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Author Topic: Professional Victims and Or Test Subjects desired  (Read 15524 times)


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Professional Victims and Or Test Subjects desired
« on: August 03, 2021, 04:36:31 pm »
Are you dying, lonely, and otherwise existing without any purpose in life?

Become party of a scholarly endeavor to put an end to such ailments of the mind and regain purpose in life!

Test Subjects will be required to:

1. Undergo strange and abnormal surgeries related to the functions of the mind.

2. Consume brews that may cause abnormal mental functions.

3. Strive to become better people.

If you wish to become a professional victim and or future icon of the profeciency of magic, apply to Student Praiseworth today at the Nebular University.

Payment contingent upon risk and result of experiment.

**No Monsters may apply.

Student Praiseworth