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Author Topic: Bug Fixes: June 5th 2018  (Read 5938 times)


  • Dungeon Master
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Bug Fixes: June 5th 2018
« on: June 06, 2018, 02:45:32 am »
Loot collection mode now will not spawn an item in an unable to reach area.

Loot collection mode loot sacks are now marked as Plot so they don't die.

Loot collection mode dumping will now scatter the items more randomly, as opposed to a grid (less stacking)

Player heartbeat now checks if a PC is in conversation, if their input mode is on. If not, turns it off.

Fixed a duplicateable exploit with Loot Collection Mode

Levels (For XP gain) are now calculated by XP not hit dice.

Cleared some bugs from our bug tracker.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 01:24:15 pm by Rainman »