warriors and the rest of the race.

Sahuagin usually take possession of structures created by other races, especially the common or marine elves, whose meat is extremely tasty and attractive to them. The simple vision of an elf is capable of making a Sahuagin drool of anxiety over cracked flesh. They consider human flesh second-rate, but satisfying, because of the extreme ease of capturing and devouring adventurers or human fishermen.

Sahuagin possesses rudimentary skills in the areas of construction, weapons creation and armor. Whatever is most powerful is stolen from other races, its weapons being nothing but twigs with pieces of stone tied, and its altars rock with 3 spears tied, holding skulls of elves and humans.

Sahuagin takes care of their offspring in a different way: They generate dozens of eggs, and every generation of Sahuagin that is born, is forced to fight against his brothers and sisters to the death all the time, until they are strong in a point that the adults Please stop. Sahuagin females and males are practically the same, although the females generate a huge belly, carrying their eggs inside the body to flee all somewhere near the carcass of some elf or human, so that the offspring will instinctively devour and taste a delicacy unique, from which will print an impression that will hang for life, motivating the race to hunt elves or humans for pleasure.
In terms of combat, these aquatic creatures are deadly in the water. At sea, they can mentally summon sharks, obeying their orders. On land, the natural fluids of their bodies generate a sedentary gas, stunning their victims to be overthrown by an hour of Sahuagin. They use weapons such as spears, ax and stones made of wood and cheap stone, but it is not uncommon to see them using metal weapons stolen by adventurers, and even using bows and beasts, as these dangerous creatures have an incredible memory, being able to learn movements and maneuvers just by looking... Passing the teaching to the members of their offspring

Sahuagin have poisonous glands that exude their gas in parts of their body, and have some sub-species capable of generating a near-acid oil to human touch. These glands are optimal for the production of stunting poisons, or dry glands, in a process of preparation (which for the sake of safety can not be exposed here) are thrown dry in one direction, and upon reaching the floor to poison bag, resulting in decomposition, creates a stinking stinking gas, capable of causing dizziness, vomiting and loss of senses. Arcana and priests can not concentrate, while warriors and others have difficulty moving their arms, feeling partial paralysis in their bodies.

Culturally speaking, the Sahuagin do not know how to read or write in most cases, save the shamans, who steal books and expand their limited knowledge, and keep magicians and priests of other races in a very rudimentary and limited language. mystical or divine knowledge of them. This type of Shama is extremely dangerous.

The habit consists of caves near the sea, temples and ruins with direct connection to sea water or rivers. It is very common to see inner tribes abandoning caves at the edge of the beach, after being taken over by human bandits, invading other regions, always by the sea.


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Re: Technical contribution to the Library of Vastir.
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2018, 05:59:41 pm »
*Aquaria delivers a parchment with a freshly copied story from her own research, with a note to the librarian.*

"Greetings, master Pendragon.

After a literal journey into the depths of the soul of a certain hero lost in the net of darkness and corruption and how he managed to get out of it, I am bringing you a small sample of an initial study. Maybe it's to your liking. Probably our readers will be able to have something for reflection and debate, since elements contained herein serve for a deep thought about what each of us consists of. Philosophically and morally speaking.

Good reading.

- Aquaria Blackstone, Relic hunter"
A study of soul structure - 3 Paths and 8 Pillars

After an analytical vision through the soul of a mortal with heroic tendencies, I believe it is possible to verify the structuring of the motivations and traits that compose the soul of mortals with their own conscience, where life is not moved only by external racial instincts or conditioning. The report here is put coldly, without giving details of names, people, examples or places. The reason for this is that if I afford to say names, many will be offended. For his or her soul would be exposed, and the truth would be devastating if it were to the public.From now on, only analysis and theories. Ignore them if you want, but there is a lot to think about, and if they become worth people and their behaviors, they can easily identify traits of their personality and behaviors. At the same time, those that are exposed to the public. You can "read" the behavior of groups or even noble houses if pay enough attention.

The three paths that shape the pillars of one's souls are, in the absence, essence or exaggeration... Courage, Love and truth. The absence is, relatively Cowardice, Hate and falsehood. But leav the Cowardice, hate and falsehood aside for now... Negative aspects, or the absence of them generate broken or damaged pillars, which I will explain later. The normal pillars are... Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility. Each Pillar is part of one or more of one path of our soul."

Honesty is pure truth. Compassion is pure love. Valor is pure corage. Justice is Truth with love. Sacrifice is Love with courage. Honor is truth with couragem. Spirituality is truth, love and courage combined. Humility is truth, love and courage independently, working side by side in equal parts.

*A draw of 8 pillars with each name*

"Honesty is respect for Truth... That which, when you possess it, means all may rely on your every word.

Compassion is Love of others. The quality that compels one to share the journeys of others.

Valor is Courage to stand up against risks. That which answers when great deeds are called for and "the cloak that protects the other pillars

Justice is Truth, tempered by Love. That which should be the same for nobles and common alike.

Sacrifice is Courage to give oneself in name of Love. That which is loath to place the self above all else.

Honor is Courage to seek and uphold the Truth. That which shirks no duty.

Spirituality is to seek Truth, Love and Courage from one's own self and the world around . That which, in knowing the self, knows all.

Humility is the opposite of Pride - the absence of Truth, Love or Courage. That which serfs are born with, but nobles must strive to attain.

A soul is composed of these 8 pillars, or the destroyed version of them. The more pillars destroyed, the more dangerous, cruel and malignant the soul. People are guided by the three paths, having a pillar or more as the moral structure of their actions, words and thoughts. The corroded version of these pillars and paths also guide people too. But they, in their purest or corrupted form, are extremely powerful, creating distortions and irreparable damage to themselves or to everyone around them.

When you talk and see other people, you will understand better... The Dwarves have a strong pillar named Honor and other as Honesty in most part of time. Humans, in some degree, become too decadent, losing humility, becoming too prideful. But have a strong sense of Valor and Spirituality, seeking for freedom and independence. But this is subject to other research in the future.

Listing each pillar... Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility along with the 3 paths, Courage, Love and truth.

And now, each ruined or opposit pillar: Deceit, opposit of Honesty. Despise, opposit of Compassion. Destard, opposit of Valor.  Wrong, opposit of Justice. Greed, opposit of Sacrifice. Shame, opposit of Honor. Disbelief, opposit of Spirituality. Pride, opposit of Humility....

Another draw below of the 8 ruined pillars and the 3 ways of destruction...

"Cowardice, opposit of Coourage... Hate opposit of Love... and Falsehood, opposit of Truth.

The Deceitful soul uses logic and quick thinking to decieve others for personal gain. A seasoned swindler can profit considerably from his skill, and often has an extraordinary ability to avoid capture or discovery.

The Spiteful soul has often been severely emotionally scarred, leading to an intense hatred for all life, and an urge to exact vengeance upon anything breathing. They revel in the torment of others.

The Dastardly soul never dares to stand up for its beliefs, and it will not do anything that anyone may disagree with, out of fear for the consequences. When noone is around to see them, however, their true nature, whatever that may be, is revealed.

The Wrongful never cares about right or wrong. If acting upon the orders of others, they will follow these orders blindly and stop at nothing to get the job done. If acting out their own interests, they will tend to pursue the greatest good for themselves or their closest allies with no regard for the consequences of others.

The Covetous soul will never give up anything that belongs to it, no matter how desperate the call might be. It is driven by an intense urge for material profit and will sacrifice the interests of others to please this urge. Unlike Sacrifice, the Virtue which stands for self-Sacrifice, Covetous represents the sacrificing of others for personal gain.

The Shameful soul can never be trusted, for it will committ treason for personal gain. It will pretend to be a friend, but what it truly wants is information, profit, a strong ally or other personal gain only. When its friendship is put to the test, a shameful soul will abandon you.

The Disbelief soul does not believe in, nor care about the spirit. It believes that only matter exists and matters. For such a soul, there is no reason to ever pursue any higher ideal than personal gain, material security or sensual pleasure. This kind of soul often acts like a devout believer of its own religious school and may try to sway others to their belief. A disbelief soul is closely related to and often leads to cynicism.

The Prideful soul considers itself to be superior to other living beings. It will disregard others' opinions, thinking that it, alone, is capable of valid reasoning. The symptoms of Pride include arrogance, intolerance and egocentricity. "



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Re: Technical contribution to the Library of Vastir.
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2018, 07:15:54 pm »
*Aquaria delivers a parchment with a freshly copied story from her own research, with a note to the librarian.*

"Greetings, master Pendragon.

This time, a brief study about the Fire Paw gnolls. The study is partial and depends on more information, but I am sending it to the library, to assist other adventurers, and even those interested in other noble houses or groups

Good reading.
Fire Pawn Gnolls

Recently, there has been a series of attacks involving gnolls from a particular tribe, destroyed villages, farms, trading posts, caravans and even more intensely and actively threatening the life around Hadrian. This may not be the definite guide to everything you need to know about Gnolls, or even the final word on this particular tripo. But it will become a reference for future confrontations. I hope this helps you, adventurers, in the future.

1 - What are gnolls?

Gnolls are humanoid creatures with hyena traits. His insane laughter and his ferocity are very characteristic traits, as well as possible crifres, hairy characteristic of hyenas, skin was greenish-gray, and their furry hide a light or dark brown hue, sometimes marked with spots or stripes. Many gnolls also had a dirty yellow to reddish-gray crest-like mane that stood on end when they were angry. They have sharp tusks and claws, as well as physical traits such as agility and strength greater than a normal human.

Female gnolls were indistinguishable from males by size, in spite of a reputation for being shorter. In fact, so similar were male and female gnolls in appearance that they were often mistaken for one another. The only reliable way to tell the difference, other than through a close physical examination, was if a female was pregnant or openly nursing.

The tribal structure is usually linked to a stronger leader who guides the entire tribe. Often this leadership is done through the matriarchy, where the females lead, or someone with powers of magical origin or other means (see below). The tribe, although extremely savage, has an intense and unshakable loyalty to the members of the same offspring, descendants of the same female or matriarch. This is also influenced by the mentality of the pack, due to the traits of hyenas and wolves in the characteristics of this creature

2 - Rumors about Gnolls.

Many speak of demonic blood in this race, either because they are perhaps the fruit of some infernal experience, or the crossing between different species. It is not uncommon to see a leader or shaman of a gnoll (tribe) pack having pacts with demons and devils.

They usually mark their own skin with paintings or special marks, forming covenants in exchange for power, having the shaman or mystic leader of the pack (tribe) as channel of negotiation between infernal entities. These deals come about through the offering of victims slaughtered in battles in exchange for the expansion of gnoll territory or the ritual sacrifice of members directly attached to the pack itself.

3 - Culture and mentality of a gnoll

Gnolls are by nature a nomadic group, invading and attacking areas as the food of hunting and looting ends from one region, moving to another. Because of this, gnolls have developed a unique ability to dig and search for objects and items, such as sniffer dogs. They adapt everything they steal, and usually capture men to produce weapons and armor for them, or teach some weaker gnolls for this function. The captured women end up serving as entertainment, being forced to submit to it or die. These women usually die after a short time, moments after generating half-gnolls and humans (half-gnoll, see below).

Gnolls has a strong and intense sense of loyalty among members of the same pack / tribe, and all their savagery and aggression is directed at their victims and enemies. This strong sense of family is partly generated by females, who give birth to numerous gnolls, and they live under the orders of their mothers, following the leaders of their packs / tribes. An average gnoll lives around 30 years under normal conditions, but die early in many cases in the battlefield or raids.

4 - Half Gnolls

half-gnolls have the look and physical qualities of a common gnoll, but have the brightness and human mentality, and their sense of family and pack are weaker in terms of influence. Half-gnolls usually become wizards, shamans, or detain more elaborate skills than ordinary gnolls do not possess. The tribe / pack of gnolls usually capture human females to produce half-gnolls, to work from blacksmiths and take occupations where gnoll ferocity is not so advantageous. In contrast, those who hold magical abilities for blood (sorcerers) or faith (shamans) leave the secondary position in the tribe to adopt command posts or importance within the tribe / pack. An average half-gnoll lives around 50 to 60 yerars under normal conditions, but die early for sacrifice of any gnoll ritual or because are not too strong to survive after many raids and attacks.

5 - Fire paw Gnolls

Gorelikk is the power representation of this tribe / pack. Little is known about him for now, whether he is a devil or a gnoll leader with a direct pact with him. The gnolls of this tribe / pack attack villages and human farms, to sacrifice people, trying to make pacts with new devils and expand the power of Gorelikk. The most recent summoning attemp, prevented by a group of adventurers killed a devil was named Ash'nabagth.

Probably, if arrested in time, it is able to prevent the invocation of new devils, but if they are found too late, it is possible to confront devils and other infernal beings invoked by the gnolls.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2018, 07:17:45 pm by Shantis »


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Re: Technical contribution to the Library of Vastir.
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 03:19:26 am »
*Aquaria sends to the Library a copy of her article*

"Greetings, master Pendragon.

Sorry for the absence. I was dealing with difficult situations, but I'm resuming the pace of production and research. Here, a brief guide on relics

Good reading.

Aquaria Blackstone"

Unlike artifacts, which are constructed mystically by arcane, a relic is somewhat different due to way of work and rarity. The term "relic" usually consists of the physical remains of a important person, hero, noble or commoner with some personal effects in the history for different reasons. Unlike normal artifacts, created by mortals or gods, a relic is an object that naturally awakens by use, channeling power, whether divine or mystical, serving as an extension of the owner.

Unlike artifacts, relics gain their powers naturally, with use. The same sword used to fight pirates becomes more potent in confronting them, for its owner, being a paladin of justice and the weapon, being fully known gives strength and power because of his fame, prestige and mainly, historical presence.

Relics are very common among clerics and priests, where the faith of their faithful followers makes the process of channeling power over the years naturally. Another way for a "born" relic is when one is destroyed. A dragon hunter is famous for having killed several dragons using the same axe. But this dragon hunter is killed and his weapon destroyed by a lizardman, whose object is a mystical staff, like a shaman. The accumulated energy of a relic passes to another object, since the fame, prestige and all power naturally accumulated in the ancient relic is transferred to the nearest object when the original is destroyed.

Family heirlooms are powerful. The sword of the family patriarch, who passes from generation to generation, with the weight of family values gains power, and each generation of that family uses the relic as object of power and symbol of the values and goals of this family.

Fantastic creatures and monsters are also relic materials. The horn of a minotaur who is known to dominate a region ends up turning a mug for a barbarian warrior. The scales of a dragon, a shield. The whole story of the defeat of the creature, having its parts first transformed into trophy to accumulate admiration and power, and then to awaken its power as a relic is something that happens if not in a few years, through generations, as a family legacy.

But how do you awaken an ordinary object to become a relic?

First, the relic would have to be unique. Or in the form that was acquired, or how it was produced, or in the parts that it is made, or how it was used. This happens regardless of the owner's awareness.

Second, a relic can not be awakened in the normal way. She "wakes up" alone in the hands of her owner. Something happens, and the relic awakens its power subtly or intensely. Maybe something in your weight or color changes, or becomes more efficient against a certain type of enemy. The person begins to feel no fear, among other minor traits.

Third, the name. Every relic acquires its own name, given by the first owner who awakened it. Or she gains the proper name, through real histories told by others, describing their deeds in the hands of their owner. She can have the owner's last name, or be baptized by what she does. "Bloodspear" would be a spear that makes the enemy bleed to death, if injured. "Coldhammer" would be a hammer that when used in the forge, the metal cools, acquiring freezing properties.

Fourth, the aura of presence. It is not something like a visible spell. The weapon alone has a unique presence, distinct visible to all who look at it. It is not just "one more" among so many objects of the same type. It stands next to another exactly same object. One notes, even if it is some small detail, to highlight the difference of the presence of the object among the others.

Fifth. The quality. There are rustic relics in tribes and barbarians. But relics are usually found more easily when they are of exemplary quality, unique among all others. A forger makes ten thousand armor, to make one that would be able to awaken as a "relic" naturally, with the highest of his talents as creator. Or a manufacturer

The blacksmith, weaver, or any other creator who achieves the maximum of his ability gradually becomes famous for the creation of incredible, unusual objects that become relics over the years. These relics, coming from the same creator, share elements and traits similar to each other. The blind smith, who hammers his swords on the anvil, is able, through his incredible ability to hear and feel the metal, to create weapons that have a sonic sensitivity, almost singing while fighting, or that are so efficient in the hands of his owner that he would fight with closed eyes.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 03:23:44 am by Shantis »


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Re: Technical contribution to the Library of Vastir.
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2018, 05:06:55 pm »
*Aquaria sends to the Library a copy of her article*

"Greetings, master Pendragon.

This time, a pratical historical guide about alchemy.

Good reading.

Aquaria Blackstone"
The historical guide of Alchemy

Alchemy is a process of achieving the desired effects, without necessarily using magic directly. These effects are achieved by changing certain ingredients by one or more processes, which in the end is used a product so that when consumed, the effects are applied to the consumer of the product. Alchemy is extremely complicated. It is based on the practical skills of early metal workers and craftsmen of other areas, and influenced so much of magic and occult thought. It must be remembered that when alchemy flourished there was no dividing line between science and magic. Ideas such as the influence of the planets and the effect of certain numbers or letters on people's lives might today be regarded as superstitious. At that time they were perfectly acceptable to those who were making the kind of accurate observations about the material world that paved the way for modern science.

Long before the beginning of alchemy, gold was regarded as the most valuable metal. Its possession indicated wealth and power, and it was prized for its beauty. Known as the most perfect metal, it soon required symbolic meaning. It came to stand for excellence, wisdom, light, and perfection. For serious alchemists gold had both a real and a symbolic significance, which at first seems confusing. The reason is that alchemists embarked on two different and difficult quests at the same time, and success in one meant success in the other. The first aim is the one that most people know about. The alchemist was attemping to find a way of transmuting, or changing, ordinary metals into the most perfect metal, gold. The second aim is less known but far more important. The alchemist was trying to make the soul progress from its ordinary state to one of spiritual perfection.


What would an alchemist's laboratory have looked? That depends. For affordable brewing, at a popular price, only a cauldron will be needed, but you will be limited to creating potions from which your arcane abilities have it. But for a real alchemist, all of his equipment, carefully placed in a controlled environment, will build his laboratory. Often, the laboratory is built in basements, lofts, towers high locked to have a controlled environment. Another reason is to hide the secrets of their recipes, not to let unsuspecting people steal or misuse them. If you really wish to start to wokr as true alchemist, you need:


Alembic: the part of a still were liquid condenses.

Alundel: the part of a still which receives the distilled liquid.

Anthanor: a furnace rather like a modern chemist's sand bath, but using ashes instead.

Bain-Marie: an ancient water bath. Said to be the invention of Mary the Jewess, an early alchemist.

Calcinary Furnace: used for reducing metals and minerals into a fine powder.

Cucurbit: the part of the still where distillation occurs.

Cupel: a crucible made of bone ash.

Crucible: a small clay bowl, shaped so it could be supported on the rim of a furnace. Use for heating things at a high temperature.

Descensory: a funnel.

Descensory Furnace: a furnace with a funnel for pouring liquid down to a recepticle inside.

Dissolving Furnace: a small furnace supporting a pan of water with rings in the pan to hold glass containers. Resembles the modern water bath. See Bain-Marie.

Kerotakis: old name for a Soxhlet extractor.

Matrass: a simple flask. See Philosopher's Egg.

Pelican: a special distilling flask with two necks for continuous distillation.

Philosopher's Egg: a special type of retort in which the neck of the flask went straight up. The forerunner of the modern Florence flask.

Retort: a flask with a long curved neck which curved downward. Named after a type of wild goose.

Still: short for distilling. An apparatus which boils liquids and catches the condensation.

Tripod: older version of a ring stand.

Beakers, crystallization dishes, spatulas, cloth filters, mortars and pestles, and tongs were also used by the alchemist in much the same way they are used by chemists today.

Eight safety rules for any alchemist

1) Be reserved and silent.
2) Work in a remote private home.
3) Choose your working hours prudently.
4) Be patient, watchfull, and tenacious.
5) Work on a fixed plan.
6) Use only glass or glazed earthenware crucibles.
7) You must be rich enough to pay for your experiments. (Several centuries earlier, an alchemist named Zosimos the Wise suggested marrying a rich wife.)
8 ) Have nothing to do with nobles, priests or criminal people. Being independent and free is worth more than any gold.

Understanding the 4 elements

According to ancient alchemists of the empire, the basis of the entire material world was something he called prime or first matter. This was not, as it may first sound, some gray sludge from which the world would gradually evolved. In fact, it was not a substance one could see or touch. It had no physical existence on its own account. However, it was the one unchangeable reality behind the ever-changing material world. To give this matter a physical identity and individual characteristics, various stages of form were needed.

The first stage of form was found in the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The elements, while distinguished from each other, are also related by four qualities. These qualities are dry, moist, hot, and cold. Each element possesses two qualities, of which one predominates, and each element is linked to two other elements by the quality they possess in common. Here is how this system applies:

Fire is hot and dry with heat predominating.
Air is hot and moist with moisture predominating.
Water is moist and cold with cold predominating.
Earth is cold and dry with dryness predominating.

The diagram (above) shows complex interrelationship of these qualities more

The main interest of alchemy theory of the elements from the point of view of alchemy is the idea of change. According to this theory each element can be transformed into another element through the quality they possess in common. In this way Fire can become Air through the action of heat; Air can become Water through the action of moistness; Water can become Earth through the action of coldness; and Earth can become Fire through the action of dryness. It is possible under this theory for an element gradually to complete the circle of change and go from Fire to Air, from Air to Water, from Water to Earth, and from Earth back to Fire, for example. It must be remembered that in all these changes the prime matter behind the form always remains the same.

The next stage of form in the four elements theory was that all physical manifestations in the world are composed of all four elements in different proportions. The varying amount of each element in the composition accounts for the infinite variety of things in the world. Because it was believed that elements could be transformed into other elements, it was only a small step to the assumption that all substances could be changed by altering the proportions of elements that constitute them. It is easy to see how alchemists took up on this idea. If as they believed, lead and gold consisted of different proportions of the same four elements, what was there to prevent the one being transformed into the other?

Our ancient alchemists had another theory that influenced the ideas of alchemists. This was on the formation of metals and minerals. He believed that when the Sun's rays fell on water, they produced a vaporous exhalation that was moist and cold. This exhalation became imprisoned in the dry earth, was compressed, and finally was converted to metal. All metals that are fusible or malleable, such as iron, copper, or gold, were, according to Aristotle, formed in this way. The formation of minerals, on the other hand, occured when the Sun's rays fell on dry land. They produced a smoky exhalation that was hot and dry, and the action of the heat produced the minerals. In this category the ancients alchemists included substances that cannot be melted, as well as substances such as sulfur.

The concept of astronomy through alchemy

From the earliest times men have looked to the skies for explanations of their own lives, and the idea of the influence of the planets was widespread. Gradually, over centuries, in places such as Vastiir and others enclaves, a complex astrological system was built up. Its ideas permeated all aspects of daily life.

The basis of astrology can be summed up in the phrase so often quoted in occult literature, and in particular in alchemy: "as above, so below." This meant everything in the Universe, of Macrocosm, had its parallel in the earthly world, or Microcosm. Everything worked in an ordered harmonious system, and everything was permeated by a Universal Spirit. It was this Spirit, which held the secret of the Universe, that the alchemists were trying to capture and compress into the Philosopher's Stone.

The system of correspondences, or connections, between the seven planets known to the Ancient World and all aspects of life was also extremely important. Tangible objects such as metals, animals, and plants, concepts such as colors, and abstract ideas such as love and wisdom were accorded to different planets, among which the ancients included the Sun and Moon. For example, some of the correspondences of Venus were copper, the color green, the dove and the sparrow, and the power of love. Alchemists made great use of this system of correspondences. Knowledge of the mysterious links between different things under the protection of the same planet was considered invaluable in many experiments. It also provided a ready-made symbolism or code in which one name could be substituted for another. Alchemists delighted in shrouding their writings with mystery and obscurity because they were always afraid the information would fall into the hands of the wrong people. Perhaps they also enjoyed secrecy for its own sake.

In short, each symbol of the zodiac represents one of the processes of alchemy, which in a carefully crafted text describes through allegories and stories such as making special recipes...

Procedures through magical ritual circles

Arcana and clergymen can expand the powers of alchemical recipe, using ritualistic circles at some stages of the preparation process. Many of these circles work as follows: The circle is drawn by adding symbols of the alchemical elements, and through mystic / divine awakening of these correctly positioned elements, they are used, added or mixed according to the alchemical process listed in the original recipe.

Elements and processes, in detail

Interpreting recipes

Alchemists have a way of protecting their own recipes. Each alchemist, individually speaking, creates for himself a code concealing processes, materials, order of procedure and other details of the alchemical recipe, through stories or drawings. Sometimes, races write in a racial dialect of their own, in addition to the common knowledge they all know.

These types of alchemists form hermetic groups and societies, which are usually small groups of a master, an auxiliary, and an apprentice, made up of family members, people with some bond in common, or all kinds of occult involvement, for noble or political reasons, from which they must keep their identities secret.

Another essential point is the use of trademarks, runes or symbols of the race, in a native language to do the whole process. I will list below some of the runes and marks used. You will have to research in detail to find out which race they are all

Final words

This is a historical guide to alchemy, produced by Aquaria Blackstone. Many of the information contained herein has been saved in ancient documents, field research, and arcane and mystical knowledge collected over the years by the Blackstone family. Many of the secrets of alchemy are guarded behind groups like Arcane Guild, noble families or individuals in specific. This is a guide dedicated to the use of adventurers and other relic hunters, to help them recognize documents, objects and materials of major importance in their missions and explorations. Practical and real knowledge of alchemy can be taught through the Arcane Guild or a closer and responsible arcane master of you.



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Re: Technical contribution to the Library of Vastir.
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2018, 02:31:10 am »
Thinking we need a Lore/Resource section for these books.

Well done

Albert Pendragon, Master Librarian
Build it and they will come.