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Author Topic: Introduce yourself!  (Read 66960 times)


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Introduce yourself!
« on: January 21, 2018, 12:52:05 am »
-Posted by Sem-

Welcome to Netheril: Age of Magic.

We understand that getting yourself involved in a new community and new game world can be difficult or intimidating, but don't worry about it! We're all people here like you and we're all excited to make this Server as great as it can be with YOU.

First things first though, we need to know who you are. Introduce yourself to us all here so we can better get to know you as we enter this exciting world together.

Also, feel free to let us know if you find something particularly challenging or if you have questions.

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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2018, 12:53:18 am »
-Posted by Sem-

I'm Sem. I'm relatively new around here in the grand scheme and look forward to Netheril's take on living in The Golden Era of Netheril. It's got me quite excited.


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2018, 12:54:21 am »
-Posted by DarkKnight-

Howdy, I am DarkKnight, I am also relatively new to NWN (Been playing for a year and a bit). I should be a quite active player when the server eventually gets up and running. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in the game and seeing all the cool concepts everyone comes up with.


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2018, 12:55:59 am »
-Posted by CannibalArcade-

Hi! My name is Daniel Thompson. I go by the persona of CannibalArcade. I'm careening recklessly towards my 40's. I have 4 kids, 2 of which are addicted to memes and think MY jokes are corny. I'm a graphic designer and art department manager for a commercial print shop. I used to play on a couple of other servers but its been such a long time, I might as well be a complete noob. My knowledge of D&D is next to nothing. I only have the basic grasp of fantasy tropes I've picked up from movies and video games, so my roleplaying will either be entertainingly naïve or painfully frustrating.  :mrgreen:

Here's a link to some of my artwork, including my proudest work - the logo for Extra Life, a 24 hour gaming marathon for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2018, 12:57:23 am »
-Posted by OctaynOne-

Hello my name is OctaynOne. Octayn is a name given to me by a good friend when he mistook it for Otacon from Metal Gear Solid for Octayn. Being a tech nerd he found it fitting, by the time he realized his mistake it was already a done deal. I'm not new to NwN or D&D. I've been playing NwN since it first release back in 2002. I've played on more than a few PWs and have more than a few P&P campaigns of D&D under my belt. It has been a long time and I look forward to a lot of great RP.


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2018, 12:58:27 am »
-Posted by Tinker-

Hey all, I'm Toni aka Tinker and I have been playing NwN's since about 2003-2004 and since that time I have played on many different servers and DM'ed on two, one was a Dragonlance server and the other a Forgotten Realms server up till very recently. I love this game as it allows me to relax and unwind and it has always been something I could do around my three kids, should not call them kids anymore two are almost adults :)
I enjoyed creating Netheril with the team we had the first time around and was excited when we heard of the upcoming release of EE and the prospects of new blood this will hopefully bring into this old game, what I think I like more about NwN's is the communities that seem to be built from the game and the lifelong friends I think most of us have made through our various adventurers.
I look forward to the mischief we will all get up too in-game and hope to create a world with this wonderful team we have that players and DM's alike can come and have a bit of fun on.


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2018, 12:59:36 am »
-Posted by deltaTime-

Howdy! I'm deltaTime. I'm the Lead Scripter for this project, and I am making all the systems that will make people rage and die!

I love getting feedback, and suggestions on cool new features that transcend what others have done with NWN. I look forward to playing with all of you!


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2018, 01:00:37 am »
-Posted by Shackled-

Shackled here, I've been involved with DnD for around about a decade and have DM-ed on several servers as well as hosting a regular PnP campaign with some chums here locally. In my own games I tend to move away from excessive mechanics and number crunching and towards just telling a great story. Despite NWN's limitations in that regard, I try to use a similar style of play here.

I spend most of my time on Netheril working on our lore and and faction details with the occasional jump into the toolset. However my favourite past time is spent running around in game, helping players do cool shit. I am a sucker for high-risk, high-reward ideas and players that aren't afraid to have their character die in a blaze of glory or 'lose' to tell a great story. So once we go live I expect lots of PMs about cool stuff you all wanna do  8-)


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2018, 01:01:21 am »
-Posted by SteelsSweets-


I'm Ang or Sweets.

I've been playing NWN for about nine years now.

Met the server owners on the first server I ever played on and have been lucky enough to consider them friends ever since.

I enjoy plots and stories. I really dislike PvP and heavy mechanics.

I've never DMed though I have assisted with my share of their plots and played a few one off accessory characters to aid when needed.

I love PnP with the right group. Get me a good story line and a "rule of cool" DM and I'm all for it. The strict rules lawyers and min-maxers need not apply. :)


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2018, 01:02:23 am »
-Posted by Master_Sarevok-

I’m Master_Sarevok. I’m an experienced Rper that has had experience on various servers both in forgotten realms and in custom lore from perma death to not perma death. I personally prefer some form of perma because when I get into pvp rp conflicts with other player factions, I like to see my big trap leave them dead and staying dead. Plus it makes the rp a lot more right knuckles which I love, cause I know if I mess up I’m just as likely to die and find players who can do that to me good rpers

I’m also a helpful person and often will have a spare pc I might use to help new players get into the game.


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2018, 01:03:30 am »
-Posted by Kotenku-


I came on board mainly to help with some back end, Sys-Admin and Web Development stuff. I've had very little to do with the lore side of things, so I'm looking forward to discovering this world with you all, and helping it to come alive.


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2018, 01:04:21 am »
-Posted by Mortui-

I'm Mortui, you probably know me but on the off chance that you don't I've been playing NwN since about 2005 and online since 2008.
I like just about everything to do with the game.


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2018, 01:05:07 am »
-Posted by Gmork-

I suppose I should say something here.
I'm Gmork. The G is silent.

What? That's not enough? Ugh, ok. Hmm

I got NwN the day it was released in Australia and have never truly stopped playing it since then. Interesting fact, the day I found out about the toolset and multi-player I stopped playing the main campaign. To this day I have never finished it.
I worked with the toolset for a long time before I discover that you could make custom content and that is where I am now. I love to create new things or alter existing one to make the game better. I suppose that's why I'm head of Custom Content here. ;)

I have played on many servers. DMed on 2 as well as working on many other projects over the years.



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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2018, 01:06:13 am »
-Posted by Shackled-

The "G" is silent?.. Mind blown :shock:


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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2018, 10:10:51 am »
Hey Rainman here ...

I build stuff, simple and easy. There is no difference to me for an area to well build or well designed they are one in the same and should be. These areas need to functional but still give you as the player a way to tell your story, either in a city or in the wilds.

Anyway, that's the builder in me talking and I hope to hear from you all about your thoughts. Maybe a quest idea?

As for history, I have been a DM on others servers and played NWN for quite some time now like most of you all. Some of you I know and others I don't, so if you have a question or feedback please send it my way or via the team and we will do the best to answer it.

Thanks for listening

Build it and they will come.