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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Messages - Gorga

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Discord Discussion on Public Relations
« on: January 08, 2022, 03:09:23 pm »
It seems that you are suggesting that we should be more lenient of stories that deal with inter-family sexual relations and that we were only using the fact that this was roleplayed in the server as an excuse to ban a player.

I am not suggesting this at all. This sort of thing does not interest me. From what I was told, it was only discussed OOC, then abandoned and not roleplayed IC in the server.

Development Ideas - Feedback / Re: Monster/Creature Re-Balance
« on: December 03, 2021, 04:17:58 pm »
The Wood of Witches should be scarier. It should be a place that no sane person would want to go. It needs scarier spawns, maybe some planar creatures as well.
Especially, the Coven/Caves area.

I like it as is. It'd be too easy to get out of hand.

General Discussion / Re: Death System Changes -- Please read and respond.
« on: September 19, 2019, 12:42:47 am »
I voted the third option, but do we know exactly how much the penalty would be, and how long?

General Discussion / Re: Player Houses/Caves
« on: June 12, 2019, 12:09:41 pm »
My wife's character T'lyata has House 11.

Netherese Library / Research: Leira
« on: June 09, 2019, 01:32:32 pm »
Head Seeker Chan makes a trip to the Valstiir library to speak with the Head Librarian Albert Pendragon with whom has has had good rapport in the past. He asks for any and all information on a god or goddess called "Leira". Also he inquires on skulls of magic nature, and relations of such to mind control or inducing insanity.

Netherese Library / Taming and training of exotic beasts
« on: January 15, 2019, 04:17:23 pm »
*Chan is seen spending time in the library poring through many tomes at many times. He inquires of the librarians on any information they can give him on the taming and training of exotic creatures, especially wyverns. He researches any information he can find on monstrous creatures such as Giants, ogres and goblinoids training reptilian animals.*

General Discussion / Re: An in game bank.
« on: January 09, 2019, 05:44:44 pm »
Adding gold encumbrance would make it more realistic.
Rework the bank to make it more user friendly. Accrue interest on gold in the bank, but penalties for early withdrawal.
Add a paid storage area in the bank's basement.

Journals & Backgrounds / My father's sword - Chan Morriman
« on: November 18, 2018, 06:11:49 pm »
Call me Chan. I came to these Western lands some time ago, not by my choice. My father Chiang was a cruel, possessive human pirate. Before a time I can remember, my elvish mother Llwellon left him or perhaps escaped from his cruelty. I do not know. Hearing tales from him and my full human half-brother Zhang, she was beautiful, but willful. All I know for sure was he sailed from our familiar waters in the east to these lands of the Netherese seeking to get her back. It was night upon the river, I was asleep, or nearly so when the attack happened. I do not know who attacked the ship, but it was over very quickly. The ship was destroyed. I never saw what became of my brother and father. I swam to shore, coming up in the farms east of Hadrian. I had lost everything. I wandered north, not wanting to go into an unknown town of strange westerners who might want to hang a pirate. I was then set upon by goblins, but rescued by a man in purple and black - a Seeker from House Skettus. I had some Intel from the goblins on a map they sought, so the Seeker told me to take it to Lord Skettus. I did so, and he was impressed with me. Now, I am a Seeker of the House, myself. Lady Natasha gave me new armor, and a new weapon - my father's Naginata, Lawbringer... This brings questions to my mind. How did my father's sword end up in the Skettus vault?

On a related note, my wife noticed that the cheapo summon 1 wands and magic missile wands are gone. She said those things saved her butt many times at low levels.

((As long as no one has an issue with it, I'm posting this here, since I was planning to have Chan research the same subject of surgical brain incisions. Can I assume he'd be met with the same lack of information? If so, Chan might make inquiries in other directions, namely certain more nefarious contacts on the Valstiir Shelf))

Netherese Library / Re: Fantastic beasts and where to find them...
« on: June 08, 2018, 11:48:57 pm »
*Chan spends much of his free time perusing the various tomes. Over the weeks he becomes a library fixture*

Netherese Library / Fantastic beasts and where to find them...
« on: June 08, 2018, 03:18:00 am »
*Chan spends a day or more doing research in the library regarding some of the more noteworthy magickal fauna in the area, noting where they can be found, their habits, diet, social structure, and anything else of interest. He speaks with any of the attendants who can offer any insight. He especially inquires about basilisks.*

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