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Author Topic: Martellius "Doinky" Tarrentide - The Renegade  (Read 4845 times)


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Martellius "Doinky" Tarrentide - The Renegade
« on: May 03, 2018, 11:39:04 pm »
*A torn page lies underneath a charred over turned desk, inside the ruins of a small inn. Three bodies lay in the room next to the page. The page reads...*

"...astard. Taking over the mantle as "Doinky" is necessary for this town. It is necessary for all if Netheril. You may have culled the Lions Pride, but it will come back. I will personally see to it, just to spite YOU. After everything you have taken from me, I will personally see to it to crumble your entire existence before your very eyes, right before I take the one last thing you couldn't take from me. Your life. You have taken my eye, my job, my boat, Lo'renn, "Smalls", Borug, King, and even my best mate Aster... With your assassins at my door, I will have to finish this with one final statement. I will get stronger, and I will get another crew. I will recreate the Lions Pride... and when the time comes... I will kill you Tyrion. You pissed off the wrong pirate.
-Martellius Tarrentide... A.K.A Doinky