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Author Topic: What would you like to see on N:AoM?  (Read 110152 times)


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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2019, 06:16:01 pm »
What about unique recipes for crafting as a reward for story arcs involving crafting or other professionals?

FOr example, the Elves of Nualla'n might teach someone who has gained their trust how to make Elven Chain or other finely crafted goods.


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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2019, 11:38:19 pm »
What about unique recipes for crafting as a reward for story arcs involving crafting or other professionals?

FOr example, the Elves of Nualla'n might teach someone who has gained their trust how to make Elven Chain or other finely crafted goods.

I could see this but id say it might be a special requirement item Dm given but is in the list already.


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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2019, 02:32:31 pm »
Hello. Here are just a few random ideas I thought I would share.

ooh good idea... maybe a bounty collection on claws from mutant crabs?

A bounty system may be interesting. It would allow players to do something when there is a downtime or for veteran players to bring new players and/or character exploring. You could have bounties on plot monsters, like the mutated crabs, or special monsters that spawns in far to reach places and are more rewarding due to the higher danger getting them. You can either reward a specific amount, or a share per players in party to keep it fair. You could hunt monsters as well as wanted criminals.

More exploration XP markers? I am not certain how many there are, I do not get to explore much with my current character. This could be something veteran players do. Bring new characters exploring to find these markers. Perhaps these markers could open portals to random special areas and you need X amount of players in the party to open the portal?

Clearer instructions on crafting would be helpful. Like an instruction manual available IG maybe? (If there is such a thing already... maybe make it easier to find! Pretty Please!) I was fortunate enough to find players IG to explain it to me, but sometimes, there is no one available to teach you ICly without having to pester a player OOCly.

Random dungeons? This could be linked to the bounties and you actually have wanted criminals to hunt and the random dungeons are their lairs and hiding places.


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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2019, 03:22:12 pm »
A dungeon out in the wilds that has different monsters every/every few resets could be cool. It would be a great place to test out new monsters or could be spiced up by using more than one enemy type, like bandits + trained bears, or skeletons + undead wasps (zomBEES!).

It would also break up the monotony of knowing the quest like the back of your hand and running it every single day.


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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2019, 03:25:55 pm »
Remoooooooove level caps from quests... if you wanna stop awarding XP to people after a certain point, great! Mechanically sound and makes sense lore-wise, it's not as much of a challenge, why would you learn from it?

But it takes away opportunities for people to play together, and I think that's ultimately a bad thing. If this was a big MMO like WoW, I could see why level caps would be needed, but we are essentially several different friend circles that play D&D together, not masses of slavering internet trolls who need to be controlled by force.

Just my thoughts...


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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2019, 01:37:12 am »
Just wanted to say thank you all for your suggestions and keep them coming. The team are discussing some of these ideas and will look to make some changes in the near future.

We are reading these suggestions so please keep them coming.



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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2019, 03:23:32 pm »
Underdark and a functioning drow city. Vendors, dialogues, assigning stores to merchants WHICH ARE ALREADY THERE, and the building for trades with tge surface folk has no assigned area whatsoever. So much can be done, and it would take at most hour or two. Spent more time in nwn editor than actually playing.
We already have a Monster and Non-Monster split. Why split it even more? I would suggest putting a few Drow in Sullivan's Port instead.

A bounty system may be interesting. It would allow players to do something when there is a downtime or for veteran players to bring new players and/or character exploring. You could have bounties on plot monsters, like the mutated crabs, or special monsters that spawns in far to reach places and are more rewarding due to the higher danger getting them. You can either reward a specific amount, or a share per players in party to keep it fair. You could hunt monsters as well as wanted criminals.
Technically, a bounty system exists, but it's not as obvious as it could be.

One thing I would like to see is Crafting be better explained, whether that's in-game (via purchasable books for related professions: e.g.: Mining/Armorsmithing/Blacksmithing could be a book) OR on the forums somewhere. I'm not so much asking for full details, just something like "At 40% Blacksmithing, you can begin to craft Shadow Iron weapons" OR "At 30% Alchemy, you can craft (insert potion type here)". Something so folks know the basics of what they're getting into.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 03:31:08 pm by samb123 »
Meleghost - Tiefling Arcanist

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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2019, 05:10:24 pm »
What if there were a few crafting trainer NPCs that explain the basics, and maybe give a few pointers? Or put better descriptions on some of the crafting benches and put (Examine me!) in the hover text, cuz idiots like me took WAY too long to figure out you could learn more be examining the benches. (I examine stuff all the time to read descriptions)

I will volunteer to re-write the Forge and Anvil descriptions to include a few OOC details about when you can work with new metals and such, like how quest-givers tell you level ranges.

If y'all like the style I use, I can work on doing the rest.


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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2019, 01:24:45 am »
This is a total pet peeve of mine and I know it will be shot down but I'd like to see the requirement for forum usage if your character joins a faction. Especially if they join a DM faction.
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Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2019, 07:36:35 pm »
Since I've only been playing on the server for about a week now, I think I can add some input to this from a brand new player's perspective and maybe some ways to hold onto those brand new players.
Things I like currently:
1.A good number of quest NPCs that are relatively easy to find due to their purple name text.
2. Well designed areas that are interesting to visit.
3. Crafting system.
4. I also like that the current set of players don't seem to just stand around in town at the tavern talking. This seems pretty prevalent in other RP servers that I've frequented. This is likely more due to the players themselves than the server, but worth mentioning.
5. The travel system is pretty neat and actually makes it feel like you're going somewhere as opposed to just teleporting over to a location.

Things that might be improved:
1. The quests being restricted to certain levels make it difficult to do them with characters that aren't min-maxed at least slightly, or ooc knowledge to know to choose certain feats when leveling. More non-combat quests would be cool as well.
2. The ability to repeat quests only after a server reset is kind of annoying. If they were just on a timer or something this would be better. I've logged in a couple times to find myself with absolutely nothing to do if not many folks are around.
3. There isn't much in the way of gear progression early on (perhaps later on too, but I haven't seen it yet). People like to see their characters improving in some way. So assume that after a couple hours of playing the game, they should be able to get at least 1 new piece of gear (I like shiny things!). It doesn't have to be a radical improvement, just slightly better, or maybe they can upgrade items they already have. I've seen item socketing work well in other servers to do this. Both of my current characters are wearing mostly equipment that they had when I first created them after a week of play time. That shouldn't happen if you want to keep a new player's attention.
4. The death system is pretty brutal right now, coupled with the fact that you can't inspect monsters to get an idea of challenge rating. As a new player, I'm not sure where to go past the main starting location. Quests that can point me towards a new quest hub would be great. As it is currently, if I go wandering around, I'll likely just die to creatures that I don't know are too difficult for me (this happened a few times) and then suffer massive consequences. Basically, I'm being incentivized to NOT explore your world, which you don't want to do to new players.

Just some constructive criticism (I hope). For what it is worth, I do enjoy the server and I've seen some pretty quality RP from folks on it, which has made me want to stick around longer (whether or not my RP is quality is totally up for debate lol). There might be other things, good and bad, but this is just what came to mind when I saw this post.