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Author Topic: Gentle Reminder- Please Read  (Read 24739 times)


  • Dungeon Master
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Gentle Reminder- Please Read
« on: December 17, 2019, 04:00:17 am »
It has come to our attention that there have been some rumblings behind the scenes about various characters, DMs and overall playstyles and as a team, we would like to address a few things. If you have an issue with how something was handled or how you perceive an event was handled it is up to you to come and speak with one of the admin team who can better help you understand the situation. It is however not productive to the server or the community as a whole to sit behind the scenes and tell as many people as you can or whoever will listen how unfair you think something is without having all the information, this breeds a hostile and toxic environment that we all want to avoid.

All of you have been made aware that the admin team on Netheril is willing to discuss issues, plots or anything that you find impacts your gaming experience and often when you have all the information that we do it suddenly becomes apparent you should have spoken to us before turning to the peanut gallery. We are not here to ruin anyone's gaming experience we have developed this server with the vision in mind that we all have a place to come and have some fun in, so if you are seeing something we aren't aware of or feel wronged by something please come and speak with us and know there will be no negative effects for being open and honest with us we would much prefer this then listening to the rumours that eventually filter back down the line to us.