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Author Topic: Crafting Balance  (Read 16555 times)


  • Demi-God
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Crafting Balance
« on: November 05, 2018, 05:08:11 am »
It has come to my attention that there are some LUDICROUSLY overpowered items in jewelcrafting
Instead of making me go through every single item individually (of which there are thousands) please tell me if you notice one that's too strong!
This includes flat damage soak for physical
Immunity to fear
Immunity to any other status ailments
Please don't make me do all that legwork.

Likewise, if anything seems too weak, let me know.
I can work a lot faster with specifics instead of going through the thousands of crafting items individually.

I'll give it a few days to come forth with the items where I'll give a replacement with the rebalanced version.

If I notice a stupidly powerful crafting item in someone's inventory in a few weeks, you're going to just lose it.
Better to be safe than sorry, guys, this is for the good of the server.