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Author Topic: Thersos' Poems and Odes  (Read 16229 times)


  • Arcanist
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Thersos' Poems and Odes
« on: October 21, 2018, 03:29:14 am »
I know

Sometimes I get myself missing moments of my life,
Moments of which I have not yet lived.
Sometimes I catch myself wanting,
Feelings that I haven't even felt.

I see you at the walls, the pavement, the frames.
I live to pretend I am something I am not.
Sometimes I don't even know who I am anymore.
I feel the urge to go back.

My words are exaggerated,
But in my verses I can only find you.
I walk the roads just to find you.

Its only a rainy day, and I'm heading up for redemption.
Tomorrow I'll be somewhere else entirely.
So far away from here, so far away from you.

Because I know. I know you want to be with me.
I know you want to live with me, until the sun fades into nothingness.
As long as the wind blow in the skies.
~"Everything can be solved with a talk, a glass of wine and a night of love, wouldn't you agree?"


  • Arcanist
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Re: Thersos' Poems and Odes
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2018, 10:15:03 pm »
Your gaze

We have routes and paths to follow,
We can go from here into the World,
But I want to stay,
Because I want dive deeper.

To see myself
through your eyes
Changes everything.
I can breath you in.
I can see you in the dark.

Its a long time on the road, a long time,
And without second intentions you come,
After the hefty wave of the tide
The calmness of the sea

Making love on the coushions,
Then sleeping well.
It was your gaze that charmed me.
I want a little bit more of your love.
~"Everything can be solved with a talk, a glass of wine and a night of love, wouldn't you agree?"