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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Author Topic: A Note from Blackheart on Following Plot Trails  (Read 26070 times)


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A Note from Blackheart on Following Plot Trails
« on: November 02, 2018, 03:03:51 am »
Alright, so I think we all know that I personally can't be in game all of the time. And that YOU can't be in game all of the time.

As such, it's hard to directly RP a bunch of plot follow through. So, how should we address this?

Personally, I'd prefer it if you tagged me in posts on discord describing what you are doing to follow up/what you would like to do IG as a request. For example, if I leave a note behind in a language you don't know, perhaps make a post that you're going to try and study what language it is and how you would go about it. I'll follow up with you and help you with that sort of stuff too.

That's the only way I can see plots being followed through adequately. So, while others might not like this approach, I personally would prefer it if you followed my plots through in this way. And as always, if you have specific questions for me, you can always PM me.

- DM Blackheart