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Author Topic: Character Roles, Positions and Offices  (Read 16759 times)


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Character Roles, Positions and Offices
« on: June 09, 2018, 12:22:29 am »
Here is a partial list of the different positions a player can aspire to. This is not a complete list, and players are as always welcome to work toward establishing their own positions. This is more for players to understand what is out there for them, so that people don't feel limited by the current selection of factions.

Hadrian Mayor: Establish law, maintain a guard force, and see to the maintenance and expansion of Hadrian.

Southbank Administrator: Protect the port, set up trade deals and ensure the trade routes are secure on behalf of House Dukarrus, or whoever else rules the port.

Sullivan: Rule over the monster's port town as you see fit, for as long as you can protect your title from the upstart warlords, assassins, and schemers that plague that wretched place.

Head Arcanist: Master of a school of magic, engage in advanced magical research that shapes the world itself.

Arcanist: In charge of inducting and training new apprentices, works directly under a Head Arcanist to acquire reagents on their behalf, and perform some research.

Valstiir Agent: Valstiir has many agents throughout her realm, most of whom do not make their allegiance publicly known. From spies to knights to emissaries, these people enforce the Archmage's will. A Valstiir Agent personally knows the archmage and has established themselves as being among the elite of their skillset. Attracting the attention of the Archmage is no small feat.

Cult Leader: A mortal, or recently ascended undead or demon, in service to the lich Roz'dha. Organize and lead the other cultists to victory against Valstiir and all others who get in the way of your Lord's ascension. These cult leaders typically serve one of the three Lieutenants to the lich: Veyrin, Dacethar or Sros'qad, though those who distinguish themselves in their service to the lieutenants may be promoted to serving the lich directly as part of his circle of apprentices.

Clergy: A priest leading a small shrine or perhaps even a temple to some divine figure.

There are of course other settlements other than Hadrian and Valstiir, and other ports other than Southbank. Players are welcome to aspire to positions of prominence in places such as Nualla'n, for instance. Druids can establish their own circles and groves.

Players are also encouraged to make the most of the positions they do find themselves in. A mayor, for instance, would be encouraged to create an entire office, filling positions such as Captain of the Guard, Trade Minister, Judge, or whatever else they feel is appropriate for their vision of Hadrian. A House Dukarrus retainer might use his official position to create an official branch of the House dedicated to the creation, acquisition and research into war supplies, aiming to arm the house with magical weaponry and master-worked armours, and toward that end hire a smith, a scholar and a pathfinder to create items, research enchantment and even establish and guard trade routes.

So go out there and have fun. You can apply to get into a role but understand many of them require you to actually do something in-game to occupy them. The Mayor must win an election, for instance, while Sullivan has to kill the previous Sullivan. A Valstiir Agent personally knows the archmage and has established themselves as being among the elite (think 007 in most cases).

Some roles start as low ranking members of a new faction, such as the Clergy, which will essentially be treated as a PC faction at first with little to no NPC assistance, and so an application is not needed. Some prominent positions related to construction or promotion might require an application, such as Retainer or high ranking clergy leading their own shrine or eventually their own temple. Feel free to approach a DM with your ideas for feedback and whether or not an application is needed.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 07:14:44 am by ToxicWrench »