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Author Topic: Research: Pariah request (Any DM)  (Read 8726 times)


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Research: Pariah request (Any DM)
« on: June 18, 2018, 05:11:38 am »
After hearing the information and explanations of Pariah regarding the problems with lycanthropy and the reports, Aquaria writes from her memory on a sheet of paper the reports she read in front of Pariah and Celeb. Aquaria keep the two reports safely to herself, locked in a distante, safe place.

Report 01
"Report on wolves aroudn the Abbey

There was a large ghatering of wolves around the Abbey of the Moon, and they even entered the Hallowed Ground. Brom from House described them to be maddenedby a disease, hoping it was not lycanthropy related. However there was the incident a while ago with a few of our lost devouts, so it's too early to lock out as a possibility."
Another Report
This all started with the wolves around the Abbey. Read report 2 first if you haven't already. Something is making the animais around the Abbey. And more importantly the tree, go mad. They will attack anything on sight, and come even as close as to attack us inside the abbey grounds. I don't personally know much about the lands themselves being wounded, but Thrulithiel the Druid and oyr squire Sigrun are convinced the land, and the three itself has a problem deep down in it's roots. I mentioned that is a way further down, where we could see to the roots themselves, through the Abbey Undercroft. Father Dich has that section of the system on lockdown however, and we'll need to convince him to give us the key

Pariah mentioned that she earned her honors as a rider after absorbing the darkness in the southern woods. And that in the region there is a ruined village, full of lycanthropes, from which the leader escaped after the whole work of absorving the darkness of each house.

Although she had already said to Pariah to seek a druid or person with a strong affinity with powers of nature, and this was achieved through contacts with new adventurers and with Celeb, the work was now to raise as much information as possible about the region, concerning the destroyed village and they origins. About werewolf, she can research a little more later, and maybe, write a report or article to help the library.

Aquaria goes on to research historical or commercial records of the region of Southern Woods, about lost or devasted villages or small towns or communities.


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Re: Research: Pariah request (Any DM)
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2018, 09:14:18 pm »
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