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Author Topic: Closed Beta  (Read 23750 times)


  • Dungeon Master
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Closed Beta
« on: March 09, 2021, 09:08:36 am »
Closed Beta

We are thinking the best way forward is a closed beta. What does that mean you ask, it keeps the password on the server and have it available on Discord and the Forums.

Password is 'nr' if you are not aware

What are we hoping to achieve from beta you may ask?

- That players start with a new character, being aware that there will be a wipe before going fully live. There is no exception to this rule

- Gold economy, is there too much loot around? is there not enough loot? Prices items are being sold and brought

- Quest testing, most if not all quest have been tested to make sure they work but what may need updating is the amount of loot found and balance of spawns to the group ( depending on the quest recommended level )

- Explorations/Open Dungeons, same as the quest testing

- General Bugs, a reminder that the Bug Tool has been cleared and ready to go. ( in Players Tools radial menu )

- Crafting, testing of core system was completed and should be functional but seeking feedback to make adjustments

- New Spell Arcane and Divine to be tested ( for example animation and icons )

- Other new Systems like Languages, Bazaar Merchants, Teleport System, Treasure Map System, Socket Gems System ( more system to come )

The more detail you can give the better to find the issue and have it fixed. The best way to provide the feedback is via the in game Bug tool or if that doesn't work because of the issue use the the V2 Bug channel or PM a DM directly

Thank you in advance from the Development team.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 09:15:55 am by Rainman »
Build it and they will come.


  • Dungeon Master
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Re: Closed Beta
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2021, 01:01:36 pm »
Added Tracking system


To be tested and more information to come
Build it and they will come.