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Author Topic: Submissions and Contribution Provided to the Library of Vastiir  (Read 58633 times)


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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2018, 12:18:21 pm »
My dear Relic Hunter,

I hope you enjoyed your tea.

If you would like, I have an offer for you. I have a spare office in the Library, would you be interested?

A place for you to reflex on your current and future works of art.

Albert Pendragon, Master Librarian

Aquaria reads the letter carefully, thinking for a long moment. And after some time, she send an answer.

"Greetings, Master Albert.

Having an appropriate place to work on my historical research and texts, and have a proper place to evaluate relics would be incredible, I will not lie. And with the recent problems occurring in Hadrian and with the death of Sir Snacks, I believe that I should change airs for my own safely. And with the friction between cults and noble houses harming people and lives, I'd better get away from Hadrian for a while.

Yes, I have an interest. At an appropriate time we will talk about the details, drinking a tea, as before.

- Aquaria Blackstone, Relic hunter"
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 04:21:40 pm by Shantis »


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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2018, 06:13:40 am »
*Aquaria delivers a parchment with a freshly copied story from her own research, with a note to the librarian.*

"Greetings, master Pendragon. Another story related with Kaylessa, The Wasp Queen of Guillan Florest

- Aquaria Blackstone, Relic hunter"

The Sisterhood of the Wasp

When the invasion failed, Kaylessa, the wasp queen decided was time to instead of having slaves without minds, but was necessary to have people capable of thinking and acting on their own, but faithfully following the values and goals she commanded. For 50 years, Kaylessa began to develop a new type of servant. With her experiences in staying young already bore fruit, Kaylessa started to kidnap girls from various parts of the kingdom, all children, and of various different races.

In these 50 years, she has had at least 10 different generations of female servants: Hybrid women with wasp and bees characteristics, but more humane and with a more pleasant appearance. All his research was based on creating a new version of his servas, from which they could keep indefinitely, recovering and expanding her domains. The elves became the overseers, thanks to Queen Kaylessa's favor in allowing her own new race to be superior to all others. The female humans, because they had short lives, were assigned to be combat soldiers, while the half-elves and half-bloods of orcs were sent into groups of their own to act more ferociously. They had more life, but an intensity of combat without equal. Gnomes and hins became laborers in Kaylessa's hive.

Not to fear being betrayed, Kaylessa gave the life expectancy of her servants as young as 5 years. In the first one has the increased alchemical mutation through charms and special runes, to generate an organic armor, with wings similar to wasps and bees. In the second year, with the already physically grown children, with adult appearance and their already living insect armor, being a part of the women, undergo a rigorous six-month training along with the hive veterans.

Her mentality was shaped like a beehive. The servants saw Kaylessa as queen and mother, completely servile and obedient to her. However, after the training each of them began to develop a certain degree of individuality. Those who fought best, those who were better at leadership, the others who were more capable with arcane powers, and even some who idolized and prayed to Kaylessa as godness, developing strange and unique powers like a priestess.

When Kaylessa felt pleased with the new kind of servant, she thought it was the right time to start a new invasion. She sent her warriors only at night, to attack several villages and villages at night. His servants only robbed the girls, as young as possible. And sometimes, one or the other captured a guy whom the servants thought fit to entertain Kaylessa for some time, before he was cruelly killed.

What Kaylessa had not foreseen was that some of her servants had acquired such individuality as to escape her mental and social control. Those who were mortally wounded in combat against adventurers and survived, left their insect armor dead behind and hide with the other races, acting as assassins and thieves. They were lighter than a hin, but stronger than a half-orc. His ability and speed of combat were incredible, but his habits were scattered and dangerous. If they felt hungry, they would kill for food. If they felt cold, they would attack a family to live inside the house at night. If they felt lonely, try to capture a man try to entertain her.

Their lives were driven by instincts, their thoughts and individualities now uncontrolled, with no queen to say what to do, no hive to give work, no training to survive on their own. They were free, but they could not live without anyone teaching or commanding them.

Kaylessa, the Wasp Queen returned to her plans, and eventually disappeared again in time, planning another return, after become ready to attack all humans. But the servants lost were considered defective, and now live in caves, in small communities. These lost servants created their own hives, where the oldest is the new "queen." Unable to create armor that was developed by Kaylessa, or to be able to create new servants through their rituals and alchemy, the lost wasps captured men to reproduce en masse at the end of their lives, generating offspring with only five years to live. The lost wasps and their renegade hives lived the same as Kaylessa's loyalists, but because of their renegade and free life, they paid dearly, living intensely, but afraid of being discovered by adventurers and huntsmen, or that Queen Kaylessa herself would send them away. kill, since none of them could deny an order of the queen...

Some rumors gived a name for the lost wasps: The sisterhood of the Wasp.


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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2018, 08:03:50 pm »
*Aquaria delivers a parchment with a freshly copied story from her own research, with a note to the librarian.*

"Greetings, master Pendragon. This time, something related with a group of female druids.

- Aquaria Blackstone, Relic hunter"
The Daughters of Forest

Druids...Many stereotypes are made. They are old men in rags, as they walk through the forest surrounded by animals, speaking as if they were crazy. Or graceful young man or girl, walking half-naked through the forests, like a teenage dream. Nothing further than the truth. Druids are ordinary people, living in communities in the middle of the forest in harmony. They are people who have families and friends, who live long periods in the middle of the forest and in nature, know how to interact with society, even if they do not feel comfortable.

Druids live apart from each other, gathering in their circle casually, with no rules or time set. They walk in pairs, usually with an apprentice and a veteran, who teaches them everything. Or they live in small camps with their families, who are also druids or live in harmony in the forest. When they need to meet with the civilized peoples of mankind, the Druids understand human nature... And they dress as beggars, or old fools, and walk before human society, invisible, with no one wanting to notice them. They walk and hear everything, for no one notices poverty, besides the good hearted. And it is in this conception of invisibility of the community that druids walk among civilized humans to gather information. No one notices the old woman who lives in the streets, or the dirty beggar who wanders the night. But if the danger appears, they turn into animals, fleeing back into the forest.

Among the different types of circles, there is one called The Daughters of the Forest. A group of female descendants of the circle of druids that originally turned stone, to protect a forest and life in the kingdom, in a distant past. They are everything, less beautiful as believe the idiocy of civilized human man. They are filthy and ugly as they wander around the city, disguised as beggars, crazy old women, and every kind of disguise that causes others to ignore them. They say nonsense, as if they were crazy. But few people perceive a clever look behind this behavior.

Being able to talk to animals, the daughters of forests hear everything they need from dogs, cats, mice and birds that live inside the city, acting like their eyes and ears to make sure humans are in control. After all, even not accepting this, humans are an insignificant part of nature as a whole, and the forest daughters watch them from a distance, to see if their actions will threaten nature around them. That is to say, no nobleman or even a cunning villain imagines that his own pet knows what he is talking about, and that this could go to the ears of others. Outside the domain of the urban jungle, the daughter of the forest takes the form of her spiritual animal, which blends in nature as if she had never left.
Daughters are capable of turning into any animal. And this also includes fantastic creatures, whether insignificant as a kobold, or fearsome as a drider. Their unique ability to blend into societies and cultures of different races to protect the balance of nature is unique because they do not choose sides. In one day, to protect the forest or nature as a whole, it can give a small and subtle help to a group of orcs, passing on sensitive information to them, so that they can eliminate the excess of humans that advance through the dominions of nature . Or on the other hand, it can aid adventurers who deal with the excess of other creatures dangerous to all, which harm the harmony of nature. But in the end, daughters know that all they do is only small contributions, because nature has its own way of finding balance.

They know that if the spirits of nature demand, disasters such as filth, earthquakes and even insect plague or the emergence of new, unknown creatures will happen, only to bring back the balance of life and death as a whole. What they know with their conscience is to be a counterpoint subtly and slowly balancing life... For abrupt and immediate changes is something that can happen, if the weight of the balance of nature hangs too much for either side, blessing only one civilized race, or the expansion of another tribal. Either with the possibility of disappearing of a race in extinction, or with the control to contain the excess of another, that could turn to be a mortal plague to all the others.

For the daughters, the only predator that bothers is the mage. They manipulate the laws of nature, experiment with creatures and plants, bring dead back to life, disturb elemental spirits, and enslave them. For daughters, their secrets should be out of reach for any mage. They avoid them, at all costs. And they walk away from them. Not for fear, but for safety: If they have to choose between avoiding them or eliminating them all, the first option is preferable, since druids do not enter into wars or create them, it only eliminates pests and unsuitable beings that harm the harmony of nature.


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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2018, 07:48:09 pm »
*Aquaria delivers a parchment with a freshly copied story from her own research, with a note to the librarian.*

"Greetings, master Pendragon. This time, something related with death, blood and darkness.

- Aquaria Blackstone, Relic hunter"
The fountain of Blood

Ancient legends, which came before the silver age, told of a beautiful marble fountain, representing a kind of faceless deity that protected all vampires. This faceless entity was represented by a person without mantles, being able to be either man or woman. Her/his skin was as pale as the full moon. Historians say that this faceless and nameless entity was the creator of the vampire race, to become a counterpoint to light and all good deities. To his/her faithful followers gave him intelligence and eternal undead life, feasting on the blood of his victims and those who work for his/her ideals.

Known only as "The Master," this entity (for lack of a more accurate and grounded term) first appeared in the lands of a rich kingdom at night. Walking in his white robe and hood, mortals who looked directly at the master's face fell dead, becoming zombies moments later. The walk toward the palace gave rise to a crowd of zombies, who were scattered around the capital, killing and devouring innocents wherever they went. But the zombies did not dare to walk toward the master or even overtake him. The master walked, with a distinct calm, and a posture, emanating an air of prestige and power. Some men and women, seeing his walk in the distance, quickly knelt before the road to the palace. And the master stopped and looked at those who knelt. And for a moment he/she reached for the nearest one to wash, touching his/her hand.

The first woman to touch his/her hand became his/her faithful priestess, known as Thana, representing death to those who are against the orders and desires of the master. The first man to touch his/her hand and stand up was baptized Hadria, who represents the darkness, become a defender of darkness and his/her champion in middle of fool mortals. Bian, a good-looking man become someone irresistible in the eyes of the mortal girls, who would drink from his words and follow his suggestions, always ending in lustful ends or scandals. Further on, a whole family of warriors stood together, kneeling and guns ahead, offering their services and loyalty. The master abenas waved, touching the weapons instead of them ... And the souls of all the members of Valdis were transferred to their weapons, becoming cursed and intelligent weapons, that possessed the bodies of those who touched them. On his way to the palace, the master obtained a large number of faithful servants, all vampires or maddened weapons, who floated as though they were in the hands of their former masters. And before the royal family and all the guard, ready to fight to the end, the master lowered his hood, and the darkness spread throughout the kingdom. In an endless night, the shadows and darkness took all the land for a year. Who was foolish enough to enter the darkness, never returned. And whoever tries to escape, as he leaves the deep mists, falls dead outside the limits of the kingdom, becoming a zombie, to walk back the lands of the master.
When the darkness was gone, the devastated lands were empty, and there were only ruins. The master, now with his servants and followers, reappeared seven more times in distant kingdoms... Walking through the capital, killing everything and everyone in his path, turning people into vampires or zombies ... And meeting the nobility in the palace, punished the whole kingdom with a year of deeper darkness and agony... To disappear without explanation.

Seventy years later, an island appeared in the middle of the sea, making night immediately, to any ship that is near of the island. Some sailors reported that the island was full of undead... And that in the palace on the top of the island it was possible to see a statue of the master, where hot blood flowed, filling a lake where the faithful vampires servants, having a feast, while discussing plans for the next action, as soon as their master allowed it.

When the mortals approached, the vampires made two choices... Or they fought each other until they died, and the last one was allowed to return, loaded with treasures or those who wanted to join, just had to drink a glass of blood from the fountain of the master, becoming vampires as well. The few who could come back, returned rich only to mark their homelands or kingdoms as targets for the faceless or named master's next visit. It was a matter of time for the master to visit other lands, spreading his power and expanding his court that worshiped him as a god of blood.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 06:22:04 am by Shantis »


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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2018, 06:21:38 am »
*Aquaria delivers a parchment with a freshly copied story from her own research, with a note to the librarian.*

"Greetings, master Pendragon. This time, something related with Targus...

- Aquaria Blackstone, Relic hunter"
The Fall Of The Weak Gods

No one remembers the weak.
Only the weak ones.
The strongest rule.
The strongest command.

The faith of the weak creates weak gods.
Weak gods create weak worlds.
Weak worlds create weak people.
And weak people create failures.

This is the story of Targus,
As long as he's strong.
This story will be real.
And if I lie, may my weapons break!

In the day there was peace and boredom.
Weak people fearing weak people.
Weak people creating a weak nation.
Weak nation creating a weak world.

Targus came, he was not born.
For Targus is too strong,
And the war was born when he arrived.
And with the war, death was born. And died.

And Targus taught the weak to be strong.
And those who remained weak, died!
For Targus, the one who does not survive is the prey.
And only the warriors are the predators!

Targos brought the war with him.
The will to live
The creative mind, which creates weapons
Generate tactics, create legends!

The strong, life-giving heart
Generate courage, create strength!
The force of being,
the intensity of living!

Targus came, and taught to use his fists!
Then taught to use the stones!
To use wood!
And the strong have learned to make spears and axes!

Targus came naked, and killed tigers and wolves!
He ate the raw meat!
Put on filthy skin!
And the strong have learned to hunt and wear furs!

Targus came and saw rivals. He laughed.
The rivals laughed.
Targus attacked!
The rivals have fled or died!

One day, Targus decided something.
That mortals were tedious
And to heaven was to challenge the gods
And one by one, he defeated them.

But Targus did not kill any gods.
Only one he killed.
For he dared.
To be the god of war!

Targus was the war!
Targus was the battle!
Targus was the fight for life!
Targus was the winner!

And he, being mortal;
Sticking his blade.
On the right leg.
The god of war.

Like a flea.
Stung him and tormented him.
For an eternity.
Climbing the God like a montain.

And abandoned mortality
He was growing, each time.
That false deity.
He scaled!

On his march to the sky.
Rising by the pain of your enemy.
Who was said to be the master of war.
But he did not control the mighty Targus!

The blood of the fake.
God of war was flowing.
He bathed Targus's torso.
What a climb, without giving up!

The blood that hardened.
And he turned his armor.
And the cold or the heat.
It did not cause any more pain.

The false god of war.
The size of a mountain.
If he hurt himself with his hands.
trying to kill Targus, afraid.

Targus on the false god's chest came.
And his blade penetrated.
And his blade grew up.
Size was Targus's fury.

Mortals saw the false god
Giant in size,
Small in courage
Fall from the skies.

The Targus blade
Penetrated into his
heart when growing
Crushing the dreams of the false god of war.

The body of the false god.
He fell into the ice mountains.
The peaks impaled them.
And the cold froze him.

The false god of war
Died only because Targus
Did not wait to watch.
The next war he went to fight.

And instead of the old god name
Targus was cried out.
His followers bathed with blood.
Of your weak enemies.
Targus is not a poet
Not protective or good
He just struggles. To force everyone
To be strong like them.

Targus is so strong,
That Selune hates him.
For no god or mortal
He is as powerful as Targus.

Targus smiled at Selune.
She loves peace, he loves war.
One day, the two will have a truce.
And when this happens.

Neither the gods will know
What the end the world will have.
Targus will only stop fighting
To drink and flirt.

(With Selune?)


« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 06:33:21 am by Shantis »

Violet De Camp

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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2018, 07:57:54 am »
An Enchanting Encounter
From Celebrithrade Dedralein
In Elvish

For many years, almost as long as I can remember, I have always gone and sung to the flowers in the grove near Nualla’n. Though I first did so out of pure enjoyment as I frolicked through the fields, as I became older and more gifted, I couldn’t help but feel that they were… Reacting. They would shake and curl in a most delightful manner, as if they themselves were dancing to my tunes.

Years after I took note of this change, I also began to notice that they were growing more abundantly, and much more vibrantly than they had before. Some of that was no doubt due to the guardians of the forest providing for their well being, but I couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride in myself, like a mother who has coddled her young and watched them grow to new heights of beauty.

And so I continued to sing, and sing and sing… And they danced with me…

Until just last night.

I was out near my favorite spot in the whole world… For weeks, I had felt a wide array of emotions, from stress to relieved, hope to despair, among many others. No matter what I’m feeling though, this place always soothes me in a way that nowhere else can. I feel calm, clear of mind, and focused.

And so I went there, after having been through one of the most terrifying ordeals of my life… Finally, a small chance at relaxation, a time for me to finish my secret project. I gathered my materials and set them out on the table, ready to get to work. It was a daunting task, but one that I was very much forward to work on.

However… I didn’t even get started.

As I looked up from my piles of materials, I noticed a most stunning sight… A beautiful Dryad, barely clothed by leaves. Her body radiated an aura from a body that had to have been handcrafted by the gods themselves, for I have never seen such wonderful and awesome sight before. She stood there, watching me curiously…

“I have been watching you, beautiful elf girl.”


I looked around swiftly. Surely, there must have been someone near me that I hadn’t noticed. I mean, who else could she be talking to… But as I searched, I found no one but the two of us standing in this hallowed place.

“You sing beautiful songs in the woods near my tree. You have piqued my interest… Tell me, why do you sing to the plants?”

“You… You mean me?”

“Yes, you! There is no one else here… So please, tell me, why do you sing to the plants?”

“I… I sing to them because they seem to like it. It seems to help them grow taller and more colorful.”

The dryad giggled nervously, although her eyes remained alert. “You do have a lovely voice, my dear. It’s not as wonderful as mine or my sisters, but still lovely nonetheless. I have very much enjoyed listening to you over the years.”

“I have heard many fables of the dryads and their beauty in both appearance and in vocals. I’ve wished ever since I was a little girl to see one for myself, for they say that you only appear to those that emulate what you stand for.”

The dryad smiled at me and began to walk over slowly and gracefully. “So why have you come to this altar here?”

“I-I am here because this place soothes my mind and soul. I come when I am sad or happy; relaxed or tired. It makes me feel like nowhere else can, and it is my favorite place on this plane.”

She giggled more. “Well, I hope I haven’t disappointed you. It’s not often that my kind show ourselves.”

“But of course not! You are far more gorgeous than I could have ever imagined. If it is no trouble, may I ask your name?”

The dryad looked aghast at my question and took a step back. “Oh no! No no no! I cannot do this, I know not of your intentions! You could use this to harm me, or you could tell someone else and *they* could harm me! No… No no no!”

The look of panic on her face made my heart skip a beat, for it was still immaculate. “I’m so sorry! I truly meant no offense, please forgive my transgression. I would never wish ill will on you or your kind.”

“I’m sorry, but asking such a thing of me is quite offensive…” The dryad said as she backed toward the tree line. “If you wish to make up for the rudeness you have shown me, then impress me. Impress me with the gifts you have, and if meet my standards, then I will let this slide and forgive you in full.”

My heart was beating out of my chest, I could feel my vein throbbing in my neck and wrists. “Y-you wish to hear a song… From me? I-I would be honored, miss.”

Though I have learned thousands of songs and dances over the years, the choice I made was an easy one… If I was going to impress her, then I would need to give her what all my other songs she heard lacked…

My heart and soul.

I pulled out my heart and began to strum it gently. My vocal chords were still warm from my singing prior to her arrival, and so I was ready to give this my all.

Please don’t cry, for me…
Please don’t cry, for me…
I knew what I was supposed to be-e-e-e

Please don’t cry, for me…
Please don’t cry, for me…
If only they headed our plea-a-a-a

Please don’t cry, for me…
Please don’t cry, for me…
May this spell bring peace for eternity-y-y-y

Please don’t cry, for me
Please don’t cry, for me…
It’s with a smile that I die for thee…

I concluded my song to perfection. I myself was lost in my performance, somehow taking my attention from the symbol of beauty that stood before me. But as I opened my eyes and looked back to her, I saw something I would have never thought possible: a single tear, running down her face.

She let her tear stay there as she spoke to me again. “That song is one of such sadness, and I can sense that this sorrow is deep within your heart. Your performance was worthy of praise, and you have met my expectations. In fact, not only shall I forgive your past transgression, but I wish to reward you with a gift.”

“A gift? From you?” My heartbeat was at record speed. “I-I would be honored to receive such a token from one such as yourself.”

She looked over to my assortment of materials and the beginning of my project. “If I come closer, do you promise not to harm me?”

“Yes, of course, with all my heart, I swear I will not harm you.”

The dryad smiled and walked over to the pile of reagents and began working with them. I have never dreamed before, as is with all elves, though from what I’ve read of the experience, this is the closest I have ever been to “dreaming.” It was as if time moved at a different pace, and I wasn’t myself as I watched her move her body in fluid motion as she put herself to work. Before I knew it, the gift she had given me was placed delicately in my hands.

She bit her lip nervously. “I… Hope you like my gift for you, pretty elf.”

“Like it? I love it! I could not have done a better job myself, not if I dedicated myself to it for the next 500 years! This is a true masterpiece…”

She smiled at me. “I’m so very glad you like it dear. Please, wear it well, and do remember me as you do so…”

“Of course, I could never forget you and the generosity you have shown me.”

She suddenly leaned forward and placed her lips just off the side of my ears. She told me her name, and that she hoped to see me again. I returned the favor, and told her that I very much looked forward to the day when I would see her again. She then slowly turned away and walked deep into the woods, leaving me alone with the gift that she had made for me…


Violet De Camp

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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2018, 08:53:00 pm »
Celebrithrade Dedralein
*In Elvish*

The following is a folk tale that has been passed down in my family for generations. While my family normally devotes ourselves to only puting “critical” facets of our lore into writing, I find it desirable to add this to our written collection as well. This was my favorite bedtime story to hear from my mother before bed...


The story begins a long, long time ago with a young elf girl sitting underneath a blossom tree atop the hill overlooking her home. One day, this girl spotted a small azul fairy nearby, unable to fly due to an injured wing.

"What's your name, little one? Are you lost?" the girl asked the fairy.

"I'm called Aquaglow, and I'm waiting for my mommy. She's coming for me from up there!" said the fairy as it motioned up toward starlit sky.

"Why don’t I wait with you?" the little elf girl asked Aquaglow. “That way, neither of us will be lonely.”

At nightfall, the little elf girl brought out the quilt her mother made her and gazed into the sky by the fairy’s side. They watched and scanned, but they saw out of the ordinary. Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, but still the sky revealed nothing.

Finally, the little girl sighed and turned to Aquaglow, "If we stay out here much longer, my family is going to start getting suspicious." She furrowed her brow as she pondered a new plan. "Why don't we go out and find your mommy ourselves?"

Aquaglow was pleased by the idea, and so he and the little elf girl set off into the depths of the forest under the starry sky.

Days passed with no sight of the fairy’s mother. Instead, trees extended for as far as the eye could see, making it near impossible to get a glimpse of the sky. "If I had known it was going to take this long, I would have packed more food," said the little elf girl, above the rumble of her belly.

At this, Aquaglow burst into a fit of laughter as the girl began to pout. "As long as I have Fae Dust, I'll be fine," said Aquaglow. "Would you like some? It’s veeeeery tasty!"

She hadn’t noticed it before, but as she looked around, she found herself in a new, strange world. The forest they were walking through was gone now, and in its place was a brilliant plane that seemed to lack definition. There were dazzling dark lights all around her as if there was both sunlight and moonlight at the same time.

Bright specks fell and swirled through the air, or as the fairy had called it, Fae Dust. Surrounded by these new wonders, the little elf girl couldn't stay mad as they floated through time and space. She even stuck out her tongue to catch some, and found it tasted like sweet berries she would pick back home.

As they continued on their journey, the pair collected Fae Dust with the girl's quilt that they fashioned into a big Fae Dust catcher. They almost lost hold of it a few times, but they kept on collecting anyway.


One day, a beam of bright light blinked behind the two in an unusual manner as compared to what they had seen previously. Instinctively thinking it was the sun, the girl peered back, only to find a turquoise comet shimmering at her. The little girl shook Aquaglow (who was asleep on her shoulder) awake and shouted excitedly, "Aquaglow, wake up, we have to go! Your mother might be there!"

“Mommy!” Aquaglow cried as they bolted towards the comet.

The pair landed on the comet and found that it was made of a singular, solid gem. They looked all over, but Aquaglow's mother was nowhere to be found. However, Aquaglow seemed to find something else of interest. "Look!"

Peering down at the slick, shimmering ground where Aquaglow was pointing, the girl suddenly noticed large clusters of Fae Dust encased in the gem. "Pretty neat, huh?" said Aquaglow, whith a large grin on his face. "The Fae Dust looks frozen inside. I'll bet there's water here too, and maybe some other useful things." The two decided to stay on the comet for a while as they continued their search.


While in this strange plane, the little elf girl experienced the phenomena of dreaming, an experience that was once foreign to her and her people back home. One night, she dreamed about her own mother, who was facing away from her. "Where are you going?" she asked her mother as she stood there and watched her mother begin to walk away. Without turning, her mother replied, "My dear, sweet child, worry yourself not. I'm not going anywhere. I shall always watch over you, like the sun in the brightness of day and the moon in the dark of night."

A wave of sadness washed over the little elf girl. "What about when the clouds come, and I can't see you anymore?"

Her mother thought for a moment before responding. "Whether you can see me through them or not, I will be waiting for you, for they will not last forever."

When she woke the next morning, the girl's face was moist with tears. "You have shiny water in your eyes! Does it hurt?" said Aquaglow to the girl.

She wiped her face before she replied, "These are tears, not shiny water. And I'm crying because… Becasue... I'll never see my mother ever again!" At this, Aquaglow began to cry along with the little elf girl.


The pair traveled through the starry skies, and though they encountered many other comets, not one of them held Aquaglow's mother. The two lost track of their time together, but it was apparent that many years had passed, as the little elf girl grew taller and more mature over time.

Aquaglow, after experiencing false hope time and time again, was silent and distant.

"Now, now, Aquaglow. The rain clouds won't go away if you keep crying," the girl said, giving Aquaglow a gentle hug. "The little elf girl closed her eyes and said gently, "I'll take care of you, I promise."


"The foyer will go here, and the garden will go over there..." the girl said busily to herself. "We'll put a table here, and perhaps we can find something to decorate these walls, too..."

It turned out that Fae Dust wasn’t the only thing frozen inside gems they came upon. There were materials to build unlike any they had ever seen, and the girl used them to make a place to live. Ever since the girl took Aquaglow under her care, she'd been bustling about at a rapid pace.

Looking at the completed house, Aquaglow remarked, "Don't you think it's a little big for just us?" With so many rooms, it was very spacious, but still, something was amiss in the elf girl’s heart, thought she couldn't quite place what it was.


Then one day, while the girl sat and stared into the distance as she daydreamed, a tiny crimson-colored gem comet appeared on the horizon. From this comet, another fairy emerged. "Do you two know each other?!" the girl asked the two fairy’s as they stared at each other. Despite the girl's excitement, the two seemed uneasy.

The two fairies continued to stare at each other, motionless. Then, Aquaglow broke the silence. "My mommy!" At once, the crimson fairy chimed back, "My mommy! My mommy!" "My mommy!" "My mommy!" The two fairies began to fly around the girl frantically, and neither showed any sign of stopping. The girl was so enchanted by this heartwarming display that she couldn't help but giggle.

Suddenly, more fairies popped out from behind the crimson gem comet. They were a wide array of colors, but they all yelled the same thing. "My mommy!" "My mommy!" The sight of all the shouting fairies only made the girl laugh harder.

"What am I going to do with all of you?!" The fairies just stared blankly as she bent over laughing. "I guess we'll have to name each and every one of you, won’t I." The next day, once she had finished naming them all, she began moving all the fairies into their new home.


After another long period of time, a curious thought popped into the elf girl’s head. "I wonder if my home is still as lush and green as it once was." Oddly enough, the place in which they were flying through gave her a strong feeling of nostalgia. She took it upon herself to climb to the roof of the home and peer out into the distance.

Suddenly, a dark-green speck floated into sight. It was smaller than a piece of Fae Dust, but she could just barely make it out. She squinted her eyes as tight as she could to try and focus, and the green dot grew until she could make out a grassy hill dotted with red and pink flowers. It seemed very familiar to her. As it appeared even closer, a familiar grove on the hill came into view.

She remembered frolicking up the hill she followed her father up that hill to look at the stars...

She remembered how she and her brother would roll down that hill in the summer, and slide down during the winter...

She remembered having picnics with her mother on that hill on bright and windy days... And...

"I wanna go home! I wanna go home right now!" The elf girl burst into tears, and the fairies awkwardly watched her continue. "I wanna go home! I wanna go back to my house! I wanna see my mother! Father! And big brother too!" The girl was near hysterical now, her face damp with tears. "But I know she's not gonna be there! None of them are! Because… Because…"

"They’re all sleeping under the blossom tree!" The girl's cries echoed through the empty plane, and a hush fell over the area.

Aquaglow drew close and tried to comfort her. "Mommy, you still have me!" "And don't be sad about your mommy, daddy or brother... Because they’re all a part of you! That means they will always be close by! That’s how I think, anyway… I love other fairies because they remind me of my mommy."

"No...no..." the girl said, unable to stop the tears. \

A lonely look flickered across Aquaglow's face, but it was soon replaced by a wide grin. "I have an idea!" "I will transform into a comet…  A big, soaring comet that can carry you all back home to your mommy!"

With that, Aquaglow, trailing bands of white and blue, soared high into the sky and just as quickly started to plummet back down. The space surrounding the home trembled, and a bright light poured out of the comet that the Aquaglow had created. The bands of light twisted together to form a comet tail.

The girl could scarcely believe her eyes. "But...how?" she kept asking.

"Our destiny as fairies is to help those who are lost," said a violet fairy who suddenly appeared. "People, ideas, comets... We can become all of these things! When I grow up, I want to become a star that makes someone special smile as I guide their way home," said an orange fairy. A magenta fairy chimed in, "That Aquaglow turned into a real cutie of a comet, didn't he!"

All of the fairies together said, "No more crying, mommy!"

"Thank you..." said the girl in a whisper, and she pulled the fairies close and hugged them. From that day on, tears no longer fell from the girl's eyes.

The comet set forth for the girl's home plane, its long tail blazing proudly behind it.


With its many fairies and the now castle-sized structure that was built on top of it, the comet was quite a sight to behold. The girl and the fairies were proud to call it home. At a welcoming party for a new fairy, the girl gathered everyone in the kitchen and said in a louder voice than usual... "Alright, everyone! Let's make a cake! A cake sprinkled with Fae Dust! Then it will be a Fae-ry good cake!" The fairies all laughed excitedly and began to gather the ingredients.

As she watched the fairies scurry about, the girl smiled and thought to herself, "This is my family now, and I will stay with them until they're ready to leave the nest. And when they do leave, I'll see them off with a smile. Because that's what makes a mother happiest."

That night, when the girl lay down to sleep, a soft light enveloped her and reminded her of the green forest she once called home. "But it would be nice to return home once every one hundred years to nap under my favorite blossome tree... "

The comet carrying the fairies and the elf girl continues on its journey through the Celestial Sea to this very day. With more "family members" in tow than can be counted, it's said that the comet visits her home once every hundred years, its proud white and blue tail glittering in the sky.


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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2018, 09:46:06 am »
* The Librarian sits down with the latest contributions over a cup of tea *

// keep them coming in :)
Build it and they will come.

Walrus Warwagon

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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2018, 11:18:32 am »
For the library of Valstiir from Manus Morwegen. To increase the general level of public awareness, I compiled this booklet with a basic description of metals and alloys.



Iron is often regarded as the most basic of metals. Indeed, this metal is found most often and is loved by smelters and smiths for simplicity of processing, strength and ease of making alloys.

Iron ore can differ significantly. The quantity and composition of impurities can easily determine the place of extraction of iron ore and significantly affect the price, as well as priceless for geological exploration. For example… The region around the Hadrian is unique in that the quality and composition of the ore found in it is approximately the same even in places of extraction with considerable distance from each other. Along with the formations of the lava cave, a shallow bedding of valuable ores and precious stones to the surface, and the close proximity of the passages to Underdark, this indicates a geological anomaly. Perhaps it is caused by a small thickness of a tectonic plate in this region, or points to its volcanic origin or a destructive earthquakes in the past. Of course, I'm not a professional geologist and my knowledge is derived from the general dwarven education and training courses of my order. Nevertheless, they are sufficient for basic analysis and geological exploration. For further study you need a specialist.

Iron ore also has a unique ability to retain energies, including planar ones. Many attribute this property to magnetism, but research in this area is still underway. Unfortunately, I would not be able to disclose their results even if I had this knowledge. Curious is the fact that planetouched iron subjected to processing preserves and even enhances the qualities obtained. But previously processed can not acquire them naturally and is only amenable to enchantment. The most striking example is the shadow iron that is common in this region, but other varieties exist. Despite the ease with which iron can be turned into alloys, this does not apply to the planetouched ore. The purity of the metal is extremely important for the retention of unusual qualities and any of its violations can lead to their loss or even cause harmful effects due to the energy outburst.

It is a mistake to assume that iron does not possess miraculous properties by itself. Processed at low temperatures, it retains quality unpleasant and even destructive for creatures of Fey origin and is called "Cold Iron". Unfortunately, such a blade is hardly suitable for long-term use as the main weapon.

Speaking of alloys. Most iron alloys are called steel. Some steel is not afraid of rust, some better hold the cutting edge, or more flexible. There is no ideal steel, it's all matter of purpose. In fact, most of the so-called iron weapons produced in the surrounding lands to some extent is steel. Otherwise, it would be barely fit for long heated battle. Among steel, of course, there are no stronger varieties than dwarven. Almost every clan has its own secrets of steel making and their features are different. For example - darksteel, extremely hard steel only produced by the clan Ironstar. If you have an opportunity to buy genuine darksteel weapon from an Ironstar dwarf, well… don’t think twice.

Truly, iron is wondrous metal, often underappreciated.


Knowledgeable dwarf can not talk about steel and not mention arandur. True, this metal is almost unknown to other races and is rare, but its existence is not a secret. Raised from the lava depths, it is found only in igneous rock. Blue-green streaked metal, it turns silver-blue after processing. Arandur by its qualities resembles steel. Not afraid of rust, moderately flexible, but its main feature is the retaining cutting edge. As if this metal becomes stronger becoming thinner. Arandur weapons is rare but fully deserve to be called “Keen”. Rare adventurers become happy owners of such weapons, and they wonder why they do not have to sharpen it. Because it’s not steel, lads and lasses.


Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Copper itself mostly used for coins, but bronze has much more practical applications. It is even easier to process than iron, so it serves as a material for household items and furniture. Its color pleases the eye, it looks good with wood and over the years is covered with a noble patina that only add to the item value. Less well-known use of bronze is to cover the steel tools with a thin layer of it. This prevents sparks, reducing the threat of fire in dry places or places with explosive gas emissions.


Not much can be said about silver, as this metal is widely known and everyone has to deal with it. Appreciated for its beauty, it’s also known to be harmful for shapechangers like werebeasts and for vampyres. Maybe there’s more creatures vulnerable to silver, who knows? Of course, do not expect that your enemy will crumble to dust from one touch to a silver necklace. Correctly made weapons and armor of silver, that's what can give you an advantage. Silver holds well the enchantments, especially those that protect against electricity (everyone seen amulets that protect you from electricity, very practical item to have). Under the influence of strong enchantment, silver becomes stronger and not much inferior to steel.
The so-called alchemical silver is the way to put silver on steel. Thus, we get a weapon that is destructive for some beings without extremely expensive enchantments to increase the strength of silver.

As a side note, use garlic in battle with a vampire, for a short time it will make it difficult for the monster to evade your attacks. Belladonna leaves will help you to avoid werewolf attacks much easier for a short time.


Electrum is a naturally occurring silver-gold alloy that usually worth half the price of equal piece of pure gold. Not much can be said about it except that electrum-plated steel is used to produce Storm Stars. Invention of Netheril empire, these morning stars allow user to hurl lightning at his enemies. Unfortunately those items is very rare and I do not know who has the secret of their creation.


Gold is loved by everyone. Soft and easy to shape. One can judge the welfare of a region  that stamping it’s own gold coins through calculating the content of pure gold in them. In addition to its undoubted economic utility, gold is widely used in jewelry and alchemy. A vessel of gold, albeit expensive, can hold acid without fear of being shattered. Enchanters love gold for its unprecedented ability to hold spells, especially protecting against acid and fire. Most of the magic jewelry is made of gold. There are even armor made of enchanted gold. Enchantments on them are powerful, but the cost and, most importantly, the weight of such armor make it hardly practical for a warrior.


Platinum is costly silver-like metal sometimes used as a currency to reduce the weight of gold in large transactions. From platinum, jewelry for the nobility is often made. The remaining qualities of platinum hardly deserve to be remembered, since other metals exceed it in certain properties at a much lower cost.


Mithral (or Mithril) is favorite of elves and armored spellcasters. Lighter than other metals, while maintaining strength and flexibility. Cleaner than even silver and platinum. Mithral ore is rare, but easily distinguishable as this metal naturally tends to purity and almost does not contain defects. The smelting of mithral is not much different from the smelting of steel, although the temperature of the smelter should be higher than usual. The real difficulty lies in its forging. This metal remembers its previous form and seeks to return to it until you "persuade" it to keep the new form. In other words, you need to apply the right amount of force to the right parts of the workpiece while you keep it hot, for a long time. It is painful to admit, but in the mithril forging, the elves have reached great heights than dwarves. Do not get it wrong, we are able to make many products from this metal. Just elves make them thinner and somehow manage to apply a pattern to them.
Some bards believe that a mixture of mithril and steel can create adamantine. The only thing you can achieve in this way is to make the dwarven blacksmith laugh before losing consciousness.


Adamantium is a tricky beast. Adamantium is correct name since adamantine is the name of alloy. But since the difference is not obvious, it's easier to just use both names as you like and just clarify whether you're talking about a pure metal or alloy.

Adamantium ore can be found only in places of combined geological and magical anomaly known as earth nodes. Similar anomalies of a different nature exist in the underdark. I do not know their names, but the vile drows use them to protect themselves from magical influence from outside, which greatly complicates the battles. Rarely you can find small quantities of metal in the meteorites. For those who have not received special training it is extremely difficult to distinguish adamantium from ordinary stone.

Adamantium ore is hard to process since when it reaches a certain extremely high temperature, it very quickly passes into a liquid state and also freezes as quickly. The task is complicated by the fact that this ore contains a lot of impurities with a close melting point. If you fail to divide them, then the processed batch of ore will be simply ruined. Masters alchemists are able to process this metal in small quantities. Drow handle it in large quantities, but their methods are imperfect and they support the quality of metal with their foul magic. Such items is not very valuable since they will degrade under the sunlight. You can process a large number of high quality ingots only in specially equipped dwarven smelteries, which are rare even in the dwarven mainland since ore itself is found not so often.

Adamantine is an alloy of adamantium that looks jet-black but have a green sheen under the light produced by natural fire, or purple-white sheen under the magical light. Using this property to distinguish authentic adamantine from forgery. Adamantine is known for its strength and ability to remain undamaged under horrendous strikes. Adamantine weapons are equal to enchanted weapons and therefore able to penetrate through some kinds of magic shields. From here went the manner of comparing the fists of the most experienced monks to adamantine.

Many people consider adamantine to be the strongest of metals. This is a mistake, and I will write about the next metal to dispel this myth. Obdurium is a pale violet metal which is harder than even adamantine. This incredibly rare metal represents the pinnacle of non-magical metal strength. It is also extraordinarily expensive. I will be honest with you, I have never seen a product from this metal in my life, since it is stored in the most intimate dwarven treasures. I've heard of humans with a couple of items made from obdurium, but I do not know whether this is a simple rumor or truth.

Of course, there are many other less well-known metals and alloys that I would like to talk about. But this booklet is brief and is devoted only to the metals and alloys that most of you, with some degree of probability, will use or discuss.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 11:27:20 am by Walrus Warwagon »
Used handmade bomb to scatter drow priestess all over the place.
Insulted evil god in the face.
Drank the whole bottle of endless wine. Twice.
Killed big bad boss with a cantrip.

Walrus Warwagon

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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2018, 02:07:44 am »
I am sending this letter in addition to the booklet, since I forgot to mention one important material.

Star Metal.

Very rare and incredibly expensive, this metal is not found in the bowels of the earth. No, the only way to find it is to find a fallen meteorite, which is not necessarily will be composed of the star metal. When falling most of the metal burns out, so the pieces usually reach the ground in size not larger than the thumb. Among already rare star metal meteorites, pieces of the size of a fist are even rarer, and those that are the size of a head can be counted on the finger of one hand and entered legends. Fortunately, its main application (not counting the jewelry) is the addition in small quantities to common metals. Star metal improves the quality of almost any alloy, its strength, sharpness, flexibility and the ability to keep the enchantment. High-ranking officers, champions and nobles sometimes possess such a weapon since its price is much higher than usual.

That's it. Hope it would be helpful. Manus Morwegen.
Used handmade bomb to scatter drow priestess all over the place.
Insulted evil god in the face.
Drank the whole bottle of endless wine. Twice.
Killed big bad boss with a cantrip.


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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2018, 02:29:25 am »
We welcome new authors and their contributions to the Library.

Might need a Fiction/story section along with a Lore/resource for these books you are supplying.

Albert Pendragon, Master Librarian
Build it and they will come.

Violet De Camp

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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2018, 08:12:55 pm »
*A letter is sent to Sir Albert at the library, bound with an immaculate wax seal with a tree*

Sir Albert Pendragon,

I have included another contribution to the library. I will continue to write more and send them to you.

As always, if you have suggestions or requests of topics you would like to fill, you need only ask and I shall do my best to oblige.

I look forward to our continued partnership,

Celebrithrade Dedralein,
Loremaster and Cultural Protector of the Tel-Quessir Empire

Moral Dilemmas (Part 1)
By Celebrithrade Dedralein


The following is the first book in a series penned by Celebrithrade Dedralein, Loremaster and Cultural Protector of the Tel Quessir. In her writing, she discusses her views on morality in today’s ever-evolving world, as well as dissecting some moral decisions that she has faced during her many travels.


I should first start off by saying by saying that the thoughts that I write within these pages are purely my own, and they are by no means gospel. I am a mere mortal, just as anyone else is who may be reading this, and so I won’t pretend to be perfect or all-knowing. These are just what I have come to think and see during my short 100 year life.

Now that I’ve disclosed a bit of myself, I would next like to explain my -general- view on morality and moral dilemmas before I get into a specific scenario.

In my opinion, morality is subjective. That is to say there is no “true” moral compass that exists that can serve as a guide to all peoples due to our inherent differences in nature and cultural practices. This idea is perpetuated due to the differences between the different races and even the sub groups within said races. What is morally acceptable for an elf is quite different than what is morally acceptable in human society.

Take for example the issue of slavery. In the Tel-Quessir Empire, slavery would be considered a heinous act and as such would never be tolerated. The thought of coercing and threatening another living creature to do your bidding against your will for their entire life goes against many of our core values. This is because we, as elves, place a high importance on the values of harmony, freedom, and other such things.

In human society, however, slavery is widely accepted. This is because humans, as ambitious species, place a high importance on driving their production, war efforts, and furthering their own power. Even though most humans would likely find the act of enslaving the other to be of questionable moral ground, they tolerate it because, in their minds, the end result of furthering their power vis-a-vis their adversaries is worth the potential sorrow and pain experienced by their slaves.

There are many other areas of morality that different peoples disagree on, some far more complex than the example I gave, but I believe this is example is adequate enough for now. However, there is another topic I wish to discuss before I detail my own experiences, and that is the question of whether moral values must remain as -absolute- pillars within a society, or if they are -arbitrary- standards that may be changed from one situation to the next.

If we return to the view of elven slavery, we can see there is a bit of room for discussion here as well. While some might argue that slavery, in every instance, is wrong and must not be practiced, there are others who would say “well, in -some- cases, slavery may be a necessary evil to accomplish a greater good.” One such situation could be interrogating information out of an orc captive. Some elves would view that such practices are evil and should not be practiced, and others would say that due to the orc being an enemy and unfit to receive normal rights deemed worthy by the elves, then using evil tactics on the prisoner is justifiable in the name of greater good.

I could talk in circles on these subjects for some time, but I will refrain from doing so. They are merely present in my writing here to give general examples of my scenarios to come.

So, then I suppose I should give my first moral dilemma and how I faced it, no?

As those who know me well may have realized, I pride myself on doing good things for people. I make every effort I can to assist those that need my help, no matter how big or small the problem. And no matter how unworthy someone may seem, I will always give at least one chance for redemption. I’m the type of person who would rather be harmed by being too trusting than harming others by being untrusting, if that makes sense. Though, I will say that my patience for such things has grown shorter as time goes on…

At any rate, my first great moral dilemma came on my very first adventure outside of Nualla’n. A group of giants had just attacked Hadrian, and the many adventurers of the town set out to attack them where they lived. I got wrapped up in the situation one way or another, and decided to accompany them and aid them in any way I could. Which, at the time, was solely through my healing magics and inspirational voice.

As we pressed inward toward the giant’s throne room, the fighting became more and more fierce. However, one warrior in particular, Sir Kroznaks of the Swords of the Lady, continued to preach camaraderie and standing together to face the threats. His effort was quite admirable, both in terms of his leadership, as well as his fighting prowess.

However, when it came down to it, his words were not enough to persuade the others to follow his lead.

During the battle in the throne room, many were killed… Myself included. The fact that I’m alive again to write this is quite miraculous indeed. There were 11 of us who died that day, and just as many who were barely able to escape to regroup and make one last desperate attempt to finish off the enemy.

As I lay dying, I felt as if I was moving toward a place I don’t know, like I was floating in an endless sea of black. But while I was in this space, a sinister force reached out to me from the great beyond… It promised to return me to life, as well as give me power, wealth, and fame that I could have never dreamed of otherwise. The only condition that the being asked was that I turn on those who were coming to rescue me.

As such, I was faced with my great first moral dilemma… Should I accept this offer, or not? Keep in mind again that I seek to do the most good that I can, as my primary objective.

Obviously, I would have no such opportunities to do anything good whilst dead. Should I be able to return to life, I would once again have the ability to give my help to others, and may very well be better equipped to do so, if what the entity offered was true.

However… accepting such a deal from one who was so evil I could feel it from his very words was likely to be more complicated than it would seem. There would be almost nothing from stopping the entity from changing the terms of the agreement to fit his will as soon as I became willing.

Furthermore, turning on those that were willing to fight and die alongside me… Such an evil act would not be justifiable in my mind. While some acts can be partaken in without changing your character, an act of such betrayal with murderous intent would have no doubt changed the very core of my being. So, even with the threat of being unable to do more good whilst dead, there now existed the threat that I would become tainted and evil, and would therefore be a net detriment to the side of good.

And so I, like the 10 others, had to make the choice: return to life under the being’s conditions, or remain dead. My answer was quick: I denied this offer.

But… I was the only one.

The other 10 each accepted. The evil entity, frustrated at my adamant refusal, saw it fit to punish me beyond suffering in death… It made me watch as the betrayers turned on the rescuers who came for them. In my 100 year existence, that was the most tragic and saddening event I had ever witnessed. To see that 10 others so quickly betrayed their friends… It was an eye opening experience.

The rescuers defeated them, of course. Some were killed, others were disarmed and allowed to leave… But the emotional damage still lingers to this day.

As for me, I was revived in another manner… A divine entity took pity on me, and rewarded me for my devotion to serving the principles of good, under the condition that I continue to bring him and my people honor and glory.

So, even though I seemingly only had -one- option available to return to life, I refused to give in to despair and desperation, and another path revealed itself to me. My point is this: even in situations where it would seem you only have -one- option, or two bad options, you need not make the choice in that instance. Perhaps, if you try hard enough, another, better option will make itself available. Beware of the so called -deals- you are offered… for those that offer them likely only do so knowing there will be no way you can escape them.

Violet De Camp

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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2018, 05:38:23 am »
Sir Albert Pendragon,

Another contribution of a fairytale I heard growing up. I hope it finds a nice home in the library, perhaps where children can read it!

Kind Regards,

Celebrithrade Dedralein


An elven man on horseback fell fast asleep while riding, and so his horse began grazing in a meadow. A crow flew down from a tree and pecked the horse so that it reared up suddenly and woke the rider up. "Why did you peck at my horse?" the rider asked angrily.

"So that you would finally wake up!" the crow said. "You've been asleep for three years now!" The rider looked at his surroundings, which were quite different than he remembered, and realized that the crow had spoken the truth.

"Tell me, how can I thank you?"

"By giving me one of your three sisters in marriage. Take this picture of me with you." The crow gave the rider a portrait of himself and flew off into the distance. The rider could feel a curious magic from within this portrait, but to repay his debt, the held onto it as he ventured back home.

When the man returned home on horseback, he told his sisters about the crow and its request, and then he showed them the portrait of the bird. The eldest of the three sisters wrinkled her nose, the second shrieked, "No way!" and the youngest just blushed. She took the portrait and went to her room.

The next day a splendid carriage drawn by four horses appeared. The sisters were filled with curiosity, for they imagined a noble might be calling, and they raced to the door. A black crow stepped out of the carriage, and two of the sisters went right back in the house. Only the youngest of the three invited him in. Still, the crow asked all three sisters to visit his manor.

Together they traveled through a dark, gloomy forest. They were all convinced that they must be traveling on the road to the underdark. After a while it grew light, and the path took them through a forest of blossom trees and then on to a beautiful castle. The crow said to the two sisters: "Just watch out, and don't get too curious about things." The two sisters tiptoed toward the door and peeked through the keyhole. They saw a handsome young man sitting at a table, having a cozy conversation with their sister.

All at once, everything changed: The castle and the carriage disappeared, and the three young women were standing under a fir tree. The crow was up in the branches, scolding them: "Now only the youngest can save me. She must walk to the city in rags and accept whatever work she is offered."

And so the youngest walked to the city in rags and was about to be turned back by the constable when a tailor appeared to ask if she could do some cooking and cleaning for the prince living there. She assured the tailor, somewhat haltingly, that she could do all those things, and he walked over with her to the place where she would be employed.

Before long it became obvious that she had none of the skills she claimed to have. The food was constantly burned; the silver was dirtier than ever. Gardeners, huntsmen, and servants all made fun of her, insulting her and calling her names. She wept bitter tears. Suddenly the crow appeared at the window, turned his wing to her, and said: "Pull out one of my feathers, and if you use it to write down a wish, the wish will come true." With a heavy heart she pulled a feather out. Before the noonday meal, she wrote down the names of the very finest dishes with the quill. The food appeared on the table in bowls that sparkled and glowed.

The prince and the princess were thrilled, and the servant girl was given beautiful garments to wear. She had such an exquisite face and figure that the caretaker was soon enamored of her and wanted her to be his. He tiptoed to her room and peeked in. When she didn't order him to leave, he ran over to her. "Shut the door!" she said. And just as he was turning around, she wrote with her quill: "Let him spend all night opening and closing the door." And that is exactly what happened. In the morning the caretaker, deeply humiliated, could be seen slinking away.

The next evening the huntsman came to the girl's room while she was lying in bed. He bent over to take his boots off. She wrote: "Let him spend all night taking his boots off and putting them back on." And that's exactly what he did. At daybreak, he left in a huff. On the third morning one of the servants appeared. He had a strange neck, twisted from constantly watching doves, and the fool looked deep into her eyes. While he was asking for her favors, he suddenly remembered that he had left the door to the dovecote open and asked if he could go back to close it. The girl nodded with a laugh and wrote down the words: "Let him spend all night opening and closing the door to the dovecote."

That's how she got the suitors off her back. But they were determined to have their revenge, and they made three whips that they planned to use on the cook. When she caught on, she wrote down the following words: "Let them whip each other with those devilish switches!" And that's exactly what happened. The prince and the princess tried to help them, but they ended up receiving more lashes than anyone else.

The time had come. The crow arrived, and now he had turned into a prince. He rode with the beautiful cook to his magnificent castle they lived happily ever after.


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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2018, 03:20:26 am »
**The following is a compilation of poems written by admirers of a certain Elven Woman… whom they now refer to as the “Snake Queen”**

Oh majesty
my queen
chain breaker
Demon Slayer
Oh Corellon almighty
give her strength
give her power
let her shine brighter
Our lovely
Queen of Snakes


The beautiful Snake Queen
Graceful, misunderstood, too often
She lacks vanity although she is
pure perfection
She slithers across the room
Regal in her being
The most beautiful mark upon this land
The beautiful Snake Queen displays
When you lay your eyes upon her you will
know that you are in the presence of royalty
Of greatness
The beautiful Snake Queen is art
Flawless and everlasting
She...she is forever


As I first laid eyes upon her. I realized I was in the presence of a queen. Her very essence sent a surge through my spine godly enough for her royalty.   And as I learned to walk as a knight
As I learned to talk as a knight
As I learned to act like a knight.
The Snake Queen’s gaze never broke that of the ceaseless horizon

Violet De Camp

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Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2018, 06:40:49 pm »
The Founding of Nualla’n
Celebrithrade Dedralein
** Written in Elvish **

It has come to my attention that up to this point, no written history exists explicitly outlining the founding of the great city of Nualla’n. This is likely due to the humble beginnings of the city, as well as the perceived “unimportance” of the city’s rise at the time of the decline of the elven kingdoms and empires of old. There is, however, an extensive oral history that has been passed down by the oldest families of the city,

Nualla’n, in its inception, was not designed to be a grand city as it now stands today. Rather, it was established by a small colony of moon elves from the kingdom of Orishaar, near the border with the sun elves of Aryvandaar, and also not far from the border with the dark elf kingdom of Ilythiir.

The location was initially chosen by the moon elves due to the luscious forestry that surrounded the small lake and its many waterfalls. For a long time, this little place didn’t have an official name… In time, more travellers from the other two kingdoms would happen upon this small village. Some would leave and tell others about this wonderful little spot of paradise, while others would stay there entirely. With such a mixture of the elven races, which to this point mostly kept to their own respective kingdoms, a name was finally given: Nualla’n, the city of the elves, for even though it belonged to the kingdom of Orishaar, it was still considered a place that was accepting of all the elven races.

The village would continue to grow into a town, and then eventually into a city as the years continued on. Eventually, it became a city that was known far and wide throughout elvenkind. At least, until the start of the Crown Wars.

Even during these periods of conflict between the kingdoms of the elves, Nualla’n saw naught of battle or bloodshed. The armies of the respective kingdoms considered Nualla’n a safe haven of sorts, and it was taboo to venture close to it with an army. Or rather, this belief held true for a few thousand years, until the bloodshed of the Fourth Crown War.

It was in this war that the armies of Aryvandaar and Orishaar, growing increasingly desperate against the might of Ilythiir, were forced into occupying the city with what forces they had left. The situation was becoming quite dire… If a drastic plan wasn’t put forth, then they may very well find themselves in a situation with no prospect of victory.

It was here that Lillian Dedralein, youngest daughter of the Dedralein family, assisted Corellon with the famous “Ritual of Banishment” by sacrificing herself to be a conduit for his power. The ritual was meant to only banish the army of Ilythiir to the underdark… However, the result ended with the kingdom of Ilythiir being banished to the underdark instead, thus bringing an end to the Fourth Crown War.

And so Nualla’n once again found itself returned to its tranquil state… And as years passed and two more Crown Wars began and ended, the elves found themselves fallen from their past glory, all but destroying what semblance of empire they had. The races that used to make up elvenkind were no more; the elves of sun, moon, dark, sylvan, and others, either left the Eastern Forest for faraway lands, the Isle of Evermeet, or migrated away from Faerun to go to the Celestial Sea…

The elves that remained, however, would eventually rise again over time. The new breed of elf, far more mixed than their ancestors, would need a place that would be a common and accepted seat of power. And what better place than the city of Nualla’n, the place always known to be a home to all kinds of elves to be the birthplace and centerpiece of the new Tel-Quessir empire?