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Author Topic: Research into Shadow iron and other metals  (Read 17169 times)


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Research into Shadow iron and other metals
« on: August 14, 2018, 05:15:24 pm »
I am Drake Davison a simple smith. I have been looking for other sources of shadow iron and other metals. The lava caves is the only reliable source I have found to date. Troll caves have minor deposits but are unreliable. I have talked with the Tel-Quessir council and they knew no other sources. I talked with the halflings with the same result. Today I explored the depths of the orc mine I found no sources in areas I could access. There were several doors to areas that are shunned by the orcs. They are old and worked in stone, they left me with a feeling of dwarf craftsmanship. I could not pass the doors. I also came across several cave-ins. With the troubles coming out of Sullivan's I am unable to supply weapons and arms of sufficient material to safe guard our people.

I have been trying to contact the Dwarves in the area with no success.

Drake Davison Master Smith


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Re: Research into Shadow iron and other metals
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2018, 04:34:31 am »
*the librarian listens with a confused look on his face and finally asks* "Ah, is that a question? I can tell you a little about the metal but if you are looking for more deposits, I can't help with that.. sorry, I only have access to history here and if it has not been found, you can't find it here.
"People who have no hope are easy to control"


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Re: Research into Shadow iron and other metals
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2018, 03:23:03 am »
Thank you I was looking some sources might have been lost and hoping for clues as to where they might be found. Maybe mines that might have been overrun, flooded or lost for some other reason and might be reopened.