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Author Topic: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future  (Read 48002 times)


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Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« on: June 23, 2018, 09:08:28 am »
Theren Sontr'e

An elf, one that is unordinary to others. He chose his path towards a being a monk, after he was left from his elvish parents. He was taught to be acceptable, kind, and friendly to all peoples and friendly creatures. People seemed to be almost...surprised...of their treatment from the monk, due to his racial features. Many did not expect him for his behavior for being an elf. They thought, he would be raciest and unkind to the different species. But he is unlike other elves... He has taken time for him to learn the ways of the inner spirit. This is important for him to avoid the influence of evil upon him. Thoughts also become a blockage towards his neutral opinion based on information and history. His only solution towards this was to meditate to clear his mind. Once he had mastered his training he had a desire to learn more, while helping others. And he did that. He ventured around aiding all to help the most.
There was only once case that kept him at work above all others, even to this day. To aid his friend Keelie from the dangers of life. He kept doing this, no matter the circumstance and will keep doing this until he is told otherwise. During this time of aiding Keelie he learned different arts that he was unfamiliar to, the art of religion and divine magics. He was quite...interested...in these new discoveries. He had no idea that religious art could physically help others in aid of injury. It was taught to him that herbs were the most effective, but not in all cases.  He began to study it, but in more depth and in the end of the studies he had his decision of what he would follow, his view and outlook of what things should be. His religion to follow Amaunator had began. He believed that being lawful would be a good way to keep chaos from occurring.
Though he did not have much control over it, chaos still occurred. Keelie had made a blunt decision to run away from the monastery that she had been raised at from birth. She ran away to go along with her half-brother Kadmus in search of their father. This was important to her and he had no right to keep her from doing this, though he had a suspicion that the Priests of Amaunator were raising her for some kind of ritual. He agreed to her escape in one condition, if he may watch over her.   


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2018, 03:24:09 am »
OOC: Sorry if there is font, size, change
He's been on the road, following her for few months, her and her brother Kadmus. They have taken much interest at being at each others side, though Theren is the one that made the decisions that would greatly influence her life. As someone that wasn't raised the same as everyone else he had difficulty to making such decisions... He did his best, though he always had to deal with arguing most of the time. They had traveled a great many places, in search of their father, but they had no luck. They would get close, but then have some set backs. Their father was good at covering his tracks, though they tried their best, they could not find him. Eventually we all arrived to Hadrian. It was said that at this time it was in a golden age. And perhaps such a place their father could be at. 


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2018, 07:14:59 am »
[Without the knowledge to Theren]
Unaware of his past, he never saught off to search for results...
Time did not seem to be his problem, he felt as though it was more...slower...than what it seemed to others. Who knows? Maybe it is because of his elf heritage, but maybe not... The true answer is not because he is elf, though they are known to live for extensive amounts of time, but this was not the case. He felt he could see events, frozen in time, from his perspective, and he knew not why.
The real case of being is his ancient heritage in which he came from. Though he was raised by monks, who did not misuse the powers that were foreseen, he knew not of his parents, nor did he question it, until recently...
Theren always questioned why he was chosen to be the protector of Keelie, blood of Amaunator and Selahine. His first thought was for the same reason that he was left with monks, because people knew that monks wouldnt misuse the powers that she held. But maybe there was a deeper reason...
[Not to Therens knowledge] Theren is of blood to the Seldarine member: Labelas Enoreth, as for his other parent it was Rillifane Rallathil. The combination made him closer to nature as he see events happen with time with him to think about. Having the ancestor of Labelas, it makes him the chosen individual that can learn from the Monks of Time and History.


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2018, 06:20:05 pm »
[To be done in the future]
Overtime, after noticing such differences in time, he became influenced with curiosity... He began to research, he looked in the Tel-Quissir library, but no knowledge was obtained, other than information about Labelos Enoreth, the time god of the Seldarine. He looked into it, hoping to find anything to help him, but not much did. After searching around in the library, he decided to head into the Valstiir Library and still did not find much. After time, he found an auto-biography of someone mentioning the same kind of powers, or concepts and further read, he did. It talked about the similarities, of how time seemed to go by slowly, seeing actions in pause...He continued to read, where he found a page at the end, thickened and out of place. He, without asking, pulled the page out and it then unfolded. Stunned, he looked at what appeared to be a map, but it appeared to have no visible markings of a certain location. The only things on it was what looked like weird markings that made no sense, at all.


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2018, 09:26:46 pm »
"Work is to be done, not just around Hadrian and the world around us, but work within. Internal peace is what many ask for when they are passing on to the next world. Many believe it is the acts of good and love that are the stepping stones towards this, but maybe its different. Maybe you start at the top of the stairs and it is the act of bad and evil, hate and anger that makes you fall further back from being where you want to be, when you were just there."
New Concept
Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2018, 09:38:46 pm »
"In many opinions, politics is a source, or the root of many evils. Perhaps it is not the physical acts or crimes of being evil, but the idea. Politics leads many, both potential and beings of friendship, to be crushed and diminish from their own beliefs and opinions. Such things should not matter as to why they are friends, nor should it even be mixed into the puzzle of their opinions of each other. In fact, friendship should be occurring with everyone, it should start when you first meet them, unless they make a reason as to why they should not. Such as them acting with acts of hatred without even knowing them."

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2018, 04:13:00 pm »
"And from the depths from the earth, meant more than them for what its worth and from this we shall rise above, instead of hate it shall be of love... To loose what meant, but of you're life, one will fight to overcome that strife. It not from defending that one will know, but of how one acts within, will show"
-Beginning of a poem-

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2018, 04:27:32 pm »
"Time will pass with hunger and death, when many of people take their last breath, Tears will shed and people will cry, leaves many in depression with many a sigh, times such as this requires much care, they must recognize that you are aware, leave one with nothing and they will wither, on the ground like a snake, doing nothing, not even to slither."

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2018, 05:44:32 pm »
"With smiles across the faces around, a voice that is tender in the ears of sound, the softness of skin within the touch, can be most unimaginable to think of such, the sparkling of eyes can make one lose sane, but not an emotion, like the feeling of pain, with them on your mind, with constant of thought, many will hope to have found something so sought."

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Jounal


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2018, 02:13:56 am »
Much interesting things happened as of lately... I have found this map, but it has nothing but the map and some unknown, weird scribbles on it. I looked through the book, but found nothing to help with deciphering what it means. Even though I knew not of what the words meant, they seemed to have sounded familiar, yet I don't recall ever hearing it. Perhaps a previous life, or maybe something from when I was a child. Much was...blurry... back then, I don't remember much, but its just...strange.

After some time, I had finished the book, I returned it to the Tel-Quessir, and when I was putting it into the shelf, where it had been, so secretly, I had heard some kind of a clink, I couldn't quite see what it was, for I am quite short, but I could feel something, something rough, but smooth, hard, but soft. After some time of trying to reach it, I had used the book to push it back so I could grab it. It was a red gemstone, weird enough, but it also had a chain linked upon itself with an etch in it that named it off to be the writer of the auto-biography I had just finished. How intriguing it was...

After grabbing the stone, I observed it, seeing if I could find anyway to see if it were helpful. I could not think of anything, but then it came... I had remembered something that may help. I remembered that a stone was used to read the map from the dwarf from just a week ago, or so. I began to repeat the same proceadure, but nothing happened... Maybe I was missing something? Well, not just nothing happened, only the top words showed up, but the bottom section did not.
It mentioned the lines "With words to see, must there be a key, with the light, they will come to sight"  Curious to what it meant... Maybe the light is the key to unlocking the words? Hmm... I am not sure, but it does not hurt to try...

Morning just rose, and it had been yesterday that I had read the rhyming riddle, so maybe I can try the morning light? Failure... That was all that was gained from that attempt... It isn't working... What light must it be?

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2018, 02:58:36 am »
Night time of this quiet day had just began, I hear the shouts of night callers in the midst of the rising moon. My next attempt, that is. I will try to shine the light of the moon upon the map to see if anything will happen. I can't at this moment, for the clouds are covering the moon, as darkness overcomes this peaceful night...

Alas the clouds have past, the night began to feel more, darker than usual... Not a darkness of fear, of course, but the feeling of loneliness overcame, and it seems I had not been alone in the feeling. Though many people were around, the feeling still occurred.


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2018, 03:03:21 am »
This feeling must not overcome my works, though. I must prevail and seek the truth upon this map... I waited until the peak of the moon, shining upon the lands as if Selune had been watching us... And now, it has shined upon the map, and nothing...just nothing, I do not understand why it didn't work... What am I missing? What do I need in order for the words to clear? This...this gem... So useless if it only can tell me the... *A pause breaks as Theren goes into thought*

Maybe... Just maybe... Does the light have to shine upon the gem, so that the light reveals what the words mean? Was it written in an ink that was partly invisible? Hmm... I must try, for if it does not work, I have no idea towards understanding how to reveal the words... The light... I need a light, but which one? I do not know, and I must find out...

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2018, 05:03:37 am »
"With the fear of dark, from within, the feeling of loneliness and that of a sin, sorrow and grief will reveal, but before doing so one must feel, the evil will spread amongst the lands, but entrust in each other to group up and stand"

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2018, 02:46:33 pm »
The time has come... Yesterday night, I had missed my chance to see if the moonlight through the gem reveals the missing words. Now it is morning, a new day, with many possibility. I must await until the prime of the sun, for just the perfect moment for the gem to shine in its place...*The section finishes*

Alas, the time has arrived, I am so close to hopefully uncovering the secrets to the map. The gem... The light is now shining upon it and...Only have of the words showed up. I must write them down, so I can memorize it more easily. Perhaps, I must wait until moonlight for the rest to uncover. "Deep amongst the woods of elves, time will pass within themselves..."

Many more questions, but maybe the Southern forest? Nuall'an may have my answers, but I must wait until nightfall, for the moon to shine upon the rest of the words and reveal the full notes of scribbles.


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Re: Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2018, 02:56:59 pm »
"Rocks of fire thrown across the landscape, Screaming of men, trying to escape, Clashing of swords and riddling of steel, Punctured wounds will make one squeal, Dead across the land of blood, Shields and Belts, with broken studs, Fear within the men of battle, moaning like a herd of cattle, Death is all that awaits the men, If not now, tell them when."

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal