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Author Topic: From the Office of Archmage Valstiir: House Reschotti  (Read 12140 times)


  • Demi-God
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From the Office of Archmage Valstiir: House Reschotti
« on: June 07, 2018, 07:55:37 am »
*This message appears as a magically enhanced parchment upon many of the walls and noticeboards throughout the Empire. The font is bold and elaborate and seems to form into the local language of those that read it*

House Reschotti are the officiators of Slavery and Trade in the Valstiir Empire. All trading of flesh must be overseen and appropriately commissioned by House Reschotti, less you face the justice of their Slavers and Patricians. All general trade by merchants must be registered to House Reschotti, less they are excluded from Reschotti’s exclusive protection and insurance from damages.

Additionally, the positions of House Mage and Patrician are exempt from the Arcanist Guild’s testing rituals and may perform magical experimentation in cooperation with the guild should the individual seek to do so. As with all members of a Noble House, citizens that disrespect any House Reschotti employees may find themselves facing Reschotti justice, under protection of Lord Viktor Reschotti's title.   
« Last Edit: June 07, 2018, 07:58:55 am by ToxicWrench »