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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Author Topic: How to address concerns or offer suggestions.  (Read 14121 times)


  • Dungeon Master
  • Demi-God
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How to address concerns or offer suggestions.
« on: July 14, 2018, 03:43:38 am »
As a DM Team we want to let the players know that if you have an issue or concern, you need to come and speak with one of us. Speaking behind the scenes to other players will not solve the issues you need to speak with one of the DM’s so we can address any concerns or feedback that you may have.

If we are not made aware of the issue we can’t as team look at addressing it, we are an approachable team and welcome players feedback and suggestions. This also extends to if you have an issue with a DM, you do not need to try to deal with it alone, and you can speak with one of the other team members.

Also, be aware that the DM team have lives outside of the game, if you do not get an answer instantly to your questions we will get to you when we have time, if however you have not heard from us please give us a friendly nudge in 24hrs.