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Author Topic: Add Posters go up in The Conch Market, Upper District, and port area Southbank  (Read 13271 times)


  • Noble
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  • Posts: 82
  • Peasant
    • View Profile
    • Harvest Moon Consortium

Malevolent and Bright protective stones. Willing to pay 1500 coin per stone. Speak to apprentice Lauriella Sithmore when she comes back from ship duties in a week and a half.

Non-cursive version:


Non-cursive version:


Malevolent and Bright protective stones. Willing to pay 1500 coin per stone. Speak to apprentice Lauriella Sithmore when she comes back from ship duties in a week and a half.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 10:26:51 pm by Winterhawk99 »
Chief cook, bottlewasher and button pusher for The Harvest Moon Consortium