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Author Topic: Eliezra Baldwin's File  (Read 31246 times)


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Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2021, 12:03:45 pm »
The Iron Helm of Heroes now sits proudly in our shrine.  It cannot stay with us forever, for that is Ilmater's will, but until it moves on it will aid Sister Mylene in sparing her own energies.  For a few days after we placed it there was a burst of ambient good health in the slums though few if any would guess why. 

Pearl has been ill these past weeks due to a shadowy sickness or possession the "dark stalkers" inflicted upon her.  She was deteriorating rapidly and asked me to pray for her and ask the Sister if she could provide any aid.  However Pearl eventually found a cure through an unlikely (and disappointing) source- the Loviatarians of Uptown.  I shudder to think how many they must have tortured to lift that curse, for that is what fuels their magic.  Hopefully this does not come between Pearl and myself... I am told that she regrets her decision.  But whatever the case I must not judge her.  I also suffered a near fatal illness recently but I only had myself to worry about, whereas Pearl was concerned her whole village. 

Lauriella told me some disturbing news.  War is brewing, and its origin lies in the creator of these dark stalkers.  She wanted me to fight at her side as an officer, but I told her I am no soldier.  I can help to prepare the defences and morale of the slums, but in the field I would be of less use and a potential liability.  If an enemy came to me begging for healing I could not turn them away.  Therefore I am working to gather non-perishable food and healing supplies in case Conch comes under siege or is otherwise cut off.  I fear that any attack on Conch would sorely test the resolve and unity of the various factions of this very divided city.  It is even more urgent now that I train our handful of followers how to defend themselves. 

"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2021, 08:46:51 am »
I had my first encounter with the raiders of the army Lauriella warned me about.  They were pursuing some women fleeing from a village which the raiders had just torched.  They ignored my pleas to simply turn around and leave and made threats to drag me off and I was forced to fight them.  Though strong and resilient they bled like any other creature and I slew them.  I am told they are clones and mutants, bred for nothing but cruelty and war.  Yet, I must still offer them the chance to mend their ways even if none take it. 

A mage fairly new in town but personable, Kizurra the White, has also been trying to recruit me for the war.  She was more determined than Lauriella but I still refused.  I don't want to be on the frontlines, whether as a soldier or medic.  I need to be here in Conch to protect the shrine, Sister Mylene, and the people of Conch.  Already we have had refugees arriving in the slums so I need to continue gathering bandages and food for them while I still can.  We must give them support and hope lest in their desperation they be drawn to Diiri's Boys or the Kolumbos. 

It sounds as if another tournament will be held in the slums arena again soon.  Hopefully we can save a few poor souls from dissolving on the grate...
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2021, 06:10:14 am »
After a lull of a few weeks the Loviatarian cult the Fane of the Thorned Rose has begun advertising in West Conch again.  I've responded with proclamations and posters, but there has been no indignant response this time.  I imagine they are just assuming I am of no consequence.  As much as I detest any group of torturers and bullies residing in our city I'm realistic.  If the Fane would merely restrict their activities to the other two thirds of the city I would stay out of their business.  But in attempting to become players in West Conch they (or their dupes) will inevitably be preying upon the Sister's flock which obviously I cannot allow.  But furthermore, I can feel the Broken God's pleas that I do not allow any residents of the slums to become their playthings. 

It has also become rather lonely of late.  I have my friends within the movement of course, such Mylene, Ostian and Arlow.  But Lauriella has departed Conch, presumably not to return, and I have not seen Pearl for several days.  I did have some good fortune a few nights ago, however.  I was in Nebular vainly attempting to learn how to play chess properly (the city's chess champion is a regular guest at the Loving Lamb, but he always refused to impart his wisdom to me).  I knew that chess is a popular pastime at Nebular so hoped someone there might explain the rules to me.  But everyone there seemed extremely busy. 

While I was staring at a chess board, a young hungover mage slumped in the chair across from me.  He introduced himself as Apprentice Locke, a name I had heard from Lauriella.  She implied he was a very wayward student.  I am not sure of his ancestry, but the eerie blue tint to his eyes and hair indicated it was not fully human.  He told me he was about to do some Nebular work to avoid being evicted from his dorm.  Because he was so tired and seedy I decided I had best accompany him to keep him safe.  Fortunately a few others came along too- an archer named Jamie and a dwarf warrior named Rurin.  We made a formidable team and completed Locke's task.  Perhaps I can arrange to work with them again, for they seemed good folk. 
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2021, 07:11:12 am »
For a few weeks refugees were flooding into Conch but it seems most of those fleeing the raiders have arrived now.  I've done my best to help them.  Many are camping with my people so I've been busy collecting food and bandages for them.  While they are reasonably safe for now, I worry.  The gangs see the masses as a fertile recruitment ground.  Diiri's Boys will naturally grab most of the desperate souls seeking such work.  They do not appreciate our shrine's work with the refugees, either.  I imagine anything that gives the refugees hope would infuriate the Boys. 

There was one small (though mixed) sliver of hope recently.  I saw an armoured woman in the Market District and the markings on her armour appeared to be those of an Ilmatari cleric.  I wanted to approach her and tell her of the shrine but unfortunately she was in the company of Vyc, the gnoll from Diiri's Boys.  Lauriella considered him an ally of sorts, but I would prefer to avoid any contact with Diiri's goons right now. 
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2021, 02:05:34 am »
The tensions in the slums finally exploded today.  A new gang, the Black Tails, tried to seize some of the livestock the refugees had brought with them whilst some rogue mages attempted to take some children for slaves.  Several members of Diiri's Boys and Kizurra the White were on hand as well as myself so both groups of attackers were swiftly dispatched.  But what then transpired was far worse. 

One refugee by the name of Daggith has been in a state of maddened grief from his traumas.  His paranoia and guilt have been infectious and Diiri's Boys and the Fane of the Thorned Rose used this unrest to convince some of the refugees to leave the camp and go to their respective groups.  Vyc and Aarden the self-styled Mage Killer did not protest at Sid taking some refugees out of the slums to the Loviatarian den.   Sid is apparently a member of both groups, which I cannot see ending well for him. 

There were too many villains for me to fight alone, and I have no right to prevent people from leaving if that is their wish.  It filled me with sorrow that these people I have fed and tended to when others would not could so easily abandon us.  They will be hurt and even killed where they have gone and I can do little about it.  Kizurra was the only other one there I felt did not just view the refugees as exploitable resources.  She tried to cure Daggith's mental state but sadly could not.  I later met Volandis Webberman who also seemed to be a good soul. 

Some brave and grateful souls stood by me and will stay with us.  But Sister Mylene broke down when I told her the bad news that so many had left, though a generous donation for her from Kizurra was some small consolation.  Mylene was weaker than usual.  Ostian told me she had one of her visions while I was arguing with the thugs outside.  He handed me a sheaf of tattered papers she had been scribbling on during her rapture.

It was all sketches of people.  It was our flock.  I could recognise some of them easily- little Ostian, Arlow with his braced leg, some of the refugees who stayed.  None of the ones who left were pictured, so I realised she must have had a vision of the near future.  I leafed through the sketches and marvelled at how talented she is when channeling the Broken God. 

There was one of me.  At first I chuckled sardonically at how she seems to see me.  Standing resolute with my sword high, my cloak glowing with rays of light or energy.  The shrine was in the background and clearly I was protecting it.  After that little moment of self-absorption I noticed something far more significant in the sketch.  I was not alone.
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2021, 09:34:33 am »
Sister Mylene's prophecy was accurate.  I have heard another Ilmateri making proclamations and Ostian said the beggars have tipped him off to the presence of at least one other.  I took this news to Mylene thinking it would give her some solace.  She has still been breaking down in tears sporadically, haunted by the fates of the refugees who went with Vyc and Sid.  Especially the children.  I have no idea how those fooled into accompanying the Fane are faring, but I am told that a few who joined Diiri's Boys are already dead. 

Mylene was sad but stable and drinking her usual tea when I spoke to her at the shrine this eve.  I told her the good news and said that I would seek out these brothers and sisters in spirit and show them our shrine and relic.  To my shock, she burst into tears again and for longer than she has in days.  I gave her time to settle and when she did not I asked her why she still grieved for the lost when help was finally at hand. 

Priestess Mylene stopped sobbing, sipped some of her brew and fixed me with a somber look.  She had that distant look that often hints one of her visions is imminent. Finally she spoke.
"After what happened to the refugees I knew that more of our faith would be drawn here.  And I knew they would be guardians and crusaders like you Eliezra.  Our persecutors have endangered children.  It is not for our lost that I shed tears for now.  I shed tears for those who took them."
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2022, 09:24:18 am »
Perhaps Mylene was correct about a storm falling upon the Loviatarian cult and Diiri's Boys, for neither have troubled us for a fortnight now.  I have some new comrades to help protect the shrine and do our good works in Conch.  This has given me just a little more time to rove outside the city gathering information and resources.

During one of these journeys I visited the Hamring enclave.  This will sound idiotic, but whilst exploring it I met a talking donkey named Karetta.  She needed some help retrieving a large bone from a jungle beyond a portal.  I made a few attempts to fetch it for her but found the jungle swarming with packs of lumbering, overgrown lizards.  Each pack seemed more ferocious and dangerous than the last and despite using my best potions and fighting hard I could not push past all of them.  Worst of all, I had to flee some of the largest lizards.  After my final attempt I was standing in the sitting room where the portal sat, feeling quite frustrated and miserable.  I was about to tell Karetta I couldn't complete the job when a woman entered the room.  She was clearly a mage, carrying a staff shining with power.

To my delight, it turned out to be the famed Gabriella "Gabby" Le'Moure.  I had heard of her deeds and research around Conch and knew Pearl and Lauriella considered her a good friend.  I also knew she was an outstanding enchanter of equipment for much of mine had been purchased from her store.  But this was the first time we'd ever crossed paths in person.  Since I had heard of her so long but never seen her I'd imagined her to be an aloof mage who spent her time when not adventuring locked in a tower working on artifice or research.  In fact, she was infectiously ebullient and eager to help me with my dilemma. 

I'd seen my allies Lauriella and Locke wield powerful magics and felt I had some idea of what is possible.  But my estimations were woeful... I have never seen such power as what Gabby could wield.  Normally when working with a mage I would be focussed on protecting them but that was not necessary this time.  Her summoned minions and transmuting spells made short work of even the fiercest of the reptiles, including some ancient horror that commanded them.  I did my part too.  The prime creature resembled a dragon skeleton and was terrifying, yet with words and gestures Gabby turned the monster to stone!  Conch is fortunate that she is a good soul.  With her aid the task was simple, and I was able to bring Karetta the bone she was seeking.  Gabby and I spoke for some time afterwards and I hope we can work together again soon. 

« Last Edit: January 17, 2022, 12:17:17 pm by Fiverine »
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."


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Re: Eliezra Baldwin's File
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2024, 07:54:42 am »
I have suspected this moment was approaching for some time now.  I could feel it in my bones when I woke this morning- Ilmater is content with what I have achieved in Conch and wishes me to move on.  He calls me south, to lands I have never ventured to before.  I am both excited and afraid, and sad to leave my friends.   Though it pains me I must depart abruptly without saying a proper farewell to any but Sister Mylene.  Pather, Ostian, Mylene and Arlow were all kindred spirits to me, saved by the same kind god and given strength to do his work.  Others like Gabriella, Pearl, Locke and Lauriella did not hold quite the same beliefs as me, but were brave and true comrades I was honoured to fight alongside. 

The Helm of Heroes shall remain here in our secret shrine until it too is called elsewhere.  Until today I was its defender and I pray a new one emerges.  More than that, I hope that new warriors arise to protect the people of our part of the slums.  There is a man named Knox I feel may take up this cause.  He is a gladiator and acolyte of Targus we saved from death in the arena.  Though his faith is nothing like ours, he is a man of honour and has sworn to repay his life debt to us. 

Farewell Conch.  You took my face, but gave me so much more in return.  Please be kind to my people, as you ultimately were to me. 
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it."