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Author Topic: WANTED! Rat Samples  (Read 14268 times)


  • Nebular the University of the Arcane Arts
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WANTED! Rat Samples
« on: August 22, 2021, 02:20:12 pm »
*This document has been posted on various boards throughout the slums, markets, and the interiors of the university.*

Has the local vermin been acting weird lately?  To include, but most certainly not limited to everyones favorite furry little fellow: The RAT! 

GOLD will be PAID out for the following:
    • The capture of vermin that have the capability to speak.*
    • The capture of vermin that have the capability to scheme, coordinate with other vermin, and displays primitive use of tactics.*
    • The capture of vermin that have the capability to use magical abilities.*
    • The capture of vermin that exhibit self-awareness.*
    • The capture of vermin that exhibit humanoid-like patterns of life.*
    • Reports of any of the above**

    * Denotes that subject must be alive and in relatively good condition.  All subjects will be inspected for at least 48-hours to ensure they are not regular vermin.  Upon confirmation, pay will be based off what is discovered ranging from nothing (if the subject does not exhibit what it was turned in for OR if it does not contribute to the study in any meaningful manner) to several thousand coins (based off the amount of contribution the subject is able to give).
    ** Denotes that reports must lead directly to a subject that is falls into one of the categories above this.  Reports must have evidence and will be corroborated with nearby witnesses before being payable.  Not payable if subject has that caused the report has already been turned in.

    Contact Gabriella Le'Moure, Initiate at the Nebular University, for more information, for submitting reports or samples, and for payment.

    « Last Edit: August 29, 2021, 04:46:36 pm by cantalyssa »


    • Citizen
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    Re: [Nebular] The Study of Slightly Self-Aware Vermin
    « Reply #1 on: August 23, 2021, 03:20:51 pm »
    After some passing time a simple note is left for Gabriella in her studies at the Nebular

    “A strange thing young arcanist. While we do not yet see any need to devote resources for such a strange but currently non urgent matter we will leave this to you. Consider it a…task for reward.”

    It is clear that the message while detailing her task, some haughty mockery is in the message. But you will show them won’t you?


    • Nebular the University of the Arcane Arts
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    Re: [Nebular] The Study of Slightly Self-Aware Vermin
    « Reply #2 on: August 24, 2021, 09:39:38 pm »
    // see https://netheril.net/forums/index.php?topic=6974.0  for the rest of the story!
    « Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 08:46:01 pm by cantalyssa »