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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Author Topic: Welcome to Netheril  (Read 81010 times)


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Welcome to Netheril
« on: January 21, 2018, 12:31:56 am »
Welcome to all the new and existing people who have found us after almost 10 years, it is nice to have you all back around and to see some new faces. We are in the process of getting the server up and running for NwN:EE, this has involved having to redo a lot of the existing areas and scripts and working our way through the module to make sure everything works with the Enhanced Edition. This process has been a slow one, we have had to re-evaluate the server direction, setting and what direction we see it going we have found ourselves now in the Golden Age of Netheril and by doing this we have had to change and altered how most things work, for the betterment of the server I must say.

We are hoping to have a Beta up for you all very soon, we will endeavour to post regular updates and value your opinions and input on what we could be doing to better the base we currently have.

You can drop by our discord channel or Facebook and say hello or offer an opinion. I will add the links below.

Look forward to seeing you all online when we launch.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/440934312649034/
Discord: https://discord.gg/9CcZDhc

~The Netheril Team~


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Re: Welcome to Netheril
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2020, 02:29:43 am »
Hello all,

Firstly, we hope everyone is well and keeping safe.

We will continue to keep the server running during this time, as we know many people are at home or in isolation. The Team will do its best to continue to add new content and be around to run events and answer questions. Please be patient and the Team will get back to you, as we all navigate the issues in the world today and be there for our families. We have been supporting new concepts and player stories, so start thinking and get as many players you can involved.

Please continue to RP and build your character stories plus look at getting involved with other character stories if you can. Listen for calls and get involved :)

If you wanted to help, you can support us here > https://netheril.net/forums/index.php?topic=369.0

We also have projects on the go, so if you want to build something hit us up. Also if want to DM and/or have experience and wish to join the team, you can put in a ' Statement of Interest ', details here > https://netheril.net/forums/index.php?topic=414.0

Again we hope all are well and safe

DM Team
« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 02:41:43 am by Rainman »
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Re: Welcome to Netheril
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2021, 12:32:04 am »
Some key facts on Netheril ...

General Areas - 219

out of those there are ...

City Areas - 102

Wilderness/Exportation Areas - 117

plus the following special areas ...

Quest Areas - 101

Event Areas - 28

So get out there and have a look around :)

* of course these numbers can change over time.
Build it and they will come.


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Re: Welcome to Netheril
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2023, 09:13:13 am »
Dear Community,

We will be removing the password and wiping the server soon. We have made changes to the XP system and Loot drops. Updates have been added to the Start Area and more Lore added to most areas where needed.

Sadly we haven't been able to get to everything. Buggy spells are still an issue, as it is still a work in progress ( depending on time and the team ). We have not added the Item Level Restriction System or the Cloak changing system.

You will no longer be able to enchant in the Crafting system and have already removed access to these special areas. This is to bring some balance back to the items on the server. I hope to look at the Crafting and up the properties from materials, as we see how the balance goes.

Moving forward, we are adding a new sync server for any hak changes which will affect any new players.

So the ball is now in your court, so if you want to play with your friends or advise others that we will be open to play. We will advise a date for this to be open when I can confirm such I have a Server Plot in mind for those looking for that type of thing around the Isle of Death, which is not a one shot event but looking to be complete over a number of months. Trying to keep this DM free as possible, because as you might have noticed our team is smaller again but will try to be around to fix simple stuff and issues. On that we are without a main scripter, so major changes will not be happening moving forward.

We have taken feedback and tried to make these changes you requested but not all can be done.

Have Fun!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2023, 09:16:01 am by Rainman »
Build it and they will come.


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We are back !!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2024, 10:10:02 am »
Netheril: Age of Discovery NWN RP server is set to reopen for a "soft relaunch" on Good Friday.  A fun Easter Event will be run during the weekend.

Our team have worked hard to make improvements and rebalance loot and encounters.  Some of the improved or completely new features you will find on Netheril include:
-A unique player housing system with a wealth of opportunities to customise your den
-New and revamped exploration areas
-Many new quests in a variety of level ranges
-New domains for cleric characters
-A portrait pack and new heads to customise your character even further than before
-Monster player characters
-Custom art for loadscreens that reflect the server setting

New and returning players are invited to come try our server!
Build it and they will come.