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Author Topic: Reschotti Arena + Monstrous PC opportunity.  (Read 13989 times)


  • Demi-God
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Reschotti Arena + Monstrous PC opportunity.
« on: June 16, 2018, 12:28:54 pm »

House Reschotti will be running an arena event this saturday at The Warehouse. Come slay monsters, gamble away your gold and kick the asses of your fellow players.

The event will also present an opporunity for monstrous player characters.

Players who want to play a monster will enter the event as a gladiator, fighting for their lives. You will be bumped to level 8 and provided appropriate gear for your class. If you survive your arena fight you'll be allowed to continue playing your character, whilst keeping your level and gear.

You do not have to keep playing the monster, if you want to play one simply for the event that is also allowed!

PM me here on the forum, or on Discord if you're interested in participating as a monster.

Edit: Since there's been some confusion about app subraces. You may play any monstrous subrace as part of the event. But if you survive and intend to keep playing an app only monster. You must submit an application as normal.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 12:20:04 pm by Voss »