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Messages - Fiverine

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The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always

The Man-Bat of Conch:  Monster, Urban Legend, or Sheer Fabrication?
One of the stranger stories one hears whilst walking the streets of Conch is that of "the Man-Bat".  Depending on the source, one will hear that the Man-Bat is a monster, a mad-man, or a practical joker.  What is clear is that these stories are confined to a narrow stretch of the Market District and always revolve around the Man-Bat making his lair in some unfortunate's basement.  Some poor deluded souls even become fans or acolytes of this legendary creature. 

The usual question discussed when locals speak of the Man-Bat is simple- is he real, or simply folklore?  I however, postulate a different origin to this creature.  An unnamed source has told me that the Man-Bat is a sick practical joke created by the more deranged adventurers of this town.  This source told me that adventurers have been capturing some bats and turning them loose in basements, then having one of their own dress up like a humanoid bat to scare the owner.  Then, the adventurer's cronies arrive and drive off the Man-Bat and claim a fee for their service. 

While no physical evidence was provided for this shocking claim it seems all too plausible to me.  It causes me to wonder too if adventurers are responsible for other nuisance problems we find in Conch, such as livestock mysteriously getting free and swarms of insects infesting homes.  Naturally, these problems also require a "generous adventurer" to resolve them!  People of Conch, next time you find yourself faced with some irritating or recurring problem ask yourselves "could an adventurer have caused this?"

-G. Morton, Editor

Nebular Students Go Wild!
It is apparent that this year's class of Nebular students is the wildest yet.  The Conch Champion has received numerous reports, tipoffs and complaints about new Nebular students indulging in all sorts of misbehaviour.  Grievances this newspaper have heard include street fights in the slums, roughing up a member of House Mistari, stirring up racial tensions and even stealing credit for each other's work.  Clearly the Masters of Nebular will have a harder semester than usual keeping their more unruly students in check. 

-S. Hellsworth, Reporter

Rampant Misuse of Magical Proclamations
Proclaimer Jason has directly complained to the Conch Champion about his services being misused by residents of Conch.  "Magical proclaimers are a vital and respected profession in the lands of Netheril," he said.  "It insults me and my trade when my skills are used to send nonsensical gibberish, threats and trash-talk after street brawls!"  Jason's suggestion is that offenders take their squabbles to the arena and settle their differences there.  Nevertheless, he assures the Champion that he is a professional and will continue (if sometimes grudgingly) to send any proclamation if hired to do so. 

- A.Nutt, Reporter

United in Death
The Solemn Mourners of Conch, a funeral service in West Conch, have welcomed calls for a more grand and secure temple to Jergal to be established in our city.  Mortician Kurt Totenstarre said "my organisation feels a deep connection to the Church of Jergal.  We share many of the same duties and my employees and I make regular contributions, both financial and volunteer work, to the Church."  While death is rarely a welcome visitor to most households, we in Conch are blessed to have two fine organisations working so well together in this grim industry. 

- P. Krellin, Reporter

The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always

Conch Beset by Threats:  But Who Benefits?
Conch already had its hands full with the flocks of crows destroying crops, despoiling the markets and even attacking people.  But reports indicate that despite some time of peace the Rengarth are once again on the warpath.  Less surprising but still problematic is a recent goblin attack on Denvar's Bridge.  I assure you it has not escaped my attention that, amongst others, some freebooting adventurers were on hand to defend the bridge.

Why is Conch seeing this sudden increase in dangers to it and its citizens?  I believe I have an answer to this.  One of my tutors in journalism, one Douglas Parr, often reminded me of this nugget of wisdom: "when things are happening for reasons you cannot fathom, simply ask yourself this- who benefits from this situation?  Identify that party, and almost invariably you will have your perpetrator".  I thought back on Mr Parr's words carefully while considering this rash of activity around Conch and have come up with an answer.

So who is it that benefits when vermin, barbarians and goblins attack or endanger Conch?  Simply put, the people we hire to solve the attacks!  I do not speak of Carsen Sable's stolid and honest warriors, nor of Nebular's eager students.  I speak of those unlicenced vigilantes that we lump under the term "adventurer".  They have the most to gain if the city needs extra warriors and wizards to fight threats.  Surely it is not too much to consider that perhaps it is the adventurers themselves who are deliberately drawing these attackers?

-G.Morton, Editor.

Diiri's Boys Turn West Conch into Dystopian Wasteland
Residents and visitors to West Conch alike have complained of a rise in robberies, assault and murders in West Conch (which the less charitable call "The Slums").  This rise has coincided with the rise to supremacy of the dangerous gang known as Diiri's Boys.  Victims of their predations have told the newspaper that this rise in violence is not simply the Boys "settling old scores" now that they are the authorities in West Conch, but is likely to be an ongoing policy. 

- S. Hellsworth, Reporter.

Judge Caught Skinny-Dipping
A certain long-serving and respected judge of Conch's court was allegedly sighted swimming nude in the creek outside Conch yesterday.  Our concept artist sketched a recreation based on witness accounts but our editor has decided it is simply too shocking for publication.  We will not name the judge in question to avoid litigation but will take careful note of this person's future rulings in public indecency cases.

- A. Nutt, Reporter.

New Community Group Forming
The Conch Champion can exclusively reveal that a Master of the Nebular University will be soon founding an organisation dedicated to the admirable goals of reducing violence in Conch and generally making it a more pleasant and harmonious place in which to live.  We have only been provided with the vaguest of details so far, but the Master stated "this will be a group for all of the people of Conch".  Other than noting the Master's emphasis on the word "people" we can only speculate upon what this group will be like.

- P. Krellin, Reporter.

Public Notices / Issues of the Conch Champion (For public reading)
« on: July 26, 2021, 12:02:58 am »
The Conch Champion.  Independent & Accurate, Always

The Adventurer: Hero or Menace?
Greetings people of Conch and thank you kindly for reading my first editorial.  Firstly I should introduce myself.  I am Giona Morton, the new editor of the esteemed Conch Champion.  I have recently moved here from the far town of Hadrian and welcome the opportunity to bring you more of the fearless investigative journalism, hard-hitting editorials and above all a focus on the truth for which the Conch Champion is renowned.

I departed the town of Hadrian after the resolution of a very specific problem with that otherwise fair city.  For too long Hadrian had relied heavily upon the services of people of a certain profession.  This profession, if one could truly call it that, is infested with some of the worst examples of humanity and other races imaginable.  Opportunists, mercenaries, tax evaders and anarchists make up the most of their ranks.  At best they are deluded bleeding heart do-gooders who actually cause more harm than good.  At worst they are thieves and murderers.  The actions of Hadrian's irresponsible and incompetent adventuring community eventually caused the death of my son and others of the town's children.  Therefore we as parents joined together to finally drive out that blight upon Hadrian that called itself "The Adventurer's Society".  With that done I resolved to move somewhere new and put my grief behind me.  But to my dismay I find the seeds of the same problem here in Conch!

Like any city Conch often struggles with problems of oversized vermin, thieves, feral humanoids and other threats.  But we already have three fine institutions here to resolve such matters.  I draw attention of course to the fine folk of West Netheril Trading Company, The Nebular University, and Diiri's Boys.  They are the rightful upholders of law and order in their respective districts, and in my opinion it is both reckless and illegal to circumvent them and use the services of that dangerously unqualified specimen, the adventurer.

The adventurer shirks their rightfully owed taxes.  The adventurer antagonises dangerous races and beings.  The adventurer inspires untrained youths to risk their lives in imitation of them.  The adventurer always complains about how much they are paid for a job.  The adventurer disrespects the rule of law.  The adventurer and his cronies gang up on some poor overgrown lizard, bloodily murder it then call themselves heroes!  The adventurer indignantly squawks about the price he pays for goods and for which he sells his stolen trinkets.  The adventurer is a lawbreaker, a vigilante, a thief, a poor example and a bully.  But above all, the adventurer is a MENACE.

G.Morton, Editor.

Grymtol and Diiri's Boys Revive West Conch
In good news for West Conch Diiri's Boys and their leader Grymtol have brought a new regime of prosperity and order in the district.  I recently visited West Conch to take a look for myself at the changes Diiri's Boys have brought.

Though they are a rustic bunch in comparison to their decadent predecessors it cannot be denied that the Boys have brought a crude order back to the streets.  West Conch will only rise to the wealth of the rest of the city if it has some semblance of predictability for commerce and whatever their quirks Diiri's Boys have brought that.

This reporter's only concern is Diiri's Boys' questionable decision to take on an embedded journalist from another publication.  But we assure Mr Grymtol that the Conch Champion would never begrudge a district authority's choices in such matters.  Nor would we ever allow such a petty thing to affect our commitment to honest reporting and commentary.

-S. Hellsworth, Reporter.

A Plague of Crows Descends on Conch
Farmers, merchants and householders alike have been shocked and suffered financial loss at the beaks and talons of flocks of crows.  The Conch Champion has received many disturbing reports in the past weeks of crows destroying crops, defecating upon crowds and even attacking citizens.  Clearly this situation is both frightening and dangerous and citizens are hoping that the district authorities can find a cause and solution to this plague of crows.  This newspaper has found no evidence to support conspiracy theories that these crows are in fact "spybirds" for a greater power.

-A. Nutt, Reporter.

Nebular Accuses WNTC of Price Gouging
Students from the Nebular University have complained to this publication that WNTC merchants are vastly overcharging them for academic supplies.  This reporter performed a simple undercover operation by dressing in a borrowed Nebular student's robe and found that this simple identifier of Nebular membership raised prices charged to me by 150%.  One can only speculate at the reasons for this.  A spokesperson from WNTC has vehemently denied any official policy to charge Nebular students at a higher rate than other customers. 

-P. Krellin, Reporter.

Journals & Backgrounds / Eliezra Baldwin's File
« on: May 21, 2021, 03:59:16 am »
Ostian was an Imperial Archivist before he came to us, and this story is entirely his idea.  He asked me and a few of the others to write down where we came from and how we got here and ultimately what we do.  Supposedly it will help bring us some "closure" (whatever that means) as well as allow him to compile a written record of our members and movement (which I doubt anybody will ever read).  I don't think my experiences were any better or worse or even any more interesting than anyone else's here, whatever Mylene will tell you.  But Ostian was good to me when I first arrived, so I will humour him. 

I was born in Lyrkos, the third of five children.  My parents owned a textile business there and their only dreams for me were to work in it until I married a man in the same line of work.  It wasn't an unhappy upbringing by any means but I decided a future in rugs and curtains wasn't for me.  In a fit of pique I stole some money from the family safe and ran away from home in my late teens.  My glorious dreams of adventures and wealth came to nothing and a few years later I found myself scraping by working as a barmaid in a Fenwick tavern.  I was barely making enough coin to get by and it seemed I would have to return to my family.  But just as I was mulling over what apologies I could possibly come up with for that reunion, a wonderful opportunity appeared.

An elegant tiefling lady by the name of Tylna came to the tavern one night and was quite taken by me.  Accompanying her was a little retinue of attractive young men and women.  Tylna said I was pretty, charming and resourceful and just needed the right opportunity.  She was starting a "classy escort business" in Conch with her friends and offered to take me there to work for her as a courtesan.  Oh, the trip wasn't free, but she assured me I could quickly repay it through my work for her.  She and her friends plied me with drinks and glamorous stories, and I decided I could do this for a while and then return triumphantly to Lyrkos a wealthy young woman.

It seems so foolish now.  I am sure thousands of young men and women through the years have fallen for this trick.  The only completely true part of Tylna's proposition was that we were going to Conch.  But instead of flitting around a mansion entertaining wealthy ladies and gentlemen, I was to work in a shabby brothel in the slums.  We were not free to leave unescorted and our pay was pitiful.  If we ever did start to save some money, Tylna just added interest to our "loan".  Most of the clients were as horrid as you can imagine.  Surprisingly there was a kind man, a battle-scarred brute from the Knots gang named Trewin.  He had been an adventurer, and for months when he visited he taught a few of us some of what he knew.  Skills like how to handle a weapon, how to force a lock, and how to spot booby traps.  I imagine he had some grand plan for us, but unfortunately he was tortured to death after being captured by Diiri's Boys and our training ended.

Tyche, the patron goddess of Conch, intervened in my predicament rather cruelly.  A particularly grotesque client in greenish khaki robes came in to the Lamb one night.  We drew straws for who would take him.  One of the newer girls got the short straw and sobbed in distress.  Fatefully I offered to take her place to spare her this client.  A few hours after "entertaining" this vile man, I came down with a fever.  By the next day I was seriously ill.  I don't need to describe the symptoms.  Anyone reading this knows what I look like.  Tylna had me wrapped in sheets and taken to the temple to see Kardeen.  He was horrified by my condition, but Tylna was even more horrified by the price he put on a cure.  Deciding I wasn't "economically viable" anymore, Tylna fired me and hired one of Diiri's thugs to take me away.  I wouldn't be surprised if he was supposed to mercy kill me, but in his haste to avoid being infected he just dumped me and ran from the alley. 

In a dark corner of the slums I drifted in and out of consciousness for what I think were days.  A few people walked past but other than gasping in horror none of them offered any response to my whispered pleas.  I knew I was dying, and made peace with that.  I felt that if nothing else I had spared another person this horrid death, and that was a burden I could accept.  The only thing I couldn't let go of was the realisation that the man who had made me sick would continue spreading his ghastly pestilence.  This sordid part of Conch was utterly without mercy.  So lacking in that humble virtue in fact that not even Tylna's hired goon had been willing to give me release. 

That was what I was thinking about when I heard footsteps.  My clouded vision looked to the sound and saw a pitiful sight.  There was a man dressed only in a loincloth and his exposed skin was covered in a multitude of welts from what must have been a hellish whipping.  His fingers were bent back and broken and he limped upon burned and blistered feet.  His face, though plastered with blood, reminded me of Trewin. 

"Follow me, child" he said softly.  "You, who would spare another a horrific fate and take on that heavy burden yourself, shall not die here."
The crippled man beckoned to me with a crooked finger, and somehow I managed to dredge up just enough strength to crawl to his familiar face as he led me.  He stopped occasionally and smiled at me warmly with his gashed lips while I caught my breath, and beckoned again.  I kept crawling, not even knowing why I bothered when I was surely beyond any recovery.

Finally feeling that I could not even crawl anymore, I looked up to plead for the man to have mercy on me.  Instead I let out a moan of anguish when I realised he was gone.  But I was not alone.  I heard the familiar sounds of footsteps followed by gasps of horror, but this time they were accompanied by many strong arms lifting me from the ground.  I was carried to a ruined but warm building.  Though my eyesight was hazy then, I remember seeing the faces of little Ostian and old Mylene amongst my saviours.  They had no money, and Sister Mylene at that point possessed only limited healing magic.  But they knew more basic cures and they treated me with those and did so with remarkable persistence and care.  Though they never spoke of any doubt as I convalesced I could tell they were shocked when some weeks later, I rose to my feet once again and looked at them with clear eyes.   

My strength recovered though of course some other things never have or will.  It only took a single look in a mirror to resign myself to wearing a veil for the rest of my life.  Within a few more days I was well enough to leave, but I refused to.  I explained that my old family would never take me back as I am now.  They would never forgive me for stealing from them and then doing what they would see as shameful work nor could they still love or even stand the sight of what I had become now.  Furthermore I felt I had to do something, however pitifully small, about the appalling things going on in this district.  And physically, I figured I would be more accepted in a district of shunned monsters than anywhere else in Conch. 

Mylene smiled when I told them all this, then she told me the truth of their little group here and what their purpose is in West Conch.  I would be their newest family member she said, and they would take me as I am and welcome my presence.  Mylene said they were fearful of many things here in the slums and for a long time they had waited and prayed for someone like me to come to them.  I didn't know quite what she meant by that.  I still don't.  I can feel the call of my saviour, but I am struggling to find the path he is calling me to. 

Journals & Backgrounds / The Many Fates of Fiverine (v1)
« on: February 05, 2021, 12:52:22 am »
Bayin Kortharis lost his life in a bungled attempt to destroy "the Boatman" of the Western Swamps.  Though his dying wish was that fans of his proclamations would lay him to rest in the Crypts of Moander, they instead embalmed and minutely dismembered his body to make dozens of unholy relics. These relics still occasionally show up at trinket shops even now.

Cutter Browne permanently settled amongst the halflings.  He abandoned his lustful ways and pledged total devotion to Yondalla.  He rarely left the chapel to her he helped build and died an elderly bachelor in Hilltop.  Hilltop legend claims that the infamous Maximus Valerius once attempted to drag Cutter back to Hadrian to face charges of legal malpractice.  Cutter's Halfling Death friends Casper, Marlee and Pip furiously chased Valerius off, and then Casper even more furiously bellowed at Cutter for bringing trouble to Hilltop. 

Helle Nygaard-Bach continued flitting around the Hadrian area for several months with her visible Sharran faith repeatedly causing conflicts and misunderstandings.  She then abruptly left.  Days later, the bizarre "Lost Village" of Covington from which she hailed also vanished, seemingly permanently.  Some speculate or hope that the village may appear again some day, though others are scornful of the notion.

Morgaine "The Red" Pritchard served as curator of the Southbank Art Gallery for several years.  Though she remained active as an adventurer and played a supporting role in the barbarian siege and the reclamation of the great mythallar, she was best known for her tortuous love triangle with Saeb Alanchi and Fjord Bjornson.  It became such a staple of town gossip that more than a few wagers were placed upon whom she would ultimately settle down with.  Punters and suitors alike were deflated when she instead married the mysterious new mayor of Hadrian, Sezar Voust.  Despite finally having the legitimate claim to the Voust title she had long pursued, Morgaine surprisingly then moved far away with Sezar to Saharelgard to start a family.

Dame Neasa Lawley lost her life defending the Eternal Flame against Dacethor the Blasphemer and his undead army at the Old Court of the Face on the Sun.  Amongst her motley allies were friends like Tenshi of the Heavenly Fist, Southbank Overseer Oscar Eisenhuth Montgomery III and Shi Lei of House Skettus, and more unusual arrivals such as the blackguard Boteler the Black and elf general Elanor Ginfer.  Neasa lured Dacethor into the Flame itself which then utterly consumed them both. Her allies then destroyed his army of fallen knights forever.  In honour of her sacrifice, Thomas Rayne of the Swords of Everlasting Light took a few young knights to the Old Court to become its new caretakers.  This proved a serendipitous move because they were absent from the catastrophe that later befell Moonglow Keep.

Sindisiwe Mbatha pleaded for allies to aid her quest to retrieve a relic of Ilmater deep in the Hollow to no avail.  She resolutely descended into the depths alone, and never returned.  Once again the stay of an Ilmaterite cleric in Hadrian proved tragically brief. 

Tyra Falk faithfully served in her new troll body as a Chosen of the Mother of All Monsters and with Gorag Skullcrusher became the shaman Biagrut's personal bodyguards.  Tyra presumably perished in the great volcanic eruption at Sullivan's Port.

Dear Reverend

I thank thee for this information.  I am aware of this site and will investigate immediately.  Should the dangers prove too great for me alone I shall retreat and seek allies. 

Sister Sindi Mbatha

Dear Reverend

I thank thee for thy reply.  I have been able to take care of my most immediate needs, that of, lodging, money and healing supplies.  However, I need to secure a relic of our faith to prove the viability of a church.

The people of Hadrian have had little exposure to the Broken God's teachings or lore.  Therefore they have as yet been unable to give me any indication of where a local relic of Ilmater may lie.  Is there anything in our Farenway library that mentions Ilmatari holy items in this part of Lower Netheril?  Even rumours and legends may provide me with a starting point.

Suffer thee well, Reverend Brother

Sister Sindi Mbatha

Dear Exalted Sufferer

In order to raise funds for our church in Hadrian, I have opened a stall to sell discounted healing supplies to both civilians and adventurers.  I am stocking it with a combination of items I have recovered from the villains of this region and those I have made myself.  I am told that many adventurers pass through Hadrian, but currently there are very few.  This concerns me, for adventurers often provide both reconnaissance and protection from various threats. 

An adventuring wizard did tell me he saw a grey healer's robe like the one my predecessor Sister Silias wore in the treasure hoard of a crypt in the woods to the east of Hadrian.  Whether it is in fact hers or not, I shall endeavour to retrieve it for it very likely belonged to one of our faith.

Sister Sindi Mbatha

Dear Exalted Sufferer

I have wonderful news for thee.  There is a vacant chapel within Hadrian which the city has given me permission to make use of under certain conditions.  They require me to obtain a relic of the Broken God, then presumably will allow me to purchase or hire the building.  I have begun searching these lands for a local item which will bear some relevance to these people.

The enclave above Hadrian, Valstiir, seems to be experiencing some sort of turmoil.  Currently it seems confined to the bowels beneath the citadel ("the Shelf" as the locals call it).  I expect a rise in unrest from this matter, and will do my utmost to aid any in need.

Sister Sindi Mbatha

Dear Exalted Sufferer

I have made landfall safely in the Lower Netheril settlement of Hadrian as instructed.  Thine judgement in sending me here was entirely astute.  This is a city of much misery.  I have vainly sought out my predecessor Sister Silias and can only assume her dead, missing or worse.  We both know she would never willingly abandon her mission.

The people here have endured much hardship and I have already found many injured workers to preach the Broken God's good word to.  For the time being, a lectern at the local drinking house must serve as my pulpit.  There are two charitable institutions here: Harvest Moon, apparently overseen by a knightly order, and Silver Shield.  The latter is a rather unsettling place bearing the trappings of a cult as much as a charity.  I assure thee I shall investigate both to ensure they are serving the needs of the people honestly. 

Give my blessings to my Adorned brothers and sisters,

Sister Sindi Mbatha

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Neasa Lawley: Champion of Hibernos
« on: April 21, 2020, 10:21:31 am »
The Eternal Flame burns once more!  The elves o' Nualla'n and the great dragon honoured their words t'me and did as they said they would.  Unfortunately my hopes that the other Swords o' Everlasting Light would share my inspiration in this moment did not come t'pass.  It looks like defendin' this place will fall to me and my allies outside the Swords.  What this means for my future in the Swords, I am not sure just yet. 

I have heard rumours 'bout something stirrin' at the ruins o' the liche's enclave around the time the flame was relit.  Perhaps Dacethar or his fallen fellows have awoken.  If so, I imagine they will be comin' for me and the Flame soon.  Tenshi will help me f'sure, maybe Belorfin and General Elanor too.  Hard not t'think o' the many others I wish were still here to face the comin' tide with me... Fjord, Aardyn, Lycaria, Shi, Oscar, Teuivae, Moose, Koi, Arthur...  and my comrades in the Swords. 

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Neasa Lawley: Champion of Hibernos
« on: April 01, 2020, 06:27:06 am »
At last, success be flowin' my way again.  We completed the task the great dragon set for me: to bring back a steed he once in error gave to Dacethar the Blasphemer.  Tenshi and Belorfin were the only people I felt I could completely trust, and they repaid that trust in spades. 

The horse had taken up residence near a village called Bayfalls, which the fallen Knights o' the Eternal Flame had once ravaged.  They saw my knightly livery and were immediately afraid.  I did my best t'put them at ease, and told them the horse could obviously tell if I had come in good faith for not, since it could tell that Dacethar was a dosser and bucked him right off.  We had to fight our way through a few packs o' orcs to find the horse, and I was grateful for the aid o' my allies.  We found a portal that was spawning mist-swathed orcs, presumably from the depths o' the Great Mine.  Belorfin destroyed it on the way back, but we all pondered who had put it there and why.

The horse accepted me, despite my doubts, and agreed t'let me ride it back to Bayfalls.  They were saddened that the magic steed would be leaving their area, though I promised that we would return.  Knights have treated those people terribly, and I must put that right somehow.  Now I just await the dragon's return, and hope that he will agree to relight the Eternal Flame f'me.  And then, I must take the next step to oul' Bresbane and hope he doesn't call me an eejit. 

Speakin' o' dragons, I met a new half-dragon in Hadrian today.  A silver one, name o' Alauriel.  With her silver hair and winged silhouette for one moment I thought it was Teuivae standin' at the side o' the pond.  Alauriel's got a very nice personality, fresh and positive.  But she's got very little inklin' about her heritage, and seemed just a bit lost.  She's workin' for House Reschotti, which seems a strange place for the progeny o' a metallic dragon.  Perhaps my gold friend will have some advice 'bout what she can do. 

I haven't seen Zahirra a few days.  Been wantin' to talk to her about the bounty the Church placed upon her fella Sjach.  She's probably right pissed at me for not just lettin' that matter die.  As if I could.  But Alauriel said Zahirra's really busy at the moment.  Zahirra's always deadly busy, so I'm not sure if it's even possible for her to be more busy than normal.  Maybe Zahirra's just got the shites with me and doesn't want t'see me no more?

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Neasa Lawley: Champion of Hibernos
« on: March 27, 2020, 06:46:08 am »
A most majestic creature whose aid I desperately be needin' has given me a task with which to prove m'self.  It sounds fairly straightforward, which is always a fair sign it's anythin' but.  There is a lot ridin' on this, which is yet another forgotten and unfinished tale the Golden God has chosen me to finish.  It's important to me personally, as well as to the region.  I've lost almost all faith in the local court, and this is the only solution t'that I can see now.  But if things go the way I hope it will change both me and the Swords profoundly.  I may have t'go my own way if the Swords don't like what I propose.   

I have no idea what t'expect in this hunt.  The Blasphemer himself could await me.  I'm not afraid o' anything.  I confronted Menner and the One without flinching after all... but that does not make me invincible.  I need help.  There is only one person I know I can completely trust on this, and that is Tenshi.  Fjord and Aardyn are gone.  There are a few others I think I can trust, and a few outright dossers I can't risk being anywhere near this.  Better to try and fail alongside the right people than succeed with those who will abuse a victory, I suppose. 

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Neasa Lawley: Champion of Hibernos
« on: March 01, 2020, 08:14:34 am »
I met with Petyr again.  It wasn't planned or nothin', Zahirra was just showin' me around her festival stalls when he strolled up to us.  She continued the tour for both o' us.  We sampled lots o' things, including some green paste dip that burned our mouths like acid.  Apparently people eat that for fun where Zahirra comes from!  Brutal. 

Still, was a nice experience.  Zahirra shared her dating woes (if you can call 'em that) with me... Sjach is back in the picture and she has Harlinger and one o' the elf brothers sweet on her too.  Much easier f'me with just one... Petyr bought me a lovely talisman I was too skint to buy for m'self.  Such a wonderful man!  We got just a little bit more comfortable with each other's company, and I love that neither o' us have to put on any false airs and graces with each other.  He's goin' to help with our Dame too.  I've taken a risk putting such trust in him, and I pray that my judgement is sound.  But this could be the breakthrough we need for her. 

Zahirra hinted that the Skettus lads are being dossers and are up to somethin' seedy.  I'd best check that out.  I need to talk to Shi anyway, and see where his head's at.  I know better than most how badly grief hits him. 

Journals & Backgrounds / Re: Neasa Lawley: Champion of Hibernos
« on: February 08, 2020, 10:13:51 pm »
There's a new half-celestial 'bout these parts.  A monastic, this one, and unlike Arariel and Teuivae he doesn't seem obsessed with gettin' into my knickers.  He knew my name, oddly enough... said he'd heard about what I'd done for Ara after her death.  Even called me a hero! Took me a whiles before I realised he wasn't slagging me, but meant what he said.  I've been workin' with Tenshi these past few days, and we have some common goals.  He reminds me a bit o' Moose.  Same knack for findin' danger o' the most bizarre sort. 

House Reschotti members have been wantin' my ear o' late about both personal and house matters.  I'm helpin' where I can, although the Order's interests don't always coincide with those o' the Reschotti.  Zahirra's in an awkward spot, and I sympathise with her.  There's another one called Harlinger who Tenshi and I took along on a patrol.  He acquitted himself well, and proved himself a good man to have at your side in battle... but there's somethin' strange 'bout him.  And his sword. 

But all this scribblin' is just a distraction.  I need to cure the Dame.  I don't know how the soddin' hell I'll do it, but I have to find a way.  Bloody Astley picked a shite time t' walk out...

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