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Author Topic: The Library  (Read 93046 times)


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Re: The Library
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2019, 09:51:12 am »
Tsirak's Observances and Studies of Patrician Wyverns

Tsirak's Observances and Studies of Patrician Wyverns
written by Sherina Tsirak-Copperfield


Patrician mountain peaks host many creatures. Some of them peaceful, some of them hostile.
In an environment where the prey items are scarce, predators have grown to be tougher, stronger, faster and more determined than they would be in any other place. Wyverns, bears and bullettes, each of them deadly, graze the ascending grassland turning into steep, rocky peaks.
Usual prey, due to the absence of forested areas, is small and mountain chain's prey population consists mostly of rabbits, small game hidden in the bushes, and, well - of other predators.
Due to the size of adult and old wyverns, the large bears are being hunted and torn apart by these magnificent, feral wild creatures.
I welcome you to the study on Patrician Wyverns.


The scaly, muscular and dextrous body of a wyvern bears, aside from a whip-like tail with poisonous stinger on its tip, a pair of giant, strong wings, muscular hind legs, and a draconic head.

The head of a wyvern is a beautiful sight of nature.  Balance of tan-brown scales and greyish fur growth, with their cold eyes staring from under a thick brow bone, and their maw, able to tear apart a dire bear with the sheer strength of its jaw and fangs. Their ears are hidden beneath a small tuft of fur behind fin-like shapes on the sides of its head, so the sensitive organ is being protected from strong winds.

Their wings, able to fly and glide through the sharp mountain wind, are strong and often used both as wings and as front legs.
The wing thumbs allow the wyvern to climb cliffs and rocky mountainsides, thus allowing it a chance to sneak up on its prey.

Besides their blood and scales, their tail stinger and poison can be used for weapon crafting.
As soon as the poison gets into a bloodstream, the victim suffers a great pain, and can succumb quickly if their body is frail.
Their hide, scale spine plates and wing membrane can be used to craft light armor. And by using the wing membrane for joint areas, the movements of the wearer won't make any detectable sound.

Territory markings of wyverns include claw scratches, rubbed trees (which matches the territory marking of bears), and faint trails of poison-tinted rock or foliage. In fact, a wyvern will rarely steal the prey of another wyvern.

Even though mostly solitary, the young wyverns of the Peaks can be found in groups, wandering the lower grassy parts of the mountain chain.
Another exception seem to be giant bear hunts, where a handful of wyverns will swoop down onto the back and head of the monstrous creature, beating it down with their wings, rending its flesh with their claws while they use their beastly maws to crush and snap through the thick bones of their prey.
Build it and they will come.