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Author Topic: Sazo Kelan'thras: A world left behind  (Read 7280 times)


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Sazo Kelan'thras: A world left behind
« on: April 20, 2018, 08:42:08 am »
((DM Approved))

Entry 1 ~

The Clanging of blades...  it's all I've heard since I was old enough to hold a sword.  My father was intent on me joining "The Wolves" the royal guard of our worthless King.  Not only is the king a stark raving mad lunatic, but he's even got an entire rogue military group dedicated to removing him from the throne... most of its members are former members of the wolves.  In Fact, the name of the group is the Wolves Shadow.  The symbolism being that the group represents everything that the ‘wolves’ do not.

While I've always had a love for the blade.. even when my father made me practice nights on end until my shoulders wouldn't move, I've never seen myself guarding some self-righteous madman intent on slaughtering his own people.  That's why I ran.  I ran as far from home as I could get.  On my eighteenth birthday no less.  I found myself just far enough away from home that I didn’t arouse suspicion and I wasn’t completely out of my comfort zone. After a few months..  I was even comfortable.

At this point, all things considered of course...  my life was actually going pretty great.  Aside from the whole ‘looking over your shoulder everyday thing’.  I met a girl..  an Elven Girl at that, and I was well on my way to making a name for myself as an adventure of some repute within Orgnath.  So much so, that I caught the eye of some very powerful people.  Very powerful and very influential, but we’ll get to that later.

 After a few successful jobs, word had traveled pretty fast.  All the way back to Erolith... were I was from.   At the time I was in Dawncross which is a few leagues west of Erolith and on the other side of the Backbreak mountains.   I knew it would take weeks before my father could reach me.  Maybe even a month or two.  At the very least, I would have enough time to say my goodbyes and prepare for the road.  What I thought I knew however... was wrong.   

Within a week I was back running again.  Foot soldiers marched on the gates of Dawncross and I wasn’t the least bit prepared.  The first time I ran from my father was easy..  I literally had nothing but what I was running from to leave behind.  This time that wasn’t the case.  I was leaving Keynara,  she was a shield maiden for the woodland elves of Yil, which made it impossible for her to come with me.   Even with our goodbyes and me promising to return to her...  I felt like a piece of me died that day.  More importantly, I couldn't explain it... but I felt like I was inadvertently lying to her.  Part of me knew, somehow, that I wouldn't be returning anytime soon… if at all and I could see in her eyes, that she new too. That was the start of my downward spiral out of control..  The proverbial staircase into another time and world. 

Broken, Broken-hearted, and armed with an ill-conceived and time-depraved plan, I stumbled across the country-side searching for some semblance of rest.  Unfortunately for me, there was none to be had.  After months of traveling and being forced to make camps in and outside of towns for fear of being discovered, I finally found myself on the border of what is ‘affectionately’ known as “The Paradox.”   

The Paradox is a harsh, cruel place that lives and exists within its own set of laws.  During the day it reaches temperatures that exceed 130 degrees and rivals the greatest deserts in all of Orgnath. It’s completely covered in sand and many travelers have fallen victim to the spontaneous sandstorms that seemingly erupt from nowhere.  During the night however, it is a very, very different place.  On the stroke of midnight, to the minute, the temperatures drop below freezing and the sands shift to form a dense, mirror like solid slab of ice.  The sandstorms are replaced by tornado-esque hail storms of razor like ice fragments and the air is damp and cold.  The exact origin of this malicious area of the world is unknown but most believe it’s a bi-product of the war between the Primordials and the Gods.  I digress..

Anything that pushes you to the point of considering going into the Paradox is a bad situation.  Anything that pushes you to the point of considering going into the Paradox unprepared..  Is a dire situation.  That’s how much I refused to go back.  Here I was..  In basic travellers clothes, preparing to make my death march across the most vicious terrain known on the material plane, all because I refused to live my father's dream for me.  That, and some part of me felt that it was partly because I had become accustomed to running.  Either way, I stood on the precipice of death with one foot in the sandy, ice-covered grave.  Luckily for me… there was a cave within walking distance that I was sure I could reach before nightfall.  Or at least I thought I was lucky.

Not two footfalls into the cave and I realized the error of my ways.  Was the temperature acceptable?  Yes.  Was it dry?  Yes.  Was it empty?  No.  The first question to enter my slightly malnourished brain had me questioning what kind of gods-awful creatures could live in a place like this.  The first statement in reply to that question..  Was, I really didn’t want to know.   As I pushed myself against the wall to slowly make my descent into the cave, I heard something that at the time, sounded slightly like birds.  Highly aggravated, communicating birds.  I had already committed myself to entering this cave and afterall, it was getting dark outside and the temperatures were going to drop at any moment.  I had little choice but to live with my decision, if you can call it that, and figure out what to do.  Before I could decide whether or not I wanted to retrieve and light my torch from my pack, I was faced with yet another impossible situation.

To give some context to this, let me explain that prior to these events, and for the last few years, Erolith along with most other towns in the southern region of Felstorm had been plagued with abductions, murders, and theft. The assailants..?  All but unknown.  The only thing that was certain, was that whoever was behind it, was organized and efficient.  That is.. Until I stumbled into this cave.  I found out the hard way that Felstorm… and eventually Orgnath, was under siege.  Even the Erolith childhood stories used to scare kids into obedience couldn’t compare to what I was about to witness.  I should have taken my chances with the Paradox.

Where was I?   Oh, right, Birds.   As I began to slowly descend into the cave these birds began to sound not so much… like birds. I guess what stymied me was the fact that the sounds were echoing off the cavern walls so it was incredibly difficult to sort out the original sound. They all seemed to blend together.  As I grew closer to the source, it became much more distinctive.  The sound was more ‘dog-like’ than ‘bird-like’.   The only way I can describe it.. Is the repeated sound of a dog being hurt by surprise.  A ‘Yip’ if you will.

Jackalweres.  Now, I didn’t know this, but typically Jackalwere’s work for someone or something demonic in nature.  A creature that I again… didn’t know existed until now, known as a Lamia, had taken up residence in this cave.  Picture if you will a giant and morbidly grotesque lion with the upper half of a lithe and slender female human.  That’s what I was dealing with here.  Before I even rounded the final corner of the cavern that opened up into the main common area of the underground shelter the yipping had silenced and I was greeted by a female voice. 

“You have wandered into the wrong den pup.”  Those words still echo in my head everytime I enter a dimly lit cavernous space or underground passage.  As she finished the sentence each one of my arms was gripped tightly within the clawed hands of a seperate Jackalwere.  I was being ushered toward the center of this surprisingly comfortable looking chamber.  They didn’t live as I would have expected, of course, I don’t really know what I was expecting to be honest.  Lavish looking throw pillows were piled underneath her as she lied with her front paws crossed, head down, staring at me with an excitement fit for a child receiving a birthday gift.  As I was forced to approach my escorts stopped me some 6 feet away.  I promptly felt a clawed hand push down on the back of my head and with a gutteral “Kneel”. I was forced on my knees, head bowed. 

For the next five or six minutes I was reminded of how stupid I was, how brilliant she was, and how her ‘boss’ had been looking for me.  From what I could gather someone within the ‘local’ government wanted me gone.  After my long session of being chastised, ridiculed and mocked, I was told I would be on my way.  Once again, my fur-covered butlers reinforced their grip and stood me up.  With a smile she said “Goodbye.” and with a massive shove I was pushed directly into a mirror I was certain would shatter on my face.  Closing my eyes I braced for impact. 

What was this sensation?  Wind on my face.  Salt in the air.  No ground beneath me.  Wait.. what?  No ground beneath me??  I was falling!  This time I actually was lucky.  I was falling, but not far.  According to the nearly dumbfounded crew of the boat that I landed on, I mysteriously showed up in the air a few feet above the boats main deck and fell flat on my back. “Where am I?”  was my first question.  “On your way to Hadrian” was my first reply.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 10:45:08 am by Sazo »


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Re: Sazo Kelan'thras: A world left behind
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2018, 10:49:23 am »
Entry ~ 107 (Transcribed From My Unsent Letter)

Dear Nobody Anymore,

     It's been a long time since we last spoke.  Sometimes, I have difficulty remembering what you sound like.  I know that sounds terrible and I'm truly sorry for that... however, I promised myself if I wrote I would be completely honest, so here it is.  I can still see you from time to time but to keep myself sane, I've learned to try not to.  Now that I'm reading this..  it's starting to sound cold.  It's an unfortunate thing, circumstance.  We have to adapt to what's in front of us so that it doesn't destroy us. It's been far too long and yet..  it will be longer still.  I don't know that I'll ever make it back and depending on what happens here I don't know that I want to.  As hard as it is to say,  I would just prefer if you remembered me the way you knew me, not the way I am now. I know I've made some decisions that you would have advised against and I'm not sure you could ever look at me the same. 

Even though you've never been one to judge me some of these things you wouldn't be able to understand, at least..  not completely. Your conviction has always been a sense of strength for you and in that regard, I'm following very closely in your path. Though, our understanding of it is much different. Things you wouldn't allow yourself to do, I willingly embrace.  I can't share the same ideals because given my circumstances I can't afford that luxury. Out here people who stick rigidly to their ideas are either shattered by them or they end up not knowing what to believe in anymore.  So, I hold one ideal and allow myself the freedom to do what's needed to ensure that ideal comes to fruition.  It's not easy and sometimes it leaves me questioning whether or not I'm really helping but it's all I've got for now.  After all, he who is not willing to bend will break. Your father used to tell me that all the time. It's funny how I didn't see the wisdom in it until now. What's even funnier, is I didn't 'remember' it until now.  He always was a wise man. He didn't always say what you 'wanted' to hear but he always found a way to speak on the things you 'needed' to hear.  We had our differences but I've always respected him and If I knew then, what I know now, I would have paid more attention.  Regardless, I hope you're all doing alright. I take comfort in the fact that you've always been strong and it makes sleeping a little easier. Even with as long as it's been I hope in the back of your mind you still think of me from time to time.  At the same time I hope you don't miss me.  I know that sounds callous but that's not the way It's intended.  I just mean that I hope you've gotten to a point in your life that you're happy and the thought of me isn't weighing you down. I do want you to know though, that when I first got here, getting back was all I could think about. You, were all I could think about. I worried about how you were doing and if you were managing okay and then it hit me.  Of course you are.  You're you. To be perfectly honest I can't allow myself to entertain those thoughts anymore, out here it'll get me killed.  There is someone here that reminds me of you though. You share a lot of the same qualities and to be honest it does help.  It's nothing more than reciprocated passing glances, and the occasional awkward conversation, but she's worth mentioning.  I've actually got an important role in something much bigger than myself.  I think you'd be proud of me in that sense at least. I also have people that I can trust around me that genuinely care about my wellbeing so I'm being looked after as well.  I hope that's still the case with you.  Well, as much as I hate to cut this short I have responsibilities that I have to take care of and people who depend on me to do my job.  I hope you're okay. 

« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 08:42:49 am by Sazo »


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Re: Sazo Kelan'thras: A world left behind
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2018, 04:42:02 pm »


This place grows darker every day.  Twisted Abominations crash through the trees of the wombrie, Wizards are pissing off the woods, the Black Arrow is still plotting and scheming, werewolves are controlling and turning entire townships, and friends are dying all around me.  I feel myself being called to that... 'place'.  Luckily, I have friends keeping me from becoming a permanent resident.  Though, I find myself visiting considerably more often.  I haven't much choice with the way things are going.  Recently, I was forced to deal with something I evidently wasn't prepared to and now I've got to get my head on straight.  If I don't... it could sabotage everything I've worked for.  Everything I 'am' working for.  Snacks was right, I've got to keep my balance.  Regardless of my feelings on the matter, I've got to stay objective.  Ah, It's raining.  Honestly, I should take advantage and make an honest effort at some sleep, it always seems to make a little easier.  Sleep.  Sleep and I aren't on speaking terms recently it would seem, with all that's happened it's been difficult to turn my mind off.  That being said I've got people that count on me and I've got to stay focused.  I can't lose my edge.  I've got to stay calculated, driven even.  I can't do that when my mind is visiting places it shouldn't.  If anything this just means I've got to push harder.  More contacts, more drive, more determination, More 'hands on'.  I've made promises that need keeping, I've made decisions that need follow-up.   ((The quill leaves a depression as if it's sat here for some time.)) Right.  It's time to get back to work, I don't have time to be dwelling on things.  There is far too much to do and too little time to do it.  Time to get back to work. 
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 08:43:29 am by Sazo »


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Re: Sazo Kelan'thras: A world left behind
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2018, 11:04:39 am »
Entry ~ 351

We certainly have our work cut out for us.  It would seem that things are actually falling into place, however.  Now, that doesn't mean we have the liberty of getting complacent as I"m certain things will begin to unravel again at any moment as they so often do.  For the moment though, I think I'll enjoy this. If nothing else it's a brief reprieve.  Perhaps, with enough time, I'll be able to take advantage of some of the things I've been unable to up to this point. (A deep depression in the quill signifies the writer sat in thought for a brief time)  If nothing else... this is wishful thinking.  I have a feeling it will be back to the same old "All work and No Play" before very long.  The Calm before the storm, if you will.  A few of us have decided that at some point we are going to throw a get together.  A day off from the daily 'saving the world' routine.  Maybe a party, or a banquet. Something casual anyway.  I'm hopeful that by the time that my time is done, there will be many more of these types of days.  Quiet.  Uneventful. Maybe
it's just wishful thinking but I have to believe that we can do something to change this mess we've all been living in for so long.  There has got to be more than fighting the local rabble of monsters and nuisances.  I don't mean just me either.  There are a lot of good people that put their ass on the line every day that could do with a vacation. Hell, some of them wouldn't even want a vacation.  I think half the time most of them wouldn't know what to do without a good fight.  I haven't given much thought to my own future as far as that goes, at least... not in regard to a personal life.  My ambitions and goals are more 'Hadrian-focused'.  Things I can do to ensure this city doesn't end up becoming one big shitstorm of chaos.  As I mention almost daily and remind myself of even more frequently... it's going to take a lot of work; and time. A good amount of luck also if I'm being honest.  The types of things I'm asked to do in my line of work doesn't provide a lot of optimism for a long future.  Not only that, I'm privy to a lot of information that makes me second guess whether or not we're even going to be able to change the course we're on.  One thing I don't second guess though is the people I work with and the associates that share the vision.  I would be lying however if I said that the task wasn't daunting or even improbable.  Regardless, the good fight can wait another day or two, I"m going to enjoy the quiet while it lasts, and it won't last for long

- Sazo
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 08:44:34 am by Sazo »


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Re: Sazo Kelan'thras: A world left behind
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2018, 12:25:39 pm »
Entry ~ 396

I put in a formal request with Lady Skettus this evening about finding a weapon-master that the house could procure in an effort to train me.  As it turns out Lady Skettus herself decided to give me a 'brief' assessment.  Which essentially led to the slaughter of one of Reschotti's bouncers at the warehouse, and a 'sparring' match with Lady Skettus herself. This was not before Lord Jarren himself told me that I was directly responsible for her well-being prior to leaving.  Upon completion of this 'assessment' I was informed that my request would be put in and that my skills were adequate to warrant such.  The biggest shock came in a different form.  Lady Skettus informed me that Herself, as well as Lord Jarren would be going to Valstiir soon and if I kept up the work I had been doing I would be going with them.  Apparently, I have garnered myself some attention. I take pride in what I do as well as the colors I keep and apparently it shows.  Regardless of how this plays out I look forward to having the opportunity to prove myself worthy of a more important task within the house.  That being said there is a lot to finish up here and there are tasks that must be seen through.  I'm certain when the time is right the decision to move someone up in my stead will prove effective should that be the course the leadership decides to go with.  That assuming that with the move, comes another promotion also.  On another and completely unrelated note I saw her again today.  It was brief but even the briefest of moments seem to steel my nerves.  Even if it's in the solace that I know she's safe.  It's amazing how something so unpredicted can become so important.  ((A few lines are written and the scribbled out))  At any rate it was good to see her.  There has been more commotion lately in regard to those map fragments.  It seems they are just as important as I suspected.  I've set all of my agents on the leads we do have in hopes of turning something up but I'm not at all convinced that we're going to get anywhere.  We're fortunate to have one piece and to know the location of another. The third I feel... is probably in the hands of someone deep in the shadows that aren't speaking of it, or its existence at all.  Lets hope not because if my contacts are correct there is a war coming.  For what and with whom we can't discern but regardless, we need to be ready.  Lastly there is the 'target' that's not been verified, nor found, and in relation to what i've heard... we need to deal with him quickly.  Sorrow is best weathered in the dark.

- Sazo

« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 08:45:32 am by Sazo »


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Re: Sazo Kelan'thras: A world left behind
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2018, 09:43:46 am »
~ Entry 442

Ahh, the Orcs.  The Bloodthirsty cretins we all love to hate.  They had it coming.  Against our better judgement, we decided it was high time we paid the warlords a visit and visit did we ever.  I can't deny that with all the trouble recently it felt good to sink my blade into something, and honestly, I can't think of a creature more deserving than those vicious assholes over in the northern part of Southbank.  While it did some good for the overall benefit of Hadrian it's not what I need to be setting my focus on.  These dreaded, blasted maps are taking up considerably more resources than I had originally anticipated.  It would seem that everyone and their brother is looking for the damned things and while I'm satisfied to know we at least have a copy of one that doesn't bring me any inner peace.  Especially, when I have a decent idea of what they represent.  My contacts have gone dark for the moment and while this is the usual business when something is important and difficult to find, I find it particularly unnerving that I haven't heard anything back.  It's been a few days now and the hunt for these things is only getting more difficult.  Come to think of it... my other two contacts have gone dark regarding the other matter at hand.  Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to ramp things up a bit.  While I have great confidence in those that work for me I also have the pleasure of knowing that the forces working against them are equally competent.  Which, is unsettling at best.  I'm hopeful that when and if I make the move to Valstiir I'll have more resources at my disposal to do what needs to be done.  The other side of that coin is I will have considerably more responsibility and the vaults will be due to being inspected soon.  I look forward to that about as much as an amateur cutpurse looks forward to daybreak.  However, with all this commotion regarding the maps perhaps I'm dreading it for nothing.  I guess only time will tell.  That being said... I'd rather be prepared for something that doesn't happen than to not be prepared for something that does.  Better safe than sorry as the saying goes.  Regardless, it looks like I'm going to have to make contact with some individuals more directly involved with such things.  As much as I hate to relinquish my public neutrality to the whole ordeal I hate losing even more.  While I do love the shadows, complete darkness makes me a bit uneasy.

- Sazo. 
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 08:46:54 am by Sazo »