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This page contains a reference for all the playable races on Netheril.



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Dwarves are known for their skill in warfare, their ability to withstand physical and magical punishment, their hard work, and their capacity for drinking ale. Dwarves are slow to jest and suspicious of strangers, but they are generous to those who earn their trust. They stand just 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall, but are broad and compactly built, almost as wide as they are tall. Dwarven skin varies from deep tan to light brown, and their hair is black, gray, or brown. Dwarven men value their beards highly.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +2 Constitution.
  • -2 Charisma

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Stonecutting
  • Darkvision
  • Hardiness Vs Poison
  • Hardiness Vs Spells
  • Offensive Training Vs Orcs
  • Offensive Training Vs Goblinoids
  • Defensive Training Vs Giants
  • Skill Affinity (Lore)




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Elves are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts, but when danger threatens they show great skill with weapons and strategy. Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Elves are slim and stand 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. They tend to be pale-skinned and dark-haired with deep green eyes. They have no facial or body hair, prefer comfortable clothes, and possess unearthly grace. Many other races find them hauntingly beautiful.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +2 Dexterity.
  • -2 Constitution

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Sleeplessness
  • Hardiness vs Enchantments
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Listen)
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Search)
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Spot)
  • Low Light Vision
  • Keen Senses.
  • Bonus Weapon Proficiencys (Longbow, Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow).




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Gnomes are in wide demand as alchemists, inventors, and technicians, though most prefer to remain among their own kind in simple comfort. Gnomes adore animals, gems, and jokes, especially pranks. They love to learn by personal experience, and are always trying new ways to build things. Gnomes stand 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall, with skin that ranges from dark tan to woody brown. Their hair is fair, and their eyes are often some shade of blue. Gnomes generally wear earth tones, but decorate their clothes intricately. Males favor carefully-trimmed beards. Gnomes live 350 to 500 years.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +2 Constitution.
  • -2 Strength

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Hardiness Vs Illusions
  • Offensive Training Vs Reptilians
  • Offensive Training Vs Goblinoids
  • Defensive Training Vs Giants
  • Skill Affinity (Listen)
  • Skill Affinity (Concentration)
  • Low Light Vision
  • Spell Focus Illusion.




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Half-elves have the curiosity and ambition of their human parent, with the refined senses and love of nature of their elven parent, though they are outsiders among both cultures. To humans, half-elves look like elves. To elves, they look like humans. Half-elves are paler, fairer, and smoother-skinned than their human parents, but their actual skin tones and other details vary just as human features do. Half-elves tend to have green, elven eyes. They live to about 180 years.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • None.

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Sleeplessness
  • Hardiness vs Enchantments
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Listen)
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Search)
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Spot)
  • Low Light Vision



  • Half-Elf (Default)
  • Half-Drow (Application-Race)


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Halflings, also known as Hin, are clever, capable, and resourceful survivors. They are notoriously curious, and show a daring that many larger people can't match. They can be lured by wealth, but tend to spend rather than hoard. Halflings have ruddy skin, hair that is black and straight, and brown or black eyes. Halfling men often grow long sideburns, but rarely beards or moustaches. They prefer practical clothing, and would rather wear a comfortable shirt than jewelry. Halflings stand about 3 feet tall, and commonly live to see 150.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +2 Dexterity.
  • -2 Strength

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Skill Affinity (Move Silently)
  • Skill Affinity (Listen)
  • Lucky
  • Fearless
  • Good Aim
  • Small Stature


  • None.


  • Lightfoot Halfling (Default)


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Half-Orcs are the short-tempered and sullen result of human and orc pairings. They would rather act than ponder and would rather fight than argue. They love simple pleasures, such as feasting, boasting, and wild dancing. They are an asset at the right sort of party, but not at the duchess's grand ball. Half-orcs are as tall as humans but their brutish features betray their lineage. They also regard scars as tokens of pride and things of beauty. They rarely reach 75 years in age.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +2 Strength.
  • -2 Charisma

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Darkvision


  • None.


  • Half-Orc (Default)
  • Orc (Application-Race)

Netherese Humans

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Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest mean they are very physically diverse as well. Skin shades range from nearly black to very pale, hair from black to blond, and facial hair (for men) from sparse to thick. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like. Humans of the Netherese Empire believed themselves to be the chosen race based on their ability to control magic like no other race upon the face of the world. Those who were unable to wield magic were considered less cultured and treated accordingly, seen as nothing more than primitive beings. The Netherese, however, had a certain amount of respect for the Dwarves even with their inability to use magic, this was made up by their abilities in various trades, from stonemasonry to metal work.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • None.

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Quick To Master
  • Skilled



Non-Netherese Humans

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The numerous barbarians such as the Rengarth and Angardt peoples were culturally different to the humans of the Netherese Empire, with many living within the vast open lands of the Patrician Plains. Many of these tribes were very superstitious and fearful of the use of magic, only trusting in their own shamans and primitive priests. There were various tribes of barbarians who lived a semi-nomadic life throughout the wide grasslands west of the Netheril River, each tribe having its own strange customs and rites. The barbarians rarely posed much of a threat directly to the empire because of these divisions and would often war amongst themselves more often than not. Today, however, all of the barbarians hold, at best, a great mistrust towards the Humans of the Netherese, at worst, they would kill them on sight.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • None.

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Quick To Master
  • Skilled



Monstrous Races


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Goblins are diminutive but cruel humanoids with pointed ears, small fangs, and a wide range of skin colors. They are kin to other "goblinoid" races such as the larger hobgoblins and bugbears. While goblins are often considered little more than a nuisance, they are a fecund race and an unchecked population can often balloon into a serious threat.

*Base Race:

  • Halfing


  • goblin

*Stat Adjustments:

  • -2 Strength
  • -2 Charisma
  • +2 Dexterity
  • small size

*Skill Adjustments:

  • +4 hide/move silently

*Feat Adjustments:

  • Saves Adjustments:
  • -2 vs Fear
  • +3 vs Disease

*Level Adjustment: 0


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Kobolds are small reptilian humanoids, dangerous only in great numbers. They are distant kin to great reptiles such as dragons and sometimes serve them as minions. Though physically puny and often cowardly, kobolds are industrious creatures and skilled with setting traps and ambushes and at mining.

*Base Race:

  • Halfling


  • kobold

*Stat Adjustments:

  • -2 Strength
  • -2 Constitution
  • +2 Dex
  • small size

*Skill Adjustments:

  • +2 Spellcraft
  • +4 Hide/MS
  • +2 spot/search

*Feat Adjustments:

  • Courteous Magocracy
  • Darkvision
  • Lucky
  • Good Aim
  • Fearless
  • Skill Affinity
  • Listen and Skill Affinity
  • Move silently

Misc Adjustments:

  • +1 Natural AC

*Level Adjustment: 0


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Hobgoblins are larger cousins of goblins. Though they superficially resemble goblins, they are taller even than most humans and have much stronger and straighter limbs than true goblins. Hobgoblins are more intelligent, organised and disciplined than the other goblinoid races, but share their cruelly aggressive natures and foul tempers. Natural warriors, hobgoblins delight in warring with other humanoid races.

*Base Race:

  • Half-Elf


  • hobgoblin

*Stat Adjustments:

  • +2 Dexterity
  • +2 Constitution

*Skill Adjustments:

  • +4 Hide/MS

*Feat Adjustments:

  • Strong Soul
  • Darkvision

Saves Adjustments:

  • +2 vs Poison
  • +2 vs Disease.

*Level Adjustment: +2


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Gnolls are very tall (generally over 7 feet) and lean humanoids that resemble hyenas. Known and feared for their feral and savage natures, it is even speculated that gnolls may have distant demonic heritage. Gnolls are born predators and have a deep craving for hunting and raiding. Their culture is unsettling to many other humanoid races for gnolls have no qualms about eating humanoids they kill and enslaving those they do not and they also scavenge trophies from their victims. Gnolls nevertheless form strong family bonds and feel deep loyalty to their pack and bloodline.

*Base Race:

  • Half-Elf


  • gnoll

*Stat Adjustments:

  • +2 Strength
  • +2 Constitution
  • –2 Intelligence
  • –2 Charisma

*Skill Adjustments:

  • +4 Intimidate
  • +2 Discipline
  • +2 Spot
  • +2 Listen

*Feat Adjustments:

  • Add Stealthy
  • Darkvision

*Saves Adjustments:

  • +3 Fortitude
  • *AC: +1

*Favoured Class:

  • Ranger

Lizard Folk

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Primitive and savage, these reptilian humanoids are not inherently evil but can be very dangerous if provoked or on the hunt. They are fiercely territorial, banding together to protect the swamplands they inhabit. Lizardfolk are hardy creatures with tough, scaly hides and a natural resistance to toxins, and look down upon other races as "softskins".

*Base Race:

  • Half-Elf


  • lizardfolk

*Stat Adjustments:

  • +2 Strength
  • +2 Constitution
  • -2 Intelligence

*Skill Adjustments:

  • -2 Persuade/Bluff
  • -3 Lore

*Feat Adjustments:

  • Add Darkvision

*Saves Adjustments:

  • +3 Reflex

*Misc Adjustments:

  • +5 Natural AC
  • Immunity to Poison

*Favoured Class:

  • Druid


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Orcs are brutish humanoids, averaging in height at about 6 foot. Savage and brutal in equal measure, Orcs are not a foe to treat lightly, and in number their tribes have proven a constant threat to their neighbours, thriving by raiding and plundering. Orc cultures can range in size, from tribal bands to full settlements. While Orcs for the most part favour brawn over brains, sometimes a particular charismatic and keen-minded orc can arise; either as a leader or a cast out outcast. Outcast orcs are no less dangerous, often as their outcast status often suggests some reason that even orcs were to find abhorrent, though failed coups are other more mundane situations are possibilities also.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +4 Strength
  • -2 Intelligence
  • -2 Wisdom
  • -2 Charisma

Skill Adjustments:

  • +2 Discipline
  • +2 Heal
  • +2 Intimidate
  • +2 Taunt

Bonus Feats:

  • Darkvision
  • All Weapon Proficiency

Save Adjustments:

  • +4 Vs Poison


  •  ?
  • Alignment (Evil/Neutral): The culture of orcs is one of strength and brutal displays to retain position, as a result of this evil, barbaric, pragmatism is the dominant force driving most orcs. This leads to most orcs having an evil alignment, or a neutral alignment with evil/brutal tendencies.
  • Mechanical Base Race: Half-Elf


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Kenku are avian humanoids with human-like arms and talons in place of feet. It is said that kenku once had wings as well but those were stripped away by one of their deities. Kenku are covered in black, gray, or brown feathers and have black beaks, along with a relatively humanoid build. They are more agile than humans, but they tend to be physically weaker. Although notoriously selfish and opportunistic creatures, kenku are surprisingly adept at teamwork whether with their own kind or other humanoids. Kenku are also capable of mimicking sounds and voices they have heard.

  • Base Race: Half-Elf
  • Keyword: kenku
  • Stat Adjustments: -2 strength, +2 intelligence, +2 dexterity
  • Skill Adjustments:+4 bluff
  • Feat Adjustments: Low-light vision
  • Saves Adjustments: -1 Fort, +2 Reflex
  • Favoured Class: Rogue
  • ECL: 1

Application Races


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Aasimar are the plane-touched humans who possesses a distant celestial ancestor. On account of their blood-lineage Aasimar have a strong native tilt towards good alignments and virtues. All aasimar bear some form of physical indicator of their heritage, such as glowing eyes, skin or hair, celestial runes upon their skin, or even wings.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +2 Wisdom
  • +2 Charisma

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Darkvision
  • Resistance 5/- Acid
  • Resiatance 5/- Cold
  • Resistance 5/- Electricity
  • Spell Ability - Light 1/Day



  • Alignment (Good/Neutral): On account of their blood-line Aasimar's are naturally inclined to be good or neutral.
  • Mechanical Base Race: Human


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Duergar, also known as grey dwarves, are a subterranean subrace of dwarves found within the Underdark and, occasionally, near volcanoes. Their relationship with their surface cousins is a frigid and hateful one and can be compared to the sentiments shared between the Drow and Surface-Elves. Their personalities tend to be grim, paranoid and cynical.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +2 Constitution
  • -4 Charisma

Skill Adjustments:

  • +4 Move Silently
  • +1 Spot
  • +1 Listen

Bonus Feats:

  • Stonecutting
  • Darkvision
  • Hardiness Vs Poison
  • Hardiness Vs Spells
  • Offensive Training Vs Orcs
  • Offensive Training Vs Goblinoids
  • Defensive Training Vs Giants
  • Skill Affinity (Lore)
  • Spell Ability - Invisibility 1/Day



  • Alignment (Evil): Due to natural cruelty of the Underdark and the cold, methodical pragmatism of Duergar society the majority of Duergar have a strong evil-tilt in their morality, along with a strict abiding to structure and law. As a result most Duergar are Lawful Evil, and Neutral Evil, with some extending to Chaotic Evil.
  • Mechanical Base Race: Elf


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Dark Elf, descended from the original dark-skinned elven subrace called the Illythiiri, the drow were cursed into their present appearance by the good elven deities for following the goddess Lolth. These dark elves are recognizable by their black skin that resembles obsidian and stark white or pale yellow hair, it is not uncommon for them to have pale eyes in the shade of lilac, silver, pink or blue. Living in a matriarchal society these evil and sadistic elves are a ruthless race and not welcomed in the surface world.

Ability adjustments:

  • +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Con
  • Darkvision
  • Sleeplessness: Immune to spells and effects of the sleep subtype.
  • Hardiness vs. enchantments: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells.
  • Iron will: affinity bonus on will saving throws.
  • Skill affinity (listen): +2 racial bonus to listen checks.
  • Skill affinity (search): +2 racial bonus to search checks
  • Skill affinity (spot): +2 racial bonus to spot checks.
  • Keen senses
  • Spell resistance: Innate spell resistance of 11 plus 1 per level.
  • Light blindness: Abrupt exposure to light blinds a drow for 1 round. In addition, drow suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls, saves and checks while operating in bright light.
  • Spell ability - darkness: Can cast darkness once per day at third level.


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A half-drow is the offspring of the union between a human a dark elf. A half-drow generally had dusky skin, silver or white hair, and human eye colors. They had a limited form of darkvision extending to about 60 feet (18 m), but otherwise had no other known drow traits or abilities. Generally viewed as inferior creatures by Drow society they were poorly treated though often still found some precarious place within it if they chose to remain. Those who chose to flee to the surface or were cast out by their society in the Underdark rarely found much more acceptance, with suspicion and threats following them wherever they went.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • None.

Skill Adjustments:

  • None.

Bonus Feats:

  • Darkvision
  • Hardiness vs Enchantments
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Listen)
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Search)
  • Partial Skill Affinity (Spot)



  • Mechanical Base Race: Half-Elf


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Tieflings are humans with a diluted fiendish familial ties in their native blood. Unlike Cambions or Alu-Fiends Tieflings have a diluted fraction of fiendish blood in their veins as a result of their nearest fiend ancestor being a distant relative; such as a great-grandparent or older. Tieflings were known for their cunning and personal allure, which made them excellent deceivers as well as inspiring leaders when prejudices were laid aside. All tieflings possess some form of physical sign of their heritage, such as horns, unusual skin colour or even a tail.

Attribute Adjustments:

  • +2 Dexterity
  • +2 Intelligence
  • -2 Charisma

Skill Adjustments:

  • +2 Hide
  • +2 Bluff

Bonus Feats:

  • Darkvision
  • Resistance 5/- Acid
  • Resiatance 5/- Cold
  • Resistance 5/- Electricity
  • Spell Ability - Darkness 1/Day



  • Alignment (Evil/Neutral): The fiendish blood of Tiefling has a subtle effect on their temperament in line with their distant ancestors. Many tieflings lean into this and result with an alignment closely in line with their distance lineage; while a small proportion may, as a result of up-bringing of environmental influence adopt a more neutral perspective.
  • Mechanical Base Race: Human