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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Topics - frohawk

Pages: [1]
Netherese Library / Research: Liches
« on: December 12, 2019, 10:19:15 pm »
Tanner appears at the library in search of information about Liches. He is looking for how it all works and any weak spots a lich might have. If any staff members were to give him a hard time researching evil magics he flashes his bounty hunter ring and explain that it is church business.

If he is unsuccessful in obtaining any useful information he will ask one of the librarians who he should be going to, to ask questions.

Netherese Library / Research: Bounty Hunting Organizations
« on: September 16, 2019, 03:03:43 am »
Tanner walks into the library and quickly starts looking for books or scrolls that mention any famous bounty hunting organizations. He also looks for any points of contact for any organizations he finds.

Netherese Library / Trap schematics
« on: November 21, 2018, 04:07:37 am »
Tanner Chudwell quietly walks into the library and seeks the librarian. He softly asks the person if they have any books about the construction of different kind of traps.

If the librarian is unable to find any he would ask if he could suggest someone or someplace he could find information like that.

Netherese Library / Research: Artist of the empire
« on: August 13, 2018, 07:29:06 am »
Chester Rutherford walks into the Library of Valstiir in search of information about the artists of the empire.

He is looking specifically for the names and locations of living famous or well-known artist of the empire. He is mainly looking for an artist that deals mainly with statues and working with stone.

Netherese Library / Research: Cities and Exports
« on: August 08, 2018, 10:04:47 pm »
Chester Rutherford walks into the Library of Valstiir in search of information on different cities in the empire.

He is looking in mainly the area of Seventon, and the towns Gustaf, Gilan, Nauseef, Moran-Fenwick, Gers and Janick. He wants to know the total distance and safety of travel between Hadrian and these cities by land, water and airship. He is looking for information on the exports that those towns provide.

He is also looking for more information on Shadow Iron and the possibility of locating veins of it around the area of Hadrian or other cities.

He is also looking for blueprints on the construction of different tools used around Hadrian.

Chester Rutherford enters the library in search of books on medical procedures that have to do with a humanoid's brain. Mainly focusing on any books that have to do with extracting the brain or known doctors who perform such a procedure.

He also looks for the history books of the past relations between Human and Elves. Mainly focusing on conflicts between the two races that could still be on-going.

Netherese Library / Research for Chester Rutherford in the Library
« on: June 30, 2018, 05:32:24 am »
Chester Rutherford walks into the library and starts to look for any books contanting any information on magical spells that give the user flight.

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