Player Forums > General Discussion

Re: Noble Factions

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No need for applications to join factions at starting levels. Just grab a DM or a current player IG if available to set you up.

How open are the team to big changes like the heads of the families getting assassinated and say a PC taking one over etc?

Assume if the story is awesome then anything can be done?

Yes, we have a base of NPCs to use with each faction.

Referring to the noble houses, each has a small estate/base in Hadrian as this is the location supplies and materials are shipped/moved to the Enclave ( Citadel ). This is why the town is so important to the Valstiir and the continuing growth of each house. The Archmage Valstiir has given each house an area of influence over her Enclave and each houses battles to keep control of its assets, on the ground and in the sky.

So to finish here, yes I am sure some NPC will go by the wayside, go missing or just have an accident by falling off the Enclave ... lost in the forest below :)

Also we will have many positions to obtain along the way, from Mayor of Hadrian to a New Sulivan and other key positions in between.

I hope that helps


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