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Author Topic: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)  (Read 45409 times)


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Re: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2024, 11:29:21 pm »
The Conch Champion.  Free of Thinking. 

Readers, I have made no secret of how much I detest having to be acting editor for this publication.  In pure desperation I reached out to the Champion's former editor Perrina Layne.  To my great relief she has agreed to come out of retirement and become the Champion's editor once again.  Her first editorial will come in our next issue as she must take time to reacclimatise to her role.  You will likely see her about town this week getting to know her readers once again. 

-R. Hurstport, owner and acting editor.

Festival of the Egg
The Church of Tyche held a celebration over the past weekend by hiding special eggs about Conch.  These could be cracked open by lucky citizens who found them to reveal confectionery and trinkets.  The event was a great success and attracted commerce and tourists to Conch.  However, some citizens and business have expressed displeasure at having strangers poking around their premises all weekend, and at least one reader complained that adventurers were finding all the eggs. 

-S. Hellworth, reporter.

Travel Restored
Recently Captain Shilah of the Creek Farms has been refusing to take travelers to Sable's Swamp or the Isle of Death.  She has informed the Champion that travel is once again available to paying passengers.  The good captain did express her concern about a "cult of the dead" operating in these areas, but could not offer many further details.  The Conch Champion is curious about this cult and also a village known as Gateway Haven.  Intrepid souls who can provide information about them will receive a reward from our grateful publication. 

-A. Nutt, reporter.

Positions Vacant
Several organisations in Conch have asked the Champion to advertise their need for staff.  West Netheril Trading Company is doing an intake of staff in a variety of roles, such as administration and security.  The Nebular University is about to begin a new semester and still has some places open for students.  Diiri's Boys of West Conch is seeking alchemists and guards.  House Sadardiel has expressed a need for warriors and spellcasters to help defend their holdings at the Lake of Tears.  Finally, the Meriwether Tannery has a few vacancies for hunters, trappers and leatherworkers but have asked that only humans apply.

-P. Krellin, reporter. 
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2024, 06:08:14 am »
The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always.

A New Moon
Greetings citizens of Conch, I am Perrina Layne your new editor!  Longtime readers of the Champion will know that statement is not entirely true for I edited this publication until I retired two years ago.  I watched on with frustration during Giona Morton's tenure and was delighted when Mr Hurstport asked me to return as editor.  Conch has changed somewhat since last I edited this newspaper.  The Kolumbos no longer dominate west Conch and the threat of the Empire has receded somewhat.  I feel this is a new chapter in our fair city's history and a more hopeful and prosperous one. 

I have been spending this past week personally delivering newspapers to our loyal subscribers and meeting people about town.  My initial goals as editor are to restore trust in our newspaper, promote worthy businesses and individuals of Conch and to rehabilitate the Champion's relationship with Conch's adventurers after Mr Morton's stint.   When I was a young lass I was an adventurer myself and know of the good work many of them are capable of.  Indeed, this week has seen me don my armour and pick up my mace and shield once again to do some small deeds for the needy.  My equipment is far heavier than I remembered!

My office is always open to tip-offs and requests for stories and you are all welcome to have a chat with me if you see me about town.

-P. Layne, editor.

Strange Sounds
Parishioners at the Market District's Temple of Tyche have told the Champion that they have heard eerie sounds coming from the crypts during services.  The sounds were described as a dry scrabbling or rattling.  Priest Zolo declined to make any comment to the Champion.  But one of his staff told this reporter on the condition of anonymity that some of the dead interned beneath the temple have risen for unknown reasons and must be forcibly laid back to rest.  They pleaded for adventurers or mercenaries to come to their aid. 

-S. Hellsworth, reporter.

The Man-Bat Returns
After some months of quiet, sightings of Conch's own boogieman the Man-Bat are being reported again.  The creature is said to resemble a man with a hideous face and wings sprouting from his shoulders.  Some tales say that the Man-Bat is a supernatural portent of doom and appears in Conch just before a major calamity occurs.  Others say that he a mutant child of a forbidden relationship, to be pitied as much as feared.  The more rational insist he is merely a Nebular student playing pranks in an outlandish costume.  What is known for certain is that Man-Bat sightings almost invariably occur in wine cellars. 

-A. Nutt, reporter.

Rain of Boulders
Ogres are continuing to raid and sack farms owned by the Sadardiel noble family near the Lake of Tears.  When not committing full assaults, the creatures hurl huge rocks upon the farmlands, causing much damage and effort to move.  The Sadardiels have been suffering from a shortage of retainers and their terrified farmers can generally do little but cower in their farmhouses when attacks begin.  However there have been unconfirmed reports this past week that the noble family has begun making counterattacks.

-P. Krellin, reporter. 

"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2024, 09:10:21 am »
The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always.

New Faces in Conch
I feel that one of Conch's most unique features and greatest strengths is its cosmopolitan nature.  Most of our citizens are humans but we live alongside such a wide variety of people- elves, dwarfs, wee folk, reptilians, goblinoids and more.  While we have occasional scuffles against each other or amongst our own for the most part things in Conch are reasonably peaceful.  I know too that should an outside danger threaten us such internecine squabbles will be quickly put aside.  Conch's multiculturalism is well-known and this draws an ever greater variety of peoples to our walls, many of them freebooters and adventurers looking for work.  Just this week I have seen and heard of a druid, a kenku and the motley bunch calling themselves "The Scaly Boys" operating in our fair city.  I welcome these newcomers, and invite them to stop by the Champion's offices for a chat with me should they need any help settling in.

-P. Layne, editor.

Drama at Lake Vyctoria
Astonishing events have transpired on the shores of the Lake of Tears.  An estate owned by a half-dragon named Argentia has changed hands and is now under the control of another draconic group known as The Scaly Boys.  It is unknown if they have any link to the slums gang called the Scales.  Argentia herself has not been seen since the loss of her estate and there are whispers that the takeover was violent.  Other unsubstantiated rumours claim that the nearby Sadardiel noble family played some part in this possible usurpation. 

-S. Hellsworth, reporter.

Upcoming Capstick Event
Acclaimed monster hunter Sir Theo Capstick has exclusively told this newspaper that he is eager to hold a special hunting competition.  "There are some rookie hunters and adventurers about, I hear," Sir Capstick said.  "I want to see if they're mere boofheads or have the bollocks to be real hunters of beasts."  Sir Capstick has not decided upon the target creature of this particular hunt, but hinted it would be a humanoid monster of some sort.  Winning one of his competitions always brings fame and a valuable prize though sometimes not all contestants survive the hunt. 

-A. Nutt, reporter.

Drums of War?
The Purple Wyvern garrison of the fort in the Howling Hills has reported to the Champion that they are hearing more drumming than usual from the nearby Rengarth tribes.  While this could simply mean a feast or religious ceremony is nearing it could also mean they are mustering for an attack.  The Rengarth people have sacred sites in the region so travel there is dangerous at the best of times.  However the Purple Wyverns advise that the situation may be far worse than usual right now so non-essential travel to the Howling Hills should be postponed.   

-P. Krellin, reporter. 
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2024, 04:28:28 am »
The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always.

Hello readers!  I am pleased to publish this exclusive interview with a representative of the already well-known Scaly Boys.  They have recently come into possession via uncertain means of an estate near the Lake of Tears which once belonged to a half-dragon.  I hope this interview answers some of the questions readers have about this new group of neighbours we have.  The representative they sent was Lezkin, a redtailed lizardfolk.  He was quite an affable subject and I suggest you say hello should you see him in the market district one day.  Be aware that as a lizardfolk he will taste the air near you and objects with his tongue.  Having spent time travelling with lycanthrope pilgrims this was not uncomfortable for me but you should be aware it is normal behaviour for him and certainly not intended to be offensive. 

I hope you enjoy this interview.  I assure you it is an accurate transcript of my conversation with Lezkin.  I did my best to interpret his body language though he is the first of his species I have interviewed.  Thus I can only apologise to him and readers for any minor misinterpretations on my part.  If you have any opinions on what you read below, I invite you to write me a letter to the editor. 
-P. Layne, editor.

Hello, you must be the representative from the Scaly Boys.  I'm Perrina Layne, editor of this publication, and very pleased to meet you.  How should I address you?

Lezkin is Lezkin.  Is good meeting you also.  Desk is nice smelling wood, Lezkin approves.

Thank you Lezkin, it's served me well I suppose.  I'm really happy that you've come to see me.  Many people in Conch are curious about the Scaly Boys.  Perhaps you could start by telling me a bit about yourselves?   What brought you to this area?  Who are the other Scaly Boys?

Mmm, Scaly Boys is many things.  It started with Lezkin, Zephor, and Konchord.  We find one another and seek draconic ancestry and truth.  Others see scales, they see monsters.  We see one another and see noble creatures, be better than what the smoothskins call us.  We come to the area for rumours of dragons.  Found many young scaly boys- girls can also be scaly boys- in slums and in gangs.  Sad state of affairs.

Ah now that is interesting.  Your group is not affiliated with Mr Kerrar's slums gang?  The Scales?  Some people have assumed you must be.

No, Scaly boys is not criminals, is... more like... advocacy group.  Teach young scaly boys to love the scales on their skins and on their hearts.  Some peoples say Scaly Boys have done bad things, this is not true.  More evidence smoothskins see something different and call it monster.  You are journalist, surely you hears many interesting things yes?  You hear of any dragons in area?

Hmmm.  I'm not aware of any stories of dragons living near Conch itself.  I have heard a tale that generations ago an ancient green dragon terrorised the cities of Hadrian and Hilltop, which are within airship distance of us.  It supposedly tore down one of the arcanist guild's enclaves and scattered mythal shards for miles around.  Some champions attempted to slay it but only managed to maim and scar it.  According to Hadrian folklore the green dragon will return for revenge on their city some day.

Back to present matters, I understand that the Scaly Boys have recently become landholders near the Lake of Tears.  How exactly did that come about?  I've heard some quite dramatic rumours,  but I'd like to hear your own account of events.

Mmm sounds like tragic case of noble dragon being made villain of smoothskin stories.  Always the dragon is the villain, never the adventurers seeking to steal the dragons hoard.  Shows much about smoothskin mentality and culture.  Poor dragon probably just defending itself from arcanists who try use dragon for magic experiments.  Wizards always up to tricks like that.

Erm yes, is beautiful manor house near lake, new home of scaly boys operation.  Legitimate business peoples needs legitimate business grounds.  Noble cause need noble walls and such.  Lezkin was lucky, he was favourite nephew of uncle Larzk. Uncle Larzk sadly pass away recently, trouble with rogue adventuring party.  But in his will he leaves Lezkin his beautiful estate.  Only problem is, some sneaky snake woman, probably yuan-ti, disguised as half-dragon had snuck in!  She tried to claim the manor as part of hoard and used it as base of operations to commit genocide of Konchord's kobold bretheren.  Many noble young scalys perished.  Zephor, hero of scaly boys, tried reason with imposter-dragon but sadly, evil chooses violence.  Zeph had no choice but to strike down wicked woman

Good news is that is well within rights, morally and legally because Lezkin is inheritor and that makes her trespasser.  Silver lining of tragic situation, some gold found that scaly boys is using to fund the young scales, send young ones on adventure camps and teach them martial arts for discipline and personal enrichment.  Community uplift initiatives is goods.

So you say you were willed this estate and this woman was not actually a half-dragon at all.  Intriguing.  Well, I am sure if you were legally entitled to the estate and she was an impostor then you should have nothing to worry about from the authorities then. 

Is there any truth to the rumour that House Sadardiel helped you remove this alleged usurper?  My reporter was told a family member has often been seen with your group in Laketown.

Of course, Scaly boys is upstanding citizens.  Sometimes authorities mistreat us and our kind because of institutional bias, is hard to be believed of innocence when the guards see only guilty monsters.  Is part of why so many scaly boys have intergenerational trauma and multilayered intersectional disadvantage.  Is many courses taught about it at bard college.

And no, no house Sadardiel helped us.  Houses cannot fight. Who is this rumour-sayer? Who they say was with us? And IF house Sadardiel was there then it would’ve been probably for a good reason.  Probably because House Sadardiel is an ally of scaled folk, helper of the downtrodden.  They is smoothskins but have scales on their hearts.

But also they weren't there.

As a journalist I'm honour bound to keep my contacts confidential.  One of the foundations of my trade, you see.  All I can say is someone in Sadardiel livery has been seen traveling in the company of your group through Laketown.  So you are a bard then, Lezkin?  A rememberer and spinner of tales and songs?

Hmm Lezkin would remember if someone was walking around with Manon's liver on them.  He would smell it *what he meant by this statement is unknown*

And yes! Most renowned bard among the redtail tribe.  My yodel-hissing makes many females eager for mating and desperate to bear my clutch-broods.  Lezkin is also accomplished story-maker, can spin not-truths very quick-fast.  Not that Lezkin does that here.  This is official interview.  All very honest.

So there is you, a bard and a diplomat too it seems.  Zephor... your hero, you said?  And Konchord.  Are there any other Scaly Boys?

Mm there is also Gezara.... Gazael.... um Gez.  Gez is our wizard.  He doesn't have scales, but scales aren't always scales.  He has horns and those are a kind of scales, so he's also a Scaly Boy.  You should make sure in the article you mention we have powerful magics, wise teachers.  Going to teach the disadvantaged young scales some magics that they can't afford at fancy smoothskin schools.  Is good initiative.

It sounds like education and welfare are important priorities for you.  So what other future plans do the Scaly Boys have for this region?  I expect that you are going to stay for some time now that you are homeowners.

Of course, Scaly boys is in a growth and expansion phase.  We looking to recruit and build, bring good stuff to the region for the underprivileged.  Also hunting dragons, look for their mysteries.  The Scaly Boys all dragons on the inside, so we will become dragons on outside.  Someday soon, we will be benevolent protector dragons, mighty powerful with immense hoard of goods.  Is lucky we have secret hoard vault

That uh, Lezkin means to say, will need to build secret hoard vault... for charity donations to be safely kept.

So you hope to... what's the word... metamorphosise yourself into full dragons?  That's a goal for all the Scaly Boys in the near future?  Surely something like that must be difficult to accomplish.

Is not difficult for catepillar to become butterfly, just natural process of becoming.  The Scaly boys is all dragons in the making, just not look like it on the outside yet.

All right, what happens next then?  How many Scaly Boys are there?  Four?  And you are recruiting more?  Do you believe this region can support several growing dragons?

Four, and scaly boys grows much bigger as an organisation, but only the core disciples is dragons-in-making, so very sustainable number.  Dragons can roam far and have powerful magics.  Will bring new age of prospering.  Logistics will sort themselves out with time and magic, Miss Reporter not need worry about such things.

Oh, I'm only concerned for yourselves.  You might find yourselves arguing about livestock, or who gets how much hoard storage space.  However, it sounds like you have given the matter some thought.  Do you know what colour of dragons you will all become?

Mmm Lezkin is thinking Red Dragon in honour of red tail clan of his clutch.  Red Dragons are well known for being the fastest and most majestic with good temperament.  The others you need ask yourself, is personal decision.  But maybe Zeph go black dragon.  Would suit him I thinks

Red dragon... good temperament?  Hmmm.  Very well, if you say so.  I have also been wondering how the Scaly Boys feel about ogres.  I understand the Lake of Tears has a lot of trouble with them.  Have they attacked your estate too?

Scaly boys try not to generalise on species.  That's a microaggression.  But that said, ogres is often some of the most hostile stupid f*ckheads Lezkin has ever met.  Is enjoyable killing them.  Some rare ogre maybe good, maybe even potential friend, but in Lezkin experience the best ogre is dead ogre

I try not to judge others on sight either, hence my eagerness to meet one of your group.  I've met many lovely people of many races here in Conch.  But I must confess I've never met a pleasant ogre.

The final question I wanted to ask you Lezkin is how your group feels about Conch.  Is it a place you have good feelings about, a place you think the Scaly Boys can work with?  Or, no offence intended, is it just a future larder for when you gain your dragonhood?"

Mmm mm, is reasonable you is concerned.  You still working through your internalised biases towards scaled folk, think we just human eaters.  Scaly boys quite like Conch.  Recently bought a lovely cave just outside of town even.  Is good place to live, nice taverns and bars.  Would never want harm the town and is not larder.  Is much too dirty in slums, people too skinny, adventurers and wizards around to get upset too- is just not practical.  Much better eating near Sullivans- minotaur flank is fatty and abundant.

Well I am sure the Champion's readers will be very relieved and pleased to hear that.  All right, unless there was anything else you would like to talk about that's our interview over.  Was there anything else?

No, no, Lezkin looks forward to reading.  Has been good productive conversation, am sure Miss Reporter will present good news about scaly boys presence and social initiatives.  Thank you.

Thank you for coming to talk to us.  It's been a pleasure, Lezkin.  You are welcome to come back for a chat anytime.  Fare thee well.
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2024, 10:30:09 am »
The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always.

Interesting Times

The level of interest we received in our recent Scaly Boys interview was very pleasing.  I think Champion readers enjoyed hearing the words of someone more candid than the typically guarded witnesses and bureaucrats that usually feature in our articles.  But in today's issue I'd rather not dwell too long on my thoughts.  There are some intriguing events going on at the District Authorities of Conch, so read on and find out what my intrepid reporters have discovered.

-P. Layne, editor.

Gangland Diplomacy
There have been some strategic shifts in the dynamics of the gangs of West Conch.  The dominance of the brutal Diiri's Boys, the current District Authority of West Conch, has forced some of the minor gangs to unite to survive.  Leader of the Kolumbo gang, Ythnael Kolumbo, married a relative of Kerrar, the leader of the Scales gang.  This has formalised a truce between the two gangs.  The relative is said to be a "quarter-dragon" cousin of Kerrar.  Meanwhile, Crispin Knott of the Knotts and Priestess Mylene of the Angels of Small Mercies have forged a mutual defence pact.  Finally the Mourners bloodily crushed a recent attempt by Diiri's Boys to seize control of the passage to the graveyard.  It is the first major defeat the stim-boosted fanatics of Diiri's Boys have suffered and it is unknown by what means the Mourners managed their victory.  How Grymtol and his inner circle in Diiri's Boys will deal with these challenges to their supremacy remains to be seen.

-S. Hellsworth, reporter.

Chardalyn found!
The Conch Champion has been tipped off that a prospector has discovered a seam of the highly sought after gemstone chardalyn somewhere in the Columns of the Sky mountain range.  Chardalyn is a valuable substance due to its ability to store spells and large nuggets can hold very powerful spells indeed.  Nebular University has scrambled field teams and sent them to the mountains to attempt to find where the chardalyn source is.  Meanwhile, at least one rival team from Hadrian's Syndicate of the Weave passed through Conch a day ago on their way to the mountains.  The Columns of the Sky are sacred to the Rengarth people and they have killed intruders in the past.  With prospecting teams heading there, more conflict seems inevitable.

-A. Nutt, reporter.

Imperial Delegation Visits WNTC
An imperial arcanist and his retinue has made a visit to Conch.  The heavily guarded and warded arcanist came here to speak with Governor Every Hastings of WNTC and teleported back to Upper Netheril immediately after the meeting was concluded.  What was discussed is unknown and Governor Hastings sternly declined to discuss the matter with our newspaper.  However, a source the Champion has within WNTC tells us that the meeting was quite heated and the arcanist made numerous demands of Hastings and WNTC as a whole.  It can be assumed that WNTC is in an awkward position, given that it is an authority of a suburb of a free city yet also works under a contract issued by the enclaves of the Empire.

-P. Krellin, reporter. 
« Last Edit: May 21, 2024, 10:32:10 am by Fiverine »
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2024, 11:15:29 am »
The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always.

Lake Vyctoria's Rise
It has been an interesting time at Lake Vyctoria, the infamous "Lake of Tears" to our south.  I've heard many stories about lizardfolk, kobolds and others migrating there recently.  The resurgent Sadardiel noble family has also won some recent victories against the ogres that have plagued the area and given the lake its nickname.  I must say it's been a pleasant change to be talking about such things.  Usually Lake Vyctoria's only events of interest are growing casualties at the hands of ogres and pilgrimages from unhinged followers of the dead Archmage the lake was named after.  It seems that the lake is currently the place to be right now.  But Conch itself has some things of note going on too, so read on!

-P.Layne, editor.

Access to Enclaves
Two enclaves have recently acquired access to our fair city.  The famed enclave Hamring, said to be a place that "changes visitors", now has a portal located in Upper Conch.  Meanwhile the wizard Xathira Shade has created a portal to access their Shade Enclave.  It is rumoured to be a safe haven for Underdark races and to trade in rare materials from there.  Shade's portal is on the turf of the Diiri's Boys gang in the slums of West Conch.  However it is understood The Boys do not have a monopoly on access to it due to the growing power of the other gangs and Shade's lack of interest in local power struggles. 

-S. Hellsworth, reporter.

Kobold Migration
Large numbers of kobolds have passed through Conch in the past week in an unusual migration to the Lake of Tears.  Though Kerrar of the Scales gang sought to recruit each wave as they arrived in Conch, only a few took his offer and the rest continued their journey.  It is believed the kobold migrants have joined the Scaly Boys group at their estate on the lake's shore.  Where they came from originally is unknown other than they came from the north.  The kobolds left a mixed trail of commerce and mischief behind them and most citizens hope the resettlement has ended.

-A. Nutt, reporter.

Adventuring Scandal
A source who cannot be named has informed the Conch Champion of a brewing scandal concerning adventurers in the Market District.  Stall holders have allegedly been concocting work for local adventurers to keep them busy and therefore making purchases in the market district.  These stall holders are supposedly doing various misdeeds such as releasing livestock, luring vermin into town and faking Man-Bat sightings.  WNTC was asked to comment, and Notary Victoria Hastings said that if true such behaviour was reprehensible, counter-productive to trade and certainly not being done by any of their members. 

-P. Krellin, reporter. 
« Last Edit: August 04, 2024, 01:21:43 am by Fiverine »
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."