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Author Topic: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread  (Read 72076 times)


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2018, 12:30:55 am »
Spell Name: Evard's Black Tentacles
Nerf or Buff: Nerf
Why it needs to be Nerfed: Evard's tentacles are an AoE spell with no SR, a fort-save vs. Paralysis, and 1d4 tentacles + 1 / caster level (maximum 20) tentacles, that do  1d6+4 points bludgeoning damage each. That is a potential total of 20d6+80 damage against a character at level 16.

To compare with Greater Missile Swarm (which a level 1 spell now blocks), it can do a maximum of 40d6 damage. This was already nerfed due to its ability to do such drastic damage, and doesn't do a fort-save paralysis effect, or last multiple rounds.

Evards also lasts a total of 1 round per 2 levels. Since its level four, it can be extended, empowered, and maximized, extended would give 15 rounds for a max (soft capped) mage with an average of roughly 16 to 19 tentacles, each doing up to 10 damage. Empowered would average 12, with 15 as its maximum damage per hit instead for roughly 7 rounds (once again, from 16 to 19 tentacles, so potentially up to 295 damage, a round)

Maximize would allow for 19 Tentacles, all doing 10 damage a round, for 7 rounds.

The spell can also be stacked ontop of itself, causing massive increases in effect, and also ignores NPC's, and friendly targets (i.e. the caster).

Proposed change: Remove the paralysis effect, change it to an entangle effect, or reduce the movement of characters within the field, have only 1 tentacle attack a character per round. They're grappling, it shouldn't be actually possible for 11 10 foot long tentacles to all grapple 1 character. The spell is intended in PnP do cover an entire field, and have 1 tentacle grappling per enemy inside.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2018, 12:36:38 am »
"Why it needs to be Nerfed: Evard's tentacles are an AoE spell with no SR, a fort-save vs. Paralysis, and 1d4 tentacles + 1 / caster level (maximum 20) tentacles, that do  1d6+4 points bludgeoning damage each. That is a potential total of 20d6+80 damage against a character at level 16."

That is not how it works. The maximum number of tentacles that can reach a target in a round is half. Maximum mind you. Meaning the maximum is 10D6+40.

Additional notes: "Though this spell is not mind-affecting, immunity from mind-affecting effects still blocks the paralysis."
The Damage is dealt per tentacle. This means any form of DR (Ghostly Visage) will knock off damage PER tentacle. You can almost entirely ignore the damage with a Ghostly Visage.
Each tentacle also performs a grapple check to deal any damage. Meaning at higher levels high BAB classes tend to get hit less as well.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2018, 08:10:31 am »
Why Tentacles need to be nerfed:

The spell is either a trivial nuisance to those who are prepared, or a death sentence for anyone who doesn't recognize the signs of the spell. It has one or two rounded countless lower level players who were unlucky enough to be in the same area as something that casts it, often times some random thing in a DM event. It isn't fun to die to, and for the people who usually die to it (low level characters) it isn't a viable option because the potions of it are short lasting and/or expensive unless they're already a caster that can put it up. I'm tired of watching the casting animation go off, knowing that higher level folks will wade through it relatively unscathed while it murders characters who haven't built to stand it or don't have the buffs to deal with it.

Walrus Warwagon

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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2018, 09:35:17 am »
Suggestion, though requiring a scripting, is to change this spell entirely into the actual summoning of actual tentacles. Like the upperdark ones but weakened, downscaled, a bit slowed and with the blackening vfx applied.

Something like, for example, caster level/3 tentacles for caster level/2 duration per cast.
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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2018, 12:26:22 pm »
Name of spell: Shapechange
Buff or Nerf: Nerf

Reasoning: I know its a high lvl spell but it lasts way too long ive seen players use it and smash some of the hardest quests (Fire giants) without it running out. I suggest lowering its duration since its extremely strong and lowering its Duration wont make it less good. it has also been used as an insta escape tool like Greater sanc.

Ascended Mage

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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2018, 09:30:41 am »
Alright, here is apparantly very very HUGE issue with Raise Dead spell and Resurrection Spell.

I am playing a cleric who is very kind to members of party and especially to high level characters and always used many times and always Raise Dead spell on them. After some time I am OOCly was told what there difference between this two spells. Raise dead spell will take 10% exp from character and Resurrection Spell will take only 5% exp.
Of course it is makes sense since Resurrection is stronger spell. But what is more difference between this two spells?

By description and by default, Raise Dead spell returns corpse to life and raised character returns to life with 1 hit point.
In Netherese server, character returns back to life with full hp.
Resurrection spell by default raises character and returns back to life with full hp.
In Netherese server it is unchanged.

Now right to issue with 5% difference.

If forget about this difference, then everything is fine. Not all-mighty cleric was able bring back to life party members right after event or in middle event and it is very nice and cool! Return back from death!
But 5%!
Maybe everyone noticed how big we have thread about Death Penalty?
Yes-yes! That means what players OOCly would prefer to keep their characters dead even when it maybe not makes sense in game because of this difference 5% in lost exp.
And even if they prefer to stay dead, there is nothing can stop cleric to use Raise Dead spell on dead character.
Just imagine, Neutral Good character, after hard battle very far away from cities and temples wish to help to his friends and he just use raise dead spell!
And then back from death returns angry players who maybe even can start hate you and your low level clerics or be very frustrated what your character used this spell and they lost 10% of exp instead of possible 5%.

I hope everyone now will understand what I mean in general now.
People becomes sad/angry/frustrated/dissapointed/your option/  OOCly because of game mechanics and descisions what was made in game by characters.


0. Make dead bodies weight 100+ lbs. Not 0.5.

1. Remove this difference of 5% between two spells or players will become more angry/sad when low level clerics raises high level characters.
2. Place temporary debuffs on characters what was raised by Raise Dead spell. Low AC, low stats, low AB. It can be anything what will remain on character few hours and can't be removed by rest.

Bonus suggestions for distant future.

3. Include diamonds in Ressurection Spell and even to Raise Dead spell too perhaps.
4. Make characters pick deity in creation room so perhaps this spells will be more important for characters of same faith and who knows maybe characters of same faith will have very very little exp loss


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2018, 03:12:08 pm »
Make an NPC resurrection cost 10% of your xp, and and the raise dead cost 15%m whereas player resurrection grants 0 xp loss and raise dead grants 5%.

Casted, of course. Scrolls still yank XP.



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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2018, 03:09:56 am »
Pretty much any charge to spells like Evard's which can easily down an unprepared player is never amusing. Base, it feels like an empowered spell in it's own right. Paralysis to Entangle and reducing the amount of tentacles is a good start. While yes, Ethereal Visage does deal with it quite well, it's something that must be prepared, so in the best case scenario you would be accused of metagaming anyway.

And then back from death returns angry players who maybe even can start hate you and your low level clerics or be very frustrated what your character used this spell and they lost 10% of exp instead of possible 5%.

I agree with this completely. Any raise at all from a PC or NPC should be equal, mainly so everyone is happy with any help at all.


0. Make dead bodies weight 100+ lbs. Not 0.5.
1. Remove this difference of 5% between two spells or players will become more angry/sad when low level clerics raises high level characters.
2. Place temporary debuffs on characters what was raised by Raise Dead spell. Low AC, low stats, low AB. It can be anything what will remain on character few hours and can't be removed by rest.
3. Include diamonds in Resurrection Spell and even to Raise Dead spell too perhaps.
4. Make characters pick deity in creation room so perhaps this spells will be more important for characters of same faith and who knows maybe characters of same faith will have very very little exp loss

Regarding point, uh, zero, corpses should have weight to them. Including their inventory if possible. Temporary debuffs might not work too well, as the player was already punished with an experience loss. Losing a tenth of your experience is already weighty enough, causing further detriment would only serve to cause players to wait out the timer which is not fun for anyone involved in a quest they might be at. Something like a small movement speed slow could work if it's for flavor.

Including requirements for high level spells in general would make them feel more important, even opening up avenues for buffing some spells depending on such. I would be all for people pooling resources to their faction cleric to give them the ability to raise/resurrect mid-fight for an edge.


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The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2019, 05:56:53 pm »
I am also losing spellbooks when I select sell on a new spellbook.

Pretty much ruins the game for a wizard if you lose a good spell when trying to sell off a duplicate.

Mine was on the Jar version run on a Windows 7 PC.


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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2019, 07:41:36 pm »
The spell is either a trivial nuisance to those who are prepared, or a death sentence for anyone who doesn't recognize the signs of the spell. It has one or two rounded countless lower level players who were unlucky enough to be in the same area as something that casts it, often times some random thing in a DM event. It isn't fun to die to, and for the people who usually die to it (low level characters) it isn't a viable option because the potions of it are short lasting and/or expensive unless they're already a caster that can put it up. I'm tired of watching the casting animation go off, knowing that higher level folks will wade through it relatively unscathed while it murders characters who haven't built to stand it or don't have the buffs to deal with it.

Agreed, this spell is out of control powerful against characters that have no damage reduction of some kind. You should be getting hit once per round as per the pen & paper rules, not 10 times if you happen to be the only person in range.

Ascended Mage

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Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2019, 08:10:56 pm »
Bumping old suggestion to remove exp difference between Raise Dead spell and Ressurection spell.
Add gold cost or diamonds. Or put minor debuff on character if was raised by using "Raise Dead" spell.