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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Messages - deltaTime

Pages: [1] 2 3
Announcements / Re: Required Downloads
« on: November 27, 2018, 06:31:09 am »
Haks are now automatically downloaded and updated through connecting to the server through NWSync.

Feedback and Bugs / The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« on: November 11, 2018, 11:34:30 pm »
Spell name
Nerf or Buff
Why it needs nerfed or buffed
Suggested fix

Announcements / What is Netheril?
« on: August 03, 2018, 08:53:02 pm »
What is Netheril?

This question has circulated around the server since its inception, and has been pushed back, and alluded toward different answers for long enough. We are a Roleplaying Enforced server, where players are encouraged to have their own brand of fun. We aim to facilitate the tools to create interesting personal stories, and to also drop in exciting moments as Dungeon Masters that you won't see coming. We want to have goals players can work towards, but we also want other players to push each other towards some of their own personal goals.

We want you to have fun, to put it simply. If you prefer killing monsters, or if you prefer sitting in the inn, sharing your bards tale. If you prefer politics, or if you prefer crafting. We want to facilitate you having your own brand of fun. The mechanics of the server are as follows however:

Level Range: 2-20, with XP being fairly easy to come by from levels 2 to 10, and then slowing down to a reasonable challenge from 10 to 15, and having to be dedicated toward the cause from 15-20. This is the curve we WANT, it is not the curve we HAVE. This is being worked on.

Item Level: Low-Medium to Medium - We want magic items to be common, but good magic items to be hard to come by. This means +1's are common, +2 (and equivalent) are uncommon, +3 are rare, and beyond is quite the treasure to have. We are working towards addressing this too, many of you may have noticed +1 items popping up in shops.

Magic Level: Medium-High to High - We are the age of Magic. This is why we chose this character level, we want to see cool magic from both the world and the PCs that inhabit it. We're looking towards making a new spell hak soon, similar to how we added the 0-2 circle spells.

Feature Heavy: We want to knock your socks off with the amount of content that is in our server. We don't ever want you bored, or wanting. Class content and balance is coming. Player housing is coming. New exciting quests are coming. Just be patient with us, and you'll get everything as soon as we can get it out.

-The Netheril DM Team

Announcements / Re: Meet the DMs
« on: July 30, 2018, 01:08:25 pm »
Ugh, who left the door open? First flies, now this?

V2 Bug Fixes / Bug fixes: June 6 -> July 12
« on: July 12, 2018, 04:13:29 am »
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 06/06/2018
Signs might work next reset.

June 16, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 06/16/2018
Potential fix to the bugged puzzle quest.

June 17, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 06/17/2018
Signs really are fixed now.
Giants quest should be fixed.(edited)
June 19, 2018

deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 06/19/2018
Potions that we intended to be brewable, but were not due to default crafting limits should be in the next update.(edited)
Potion brewing now gives a lot of information about the potion you're trying to brew.

June 20, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 06/20/2018
There is a conversation now in the mage shop and in sullivans to buy potion bottles. Should let you get them a little quicker.

June 30, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 06/30/2018
Fixed a bug that may have been removing every piece of data from PCs on rest. Woops!
Fixed wand crafting to not increment spellcraft DC on fails
Fixed Sullivans crafting table to be .. craftable on.

deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 06/30/2018
(Next reset)One-Party only quests should now be functioning.(edited)

July 1, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 07/01/2018
Maybe fixed wand Caster Level? This one was a boggle, but it's working locally...
Logging in after a reset, and while dead should now create a corpse in the morgue area.

July 2, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 07/02/2018
You no longer lose wands until after you finalize them.
Added a new DM tool.

deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 07/02/2018
Fixed Hammer of the Gods caster level for Wands. Next reset, ask me to replace your old ones or feel the wroth of the heavens.
Subdal no longer tells everyone what mode you're in.
Subdual might be fixed? Maybe?
Treasure Map fakes now have diminishing returns. The more fakes you get in a row, the less likely it is for you to get a fake.(edited)
Persistent Signs are now actually fixed. Seriously. Like, not even kidding this time.

deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 07/02/2018
The puzzle quest in Valstiir may be fixed. Upped the limit on it to 14, because I love you.

July 3, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 07/03/2018
Some more work on the puzzle quest in Valstiir. Changed how it displays some things.
Subdued PCs now go back down, and relay their subdued state.
Zahns message should be fixed.(edited)
Zahns Message has been changed from requireing Line of Sight, to requiring the PC to be in the same area.

July 5, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - 07/05/2018
Zahns now gives a visual effect when you cast the spell on a creature.
Zahns now says who's jabbering.

July 9, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - Last Monday at 4:47 PM
Next update from me:
Floating Disk should drop your stuff when you log out/crash.
Floating Disk can not be called more than once.(edited)

July 11, 2018
deltaTimeΔ⏳ - Yesterday at 11:17 PM
Potential fix to an exploit involving loot collection mode. You may notice a slight delay when you pick things up now, before they get shoved into a bag.
Potential fix to a voting booth issue.
Floating disk should drop stuff when you log out now.
Escort quests will no longer reward after 15
The guild master in Hadrian doesn't care about your bottle needs anymore.
Digging locations now should verify any shovel in your inventory, not just specific ones.

New Features / Crafting Addition: Brew Potion
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:16:10 am »
As of now you can brew potions at the appropriate workstation. Enjoy, and report any weirdness.

Characters with Brew Potion can learn how crafting works by using the workstation.

You may ask a DM for a one-time relevel to take Brew Potion, if you wish to brew since the system wasn't in the game when we started.

New Features / New Features: June 5th, 2018
« on: June 06, 2018, 02:46:48 am »
Started working on a new system, soon to come.

Added a Free Rest Bedroll in the palette for DMs

V2 Bug Fixes / Bug Fixes: June 5th 2018
« on: June 06, 2018, 02:45:32 am »
Loot collection mode now will not spawn an item in an unable to reach area.

Loot collection mode loot sacks are now marked as Plot so they don't die.

Loot collection mode dumping will now scatter the items more randomly, as opposed to a grid (less stacking)

Player heartbeat now checks if a PC is in conversation, if their input mode is on. If not, turns it off.

Fixed a duplicateable exploit with Loot Collection Mode

Levels (For XP gain) are now calculated by XP not hit dice.

Cleared some bugs from our bug tracker.

Feedback and Bugs / Re: [BUG] /r breaks stealth
« on: May 14, 2018, 06:29:17 am »

Messages from the Enclave / A call for resources...
« on: May 02, 2018, 03:14:17 pm »
By edict of Archmage Vyctoria Valstiir,

It is time for the Houses which reside within our Enclave to start pulling their weight. Valstiir is currently in need of raw resources to build and expand on the Enclave. Whichever house proves to be the most beneficial shall be richly rewarded.

[A flourished signature, wherein only two 'V's are exceptionally readable..]

OOC: As of next reset a new resource collection system is in. It will track not only your donations to the houses, but also the houses total contribution. Coming very soon will be a way to exchange the Resource Points you accrue for interesting goods, and boons from the houses.

Announcements / Netheril Launch Event - Saturday Evening (EST)
« on: March 29, 2018, 05:41:07 pm »
To kick off our Launch, after having given people ample time to get involved in the setting, and get some XP under their belts we will be having the first event of many concerning Netheril Metaplots.

Metaplot events reveal information about the setting that most would not know, and give your characters huge opportunities to shape the way the world will grow.

This first plot will take place on Saturday, at 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time. To see what that translates to for you, go to: https://countingdownto.com/countdown/netheril-age-of-magic-launch-event-countdown-clock

All will be welcome to join us regardless of level, skills, or abilities.

Announcements / Re: Meet the DMs
« on: March 29, 2018, 12:03:42 pm »
Hey there, I'm deltaTime. I've been a part of Neverwinter Nights, and Neverwinter Nights has been a part of me for over 10 years. I am the servers Lead Scripter, and I enjoy DMing in the times I am not in the toolset. Some of my biggest interests are faction rivalries, and small things to make them feel more alive.

Feel free to approach me about anything the server is lacking, and I will happily look into it.

Feedback and Bugs / Re: Spell and Magic Suggestions
« on: March 22, 2018, 05:43:53 am »
Both done.

Mechanical Changes / Spell Circle 9
« on: March 20, 2018, 11:31:08 pm »
Spell Circle 9


Greater spell mantle -- M’dhal’s Spell Mantle


Gate -- Valdick’s Gate
Summon Creature 9 -- Lucke’s 9th Monster Summons

Code: [Select]
Duration decreased from 24 hours to 1 turn/caster level. 2 turns if you have Extend. Can now summon from different themes.

Power word, kill -- Xanad’s killer


Dominate Monster -- Prug’s Dominate Monster


Meteor swarm -- Mavin’s Meteors


Weird -- Trebbe’s Weird


Energy Drain -- Volhm’s Drain
Wail of the Banshee -- Dethed’s Banshee Wail


Shapechange -- Quantoul’s Shapechange
Time stop -- Chronomancer’s Time Stop

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