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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Topics - Cptzambie

Pages: [1]
Netherese Library / Draconic information
« on: August 10, 2021, 04:50:48 am »
Greetings Mr or Mrs Libarian...

I seek information on Draconic lore, history or relics anything that may be of note doesn't matter how small it is.

If you hold such inside the library i will be very grateful if you could inform me of such.


Public Notices / Draconic information sought...
« on: August 05, 2021, 03:32:02 pm »
Is looking for someone who may have knowledge on Draconic lore or dragons who may be in the region

Any information would be payed for handsomely..

send letter to the hole in slums adressed to "D" or make sending i will be listening


General Discussion / pvp discussion
« on: September 17, 2018, 01:52:41 pm »
Hey everyone just wanted to start a discussion and hear some thoughts on the state of pvp on this server. I personally Feel that monster races should be able to pvp freely but have the fear of being killed on sight and i also believe that pvp should be permitted in places that dont have any npc's this would only be subdual only with full death of course having to go through a dm. Pvp can be awesome by creating some feared villains and also making some areas on the Server dangerous to trek alone. These are just my thoughts but i have seen it done on some successful servers and it usually is done well. Whats the harm in trying to make it less restrictive if it doesn't work and there are issues we can change it back.

{Edulis enters the library and looks for any information on the Moander Crypts. He also looks for the words "Infernalist" and "Portal" as he skims through any text he finds..}

Groups & Concepts / Moander
« on: May 30, 2018, 06:57:08 am »
Hey all im currently playing a Follower of the Darkbringer (Moander) and i have so many things planned for this character and i am looking to form a group. Any classes are acceptable but must be evil. Contact me on the forums or Discord.

Netherese Library / Moonfall's library research (Dm's)
« on: May 24, 2018, 07:52:21 am »
(Moonfall enters the library in search of any information relating to sparks from dead gods, Powerful relics that have the power of lesser deities, The locations/resting places of dead deities.)

Pages: [1]